Topic: Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

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FA – Nov 2024 – L1 – Q4- Preparation of Financial Statements for a Sole Trader

Prepare the Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position for a sole trader from given financial data and adjustments.

The following list of assets, liabilities, and equity as at 30 June 2023 was extracted from the books of Akuorkor, a sole trader:

Trial Balance as at 30 June 2023

Item GH¢
Plant and equipment – cost 100,000
Accumulated depreciation – Plant & Equipment 36,000
Office fixtures – cost 25,000
Accumulated depreciation – Office Fixtures 2,500
Inventory 15,250
Trade receivables and prepayments 17,500
Trade payables and accrued expenses 8,800
Bank overdraft 4,425
Loan (10% interest per annum) 47,500
Capital 58,525

Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ended 30 June 2024

Receipts GH¢
Capital introduced 11,000
Cash from customers 213,750
Total Receipts 224,750
Payments GH¢
Cash drawings (Note 5) 11,225
Loan repayments (Note 7) 10,000
Payment to suppliers 87,800
Rent 11,000
Wages 45,000
Office expenses 6,250
Total Payments 171,275

Additional Information:

  1. Closing inventory on 30 June 2024 was GH¢13,925.
  2. Depreciation policies:
    • Plant & Equipment: 20% per annum reducing balance.
    • Office Equipment: 10% per annum on cost.
    • Fixtures & Fittings: Straight-line method over 4 years with a full year’s charge in the year of acquisition.
  3. GH¢2,500 worth of fixtures & fittings was introduced into the business.
  4. Prepayments and accrued expenses as at 30 June 2023:
    • Rent paid in advance: GH¢1,250
    • Accrued wages: GH¢2,150
  5. Cash drawings included:
    • Wages: GH¢3,375
    • Payments to suppliers: GH¢2,100
    • Advertising leaflets: GH¢1,300 (Half not yet distributed).
  6. Bank balance per statement: GH¢53,350 after adjusting for unpresented cheques.
  7. Loan repayments include GH¢4,750 in interest payments.
  8. Assets and liabilities as at 30 June 2024:
    • Rent paid in advance: GH¢1,350
    • Accrued wages: GH¢2,625
    • Amounts due to suppliers: GH¢6,100
    • Amounts due from customers: GH¢11,150
  9. Major customer went into liquidation owing GH¢8,000; only 20% recoverable.


i) Statement of Profit or Loss for Akuorkor for the year ended 30 June 2024
ii) Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2024.

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FA – Mar 2024 – L1 – Q4 – Non-current assets and depreciation | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Prepare the Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position for Kontiba Enterprise, including necessary adjustments.

Kontiba Enterprise

Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 30 September 2023

The following information is also available:
1) Only 10 months’ salaries are shown in the Trial Balance. An equal amount is paid for
salaries for each month of the year.
2) As at 30 September 2023, GH¢2,560 had been prepaid for insurance, whilst GH¢328 was
owing for general expenses.
3) GH¢3,680 had been charged to general expenses for the owner’s private holiday.
4) As at 30 September 2023, inventory was valued at GH¢18,000.
5) A customer, owing GH¢4,032 has been declared bankrupt. This amount is to be written
off in full.
6) An allowance for receivables is to be maintained at 3% of the receivables balance.
7) As at 30 September 2023, the business’s land was valued at GH¢80,000. Land is not
8) Depreciation is to be provided as follows:
Buildings: 4% per annum using the straight line method.
Equipment: 25% per annum using the straight line method.
Page 7 of 20

Motor vehicles: 40% per annum using the reducing balance method.
9) There were no additions or disposals of non-current assets during the financial year.

i) Prepare the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 2023. (10 marks)
ii) Prepare the statement of financial position as at 30 September 2023. (10 marks)

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FA – April 2022 – L1 – Q4 – Accruals and prepayments | Bad and doubtful debt | Non-current assets and depreciation | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Preparation of the Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position for a sole trader, including adjustments for depreciation, doubtful debts, and prepayments.

The following trial balance was extracted from the books of Nsaa Zolko, a sole trader, on 31 December 2020:

Account Debit (GHȼ) Credit (GHȼ)
Land 251,200
Equipment 202,220
Accumulated depreciation on equipment 62,830
Inventory 49,620
Receivable and Payable 124,200 104,350
Value Added Tax (refund due) 10,320
Deposit on rented premises (security deposit) 17,900
Bank and Cash balances 15,640
Allowance for doubtful debt 11,250
Tax Liability 7,420
Business Rent 30,000
Sales 804,500
Purchases 390,200
Returns 8,300 7,500
Discount 4,300 6,240
Distribution and Advertising 8,900
Power 4,200
Communication 1,540
Insurance 22,500
Wages and Salaries 164,380
Employers Social Security contribution 16,560
4% Long term loan 182,500
Long term loan interest 3,520
Bad debt 2,240
Drawings 10,580
Retained Earnings 44,820
Capital 103,710
Suspense 3,200
Total 1,338,320 1,338,320

Additional Information: i) The inventory count as at 31 December 2020 showed closing inventory value at GHȼ42,390. ii) Nsaa Zolko has agreed an annual rent of GHȼ40,000 with his landlord. iii) Included in insurance above is an amount of GHȼ18,000 paid to insure the equipment. The policy year ends 28 February 2021. iv) Nsaa Zolko has specific concerns over GHȼ5,120 of receivables balance and wishes to set up a specific provision with respect to these balances. The general provision on the remaining receivable balance should be at 5%. v) Depreciation is to be charged as follows:

  • Land: No Provision
  • Equipment: 15% reducing balance method (Depreciation should be calculated to the nearest whole number). vi) The suspense account balance above relates to sales of GHȼ1,600 which was recorded as purchases in error. The receivables and payables balances are correct.

a) Prepare a Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31 December 2020.
(10 marks)

b) Prepare a Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2020.
(10 marks)

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FA – Nov 2021 – L1 – Q4 – Bad and doubtful debt | Inventory | Non-current assets and depreciation | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Preparation of the Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position for a sole trader, including adjustments for depreciation, inventory, and receivables.

Additional Information:
i) The inventory count on 30 June 2019 showed closing inventory valued at GHȼ34,380.
ii) A review of receivables as at 30 June 2019 showed that a further GHȼ2,300 was to be written off as an irrecoverable debt. Therefore, it was decided that the closing allowance for receivables was 10% of the outstanding receivables balance as at 30 June 2019.
iii) On 30 June 2019, Sintim received a cheque of GHȼ1,680 in relation to an irrecoverable debt previously written off.
iv) A supplier of Sintim has charged an interest of GHȼ1,490 on a payable balance that has been outstanding for over 200 days.
v) GHȼ16,000 of insurance in the trial balance above relates to 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019.
vi) Allowance to be made for depreciation is as follows:

  • Land: Not depreciated.
  • Delivery van: 10% straight line basis.
    vii) Upon investigation, it was revealed that the balance in the suspense account relates to a cash receipt from a customer of GHȼ800 that was credited to the bank account in error.

a) Prepare the statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 30 June 2019.
(12 marks)
b) Prepare the statement of Financial Position as at that date.
(8 marks)

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FA – Nov 2020 – L1 – Q4 – Accruals and prepayments | Inventory | Non-current assets and depreciation | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Preparation of the income statement and statement of financial position for a sole trader with adjustments for inventory, accruals, prepayments, depreciation, and other relevant adjustments.

Kofi Badu, a sole trader, extracted the following Trial Balance from the business books as of 30 April 2019:

The following information is also relevant:
i) The closing inventory as at 30 April 2019 was valued at GH¢8,010.
ii) As at 30 April 2019, accrued rent income for the year amounted to GH¢420; heat and light accrued was GH¢260; whilst salaries of GH¢720 was paid in advance.
iii) During the year, Kofi Badu had withdrawn goods costing GH¢720 for his personal use. This had not been recorded in the accounts.
iv) New equipment costing GH¢2,650 was purchased during the year but had been mistakenly included in purchases. This is yet to be corrected.
v) A cheque for GH¢440 received from a customer in full settlement of a debt of GH¢450 has not yet been entered in the accounts.
vi) Allowance for doubtful debt is to be maintained at 2% of receivables.
vii) Depreciation is to be provided for as follows:

  • Equipment- 20% per annum using the straight-line method. A full year’s depreciation is provided on all equipment held at 30 April 2019, regardless of the date of purchase.
  • Motor vehicles- 40% per annum using the reducing balance method.

a) Prepare a statement of profit or loss for Kofi Badu for the year ended 30 April 2019.
(12 marks)

b) Prepare a statement of financial position for Kofi Badu as at 30 April 2019.

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FA – May 2020 – L1 – Q4 – Preparations of accounts from Incomplete Records | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

This question involves preparing a statement of profit or loss and a statement of financial position for a sole trader from incomplete records.

On 30 June 2019, the accounting records of Kofi, a sole trader, were partly destroyed by fire. The following list of assets, liabilities, and equity as at 30 June 2018 is available:

Assets, Liabilities, and Equity Amount (GH¢)
Plant and equipment – cost 200,000
– Accumulated depreciation 72,000
Office fixtures– cost 50,000
– Accumulated depreciation 5,000
Inventory 30,500
Trade receivables and prepayments – Note (iv) 35,000
Trade payables and accrued expenses – Note (iv) 17,600
Bank overdraft 8,850
Loan (10% interest per annum) 95,000
Capital 117,050

The following summary of receipts and payments for the year to 30 June 2019 has been extracted from the bank statements:

Receipts Amount (GH¢)
Capital introduced 22,000
From credit customers 427,500
Payments Amount (GH¢)
Cash drawings – Note (v) 22,450
Loan repayments – Note (vii) 20,000
To credit suppliers 175,600
Rent 22,000
Wages 90,000
Office expenses 12,500

In preparing the statement of profit or loss and statement of financial position at 30 June 2019, the following further information is relevant:

i) Inventory at 30 June 2019 was GH¢27,850.
ii) Depreciation is to be provided as follows:

  • Plant and equipment 20% per annum, reducing balance basis
  • Office equipment 10% per annum on cost
    iii) During the year, Kofi introduced a motor vehicle valued at GH¢5,000 into the business. It is to be depreciated over 4 years on the straight-line basis with a full year’s depreciation charge in the year of acquisition.
    iv) Prepayments and accrued expenses as at 30 June 2018 were:
  • Rent paid in advance GH¢2,500
  • Accrued wages GH¢4,300
    v) Cash drawings during the year included GH¢6,750 for wages, GH¢4,200 for cash payments to suppliers, and GH¢2,600 for advertising leaflets (of which half are yet to be distributed). The remainder was Kofi’s personal expenditure.
    vi) The bank balance per the bank statement as at 30 June 2019 after adjusting for unpresented cheques was GH¢106,700. Any difference is assumed to be cash takings (i.e., in respect of cash sales).
    vii) Loan repayments include interest amounting to GH¢9,500.
    viii) At 30 June 2019 the following assets and liabilities existed:
  • Rent paid in advance GH¢2,700
  • Accrued wages GH¢5,250
  • Amounts due to suppliers GH¢12,200
  • Amounts due from customers GH¢22,300
    ix) On 3 July 2019, Kofi’s major customer, Yaw, went into liquidation owing GH¢16,000. A statement from the customer’s liquidator indicates that Kofi should expect to recover 20 pesewas for every GH¢1 owing.

Prepare Kofi’s statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 June 2019 and a statement of financial position as at that date. Ignore taxation. (20 marks)

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FA – May 2020 – L1 – Q1 – Double entry bookkeeping | Non-current assets and depreciation | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

This question requires preparing ledger accounts related to depreciation, disposal, and asset balances for Tansah Ltd.

a) Write a short note to a client explaining the following issues:

i) Outline the differences between Cost and Management Accounting and Financial Accounting. (3 marks)

ii) Explain FOUR (4) roles of an Accountant in an organization. (4 marks)

iii) Outline SIX (6) key information provided by a Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income and the Statement of Financial Position. (3 marks)

b) At 1 July 2017, the following information was extracted from the books of Tansah Ltd:
Non-current assets at cost:

Reference Description Amount (GH¢)
M1 Machinery 25,000
E1 & E2 Equipment 15,400
MV1 Motor Vehicle 18,500

Provision for depreciation:

Reference Description Amount (GH¢)
M1 Machinery 18,500
E1 & E2 Equipment 8,600
MV1 Motor Vehicle 6,500

During the financial year ended 30 June 2018, the following transactions took place:

Date Description Reference Amount (GH¢)
1 April 2018 Machinery M2 M2 10,800
1 January 2018 Equipment E3 E3 6,800


Reference Description Purchase Date Disposal Date Original Cost (GH¢) Sale Proceeds (GH¢)
E2 Equipment 1 January 2015 31 March 2018 7,200 6,400

All transactions took place through the bank account.

Depreciation rates per annum:

  • Machinery: 10% straight line on cost
  • Equipment: 12.5% straight line on cost
  • Motor Vehicle: 15% reducing balance

Depreciation for new assets commences in the month in which the asset is acquired.

For Tansah Ltd, prepare the following ledger accounts for the year ended 30 June 2018:

i) Provision for Depreciation of Machinery (2 marks)
ii) Provision for Depreciation of Equipment (4 marks)
iii) Disposal of Equipment (3 marks)
iv) Motor vehicle (1 mark)

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FA – Nov 2018 – L1 – Q7 – Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader | Preparation of limited liability company financial statements

Explain the advantages of a limited liability company over a sole proprietorship and describe different types of shares and debentures.

a) State FOUR (4) advantages a Limited Liability Company has over a Sole Proprietorship.
(6 marks)

b) Explain the following:
i) Issued Shares
ii) Preference Shares
iii) Ordinary Shares
iv) Debentures
(14 marks)

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FA – Nov 2017 – L1 – Q6 – Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Prepare the Bar Trading Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Statement of Financial Position for Sun City Social Club for the year ended December 31, 2015.

The following details are available from the books of Sun City Social Club.

Summary of Bank Account for 31 December 2015

Additional Information:

i) Equipment is to be depreciated at 20%.
ii) One-tenth of life membership fees is to be credited to the Income and Expenditure Account each year.
iii) The bar keeper who had handled bar sales all for cash had disappeared, taking with him some monies. It was not known how much money he had stolen, but all bar sales were sold at a profit of 33 1/3 % on cost price.
iv) The cash stolen should be credited to the Bar Trading Account and debited to the Income and Expenditure Account.


a) Prepare a Bar Trading Account for the year ended 2015. (7 marks)
b) Prepare an Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 December 2015. (7 marks)
c) Prepare a Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2015. (6 marks)


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FA – May 2017 – L1 – Q3 – Bank reconciliations | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Preparation of adjusted cash book, bank reconciliation, and corrected net profit statement for Unity Trading Enterprise.

The Income Statement of Unity Trading Enterprise (UTE) for the year ended 31 December 2016 as prepared by an Accounts Assistant indicated a net profit of GH¢49,360,000. However, the cash book on 31 December 2016 showed a balance at bank to be GH¢6,440,000. Your attention is however drawn to the following:

i) Cheques from customers totaling GH¢4,980,000 which were recorded in the cash book on 20 December 2016 were actually not credited by the bank until 2 January 2017.

ii) Cheques issued on 13 December 2016 totaling GH¢7,420,000 in favour of suppliers were actually not paid by the bank until after the end of the year (that is after 31 December 2016).

iii) On 22 November 2016, the bank paid an amount of GH¢3,600,000 with respect to a standing order from UTE for rent of business premises for the three months to 31 January 2017 but unfortunately, no entry for this payment had been made in the cash book. Additionally, no provision of this outstanding rent had been made in the income statement for the period.

iv) On 31 December 2016, a customer known as Mr. Abuusu had paid GH¢2,340,000 into UTE bank account through a standing order to his bankers in full settlement of a debit balance of GH¢2,400,000 in UTE sale ledger, but no entry had been made in the books.

v) On 30 December 2016, a cheque for GH¢480,000 was received from a customer in settlement of sales invoice for the same amount. The cheques were lodged into UTE bank account. Both sale of goods and the cheque were entered in UTE’s books. However, on 31 December 2016, the customer returned the goods and also instructed her bankers not to pay the cheque (This instruction was carried out the same day) but no entries in respect of these latter developments have been made in UTE’s books. The cost of these goods amounting to GH¢320,000 were not actually included in the closing inventories.

vi) A cheque for GH¢840,000 from an insurance company in settlement of claim for fire damage to inventory had been paid into the bank and credited by the bank on 21 December 2016, but an estimated amount of GH¢800,000 had been entered in UTE’s income statement.

a) Prepare a statement on 31 December 2016, indicating clearly the cash book balance. (5 marks)

b) Prepare the bank reconciliation statement for UTE. (5 marks)

c) Prepare a statement of corrected net profit of UTE on 31 December 2016. (5 marks)

d) Explain TWO reasons for carrying out bank reconciliation. (2 marks)

e) Explain why the bank statement is usually taken as being more accurate than the details that appear in the company’s own records. (2 marks)

f) Indicate how the bank balance will be reported in UTE’s final accounts. (1 mark)

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FA – Nov 2016 – L1 – Q3 – Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Preparation of Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position for a sole trader from given trial balance and additional information.

BBT, a sole trader, prepared the following Trial Balance from his accounts on 30th September 2016.

Dr (GHȼ) Cr (GHȼ)
Sales 181,200
Sales returns 1,810
Purchases 79,310
Discounts received 1,520
Carriage outwards 420
Rent and rates 30,800
Insurance 780
Salaries 20,400
Motor expenses 6,200
General expenses 7,450
Irrecoverable debts 240
Allowance for receivables 280
Drawings 12,100
Loan interest 600
10% Loan 8,000
Motor vehicles 20,000
Accumulated depreciation for motor vehicles 7,600
Equipment 48,050
Accumulated depreciation for Equipment 15,890
Inventory at 1st October 2015 6,200
Receivables 15,000
Payables 16,120
Bank 1,250
Capital 20,000
250,610 250,610

The following information is also available: i) The closing inventory as at 30th September 2016 was valued at GHȼ6,480. At 30th September 2016, loan interest owing amounted to GHȼ200; rent owing was GHȼ450; whilst insurance was prepaid by GHȼ120. ii) BBT had included his son’s school fees of GHȼ1,400 in general expenses. iii) Receivables have been analysed as follows:

Current month 8,000
30 to 60 days 4,000
60 to 90 days 2,000
Over 90 days 1,000

Allowance to be made for receivables is as follows:
30 to 60 days: 1%
60 to 90 days: 2.5%
Over 90 days 5%: (after writing off GHȼ500)

iv) One half of the 10% loan is repayable during the year ending 30th September
2016, and the balance after that date.
v) Depreciation is to be provided for as follows.

  • Equipment: 10% per annum on cost using the straight line method. There were no additions or disposals during the year.
  • Motor vehicles: 20% per annum by the reducing balance method. There were no additions or disposals during the year.


a) Prepare, for BBT, the Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30th September 2016. (12 marks)

b) Prepare, for BBT, the Statement of Financial Position as at 30th September 2016. (8 marks)


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FA – May 2016 – L1 – Q4 -Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader | IAS 7: Statement of cash flows

Prepare an adjusted cash book, a bank reconciliation statement, and discuss the benefits of reconciling cash book and bank statement balances.

The Statements of Financial Position for the last two years for AO Ltd are shown below. AO Ltd implemented an expansion programme during the year ended 31st May 2015.

Additional information:
i) The total depreciation provision incorporated in the statements of financial position was GH¢48,000 at 31st May 2014 and GH¢122,000 at 31st May 2015.
ii) During the year ended 31st May 2015, a non-current asset costing GH¢22,000 with a carrying amount of GH¢6,000 was sold for GH¢1,000. No other disposals took place.
iii) The revaluation surplus represents a revaluation of premises during the year ended 31st May 2015.

a) Prepare a Statement of Cash Flows for AO Ltd for the year ended 31st May 2015 in accordance with IAS 7. (Use the indirect method). (12 marks)
b) State the effects of the expansion policy on AO Ltd. (8 marks)

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FA – May 2016 – L1 – Q1 – Accruals and prepayments | Bad and doubtful debt | Preparation of financial statements of a sole trader

Prepare income statement and balance sheet, identify and explain accounting concepts related to specific adjustments.

Asomdwee Enterprise is run by a sole trader. The following Trial Balance was prepared from the business accounts on 30th September 2015:

Account Dr (GH¢) Cr (GH¢)
Capital 185,280
Inventory 24,200
Sales 421,450
Purchases 167,350
Purchase returns 6,040
Electricity 2,230
Discounts allowed 2,420
Discounts received 4,270
Motor expenses 1,580
Drawings 32,000
Bank 24,511
Salaries 108,000
Insurance 15,400
Receivables 110,140
Irrecoverable debts 1,420
Allowance for receivables 3,153
Payables 76,288
General expenses 6,780
9% Loan (2012-2019) 150,000
Loan interest 12,000
Land and buildings 340,000
Accumulated depreciation – buildings 26,000
Equipment 22,000
Accumulated depreciation – equipment 10,300
Motor vehicles 26,000
Accumulated depreciation – motor vehicles 13,250
Total 896,031 896,031

The following information is also available:
i) Only 10 months’ salaries are shown in the Trial Balance. An equal amount is paid for salaries for each month of the year.
ii) As at 30th September 2015, GH¢3,200 had been prepaid for insurance, whilst GH¢410 was owing for general expenses.
iii) GH¢4,600 had been charged to general expenses for the owner’s private holiday.
iv) As at 30th September 2015, inventory was valued at GH¢22,500.
v) A customer, owing GH¢5,040, has been declared bankrupt. This amount is to be written off in full.
vi) An allowance for receivables is to be maintained at 3% of the remaining receivables.
vii) As at 30th September 2015, the business’s land was valued at GH¢100,000. Land is not depreciated.
viii) Depreciation is to be provided as follows:

  • Buildings: 4% per annum using the straight-line method.
  • Equipment: 25% per annum using the straight-line method.
  • Motor vehicles: 40% per annum using the reducing balance method.
    ix) There were no additions or disposals of non-current assets during the financial year.

a) Prepare the Income Statement for the year ended 30th September 2015. (8 marks)
b) Prepare the Statement of Financial Position as at 30th September 2015. (6 marks)
c) i) Identify the accounting concept involved in each of the footnotes/items (i), (iii), and (v). (3 marks)
ii) Explain the correct accounting treatment in each case. (3 marks)

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