- 10 Marks
FA – Nov 2024 – L1 – Q3a – Correction of Errors
Identify and correct accounting errors using journal entries, suspense account, and revised profit calculations.
The trial balance for Aboadze Ltd for the year ended 31 December 2022 failed to agree, showing a difference of GH¢3,600, which was credited to the suspense account. The draft account reported a net profit of GH¢435,000.
During 2023, the following errors were identified:
- GH¢30,000 received from the sale of old machinery was incorrectly recorded in the sales account.
- The purchase day book was overstated by GH¢48,000.
- A private purchase by the director worth GH¢36,000 was included in the company’s purchases.
- Bank charges of GH¢14,400 were recorded in the cash book but not posted to the bank charges account.
- A sale of GH¢207,000 to Kofi was correctly entered in the sales day book but posted as GH¢270,000 in the personal account.
- Discount received of GH¢13,500 was incorrectly posted to the debit side of the discount allowed account.
- Wages of GH¢120,000 paid were not posted from the cash book.
i) Show the journal entries to correct the errors.
ii) Write up the suspense account to eliminate the errors.
iii) Prepare a statement to show the revised profit.
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