Topic: Independence of Internal Auditors

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AA – Nov 2022 – L2 – Q5 – Internal Audit Necessity

Explanation on internal audit necessity, maintaining independence, and internal audit limitations.

In the apex bank‟s regulatory supervisory report to Dutse Bank Limited, the management has been directed to ensure institution of an Internal Audit Unit. Prior to this time, the bank believed that internal audit staff might be colluding with other staff to suppress information on fraudulent transactions and as such the desired result might not be achieved. Apart from this, it was considered that savings could be made from transport, hotel and other allowances to be paid to staff when on official assignments. The independent auditor had earlier mentioned the need for this in the audit report but management was of the view that it is acceptable to cross-train employees in different departments to be able to audit departments other than their own. In the opinion of management, this
will provide a more independent and unbiased view through checks and balances. The audit function they perform through multitasking will best add value to the progress of the organisation. It is also the belief of management that the basic processes of both accounting and auditing are similar. The two systems use essentially the same procedures and techniques of bookkeeping, computation and analysis. To them, accounting and auditing strive to ensure that the financial statements and records provide a fair reflection of the actual financial position of an organisation. Both activities are inter-related and go hand in hand, especially in setting up processes in the organisation, hence, there is no need for any Internal Audit Unit or duplication of efforts.
As the independent auditor of the bank, you were shown the regulatory supervisory report and you have been asked to make presentation to the Board of Directors on the necessity for the Internal Audit Unit in the bank.

a. Explain the need for the internal audit functions in an organisation. (5 Marks)
b. State the various measures that can be taken to protect the independence of internal auditors. (5 Marks)
c. Explain the weaknesses and limitations of internal audit. (5 Marks)

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AA – Nov 2022 – L2 – Q5 – Internal Audit Necessity

Explanation on internal audit necessity, maintaining independence, and internal audit limitations.

In the apex bank‟s regulatory supervisory report to Dutse Bank Limited, the management has been directed to ensure institution of an Internal Audit Unit. Prior to this time, the bank believed that internal audit staff might be colluding with other staff to suppress information on fraudulent transactions and as such the desired result might not be achieved. Apart from this, it was considered that savings could be made from transport, hotel and other allowances to be paid to staff when on official assignments. The independent auditor had earlier mentioned the need for this in the audit report but management was of the view that it is acceptable to cross-train employees in different departments to be able to audit departments other than their own. In the opinion of management, this
will provide a more independent and unbiased view through checks and balances. The audit function they perform through multitasking will best add value to the progress of the organisation. It is also the belief of management that the basic processes of both accounting and auditing are similar. The two systems use essentially the same procedures and techniques of bookkeeping, computation and analysis. To them, accounting and auditing strive to ensure that the financial statements and records provide a fair reflection of the actual financial position of an organisation. Both activities are inter-related and go hand in hand, especially in setting up processes in the organisation, hence, there is no need for any Internal Audit Unit or duplication of efforts.
As the independent auditor of the bank, you were shown the regulatory supervisory report and you have been asked to make presentation to the Board of Directors on the necessity for the Internal Audit Unit in the bank.

a. Explain the need for the internal audit functions in an organisation. (5 Marks)
b. State the various measures that can be taken to protect the independence of internal auditors. (5 Marks)
c. Explain the weaknesses and limitations of internal audit. (5 Marks)

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