- 10 Marks
AA – Nov 2023 – L2 – Q3a – Audit and Assurance Evidence
This question asks for four substantive testing methods that could detect fraud in the accounts payable balance.
Automech Ltd is a manufacturer of automotive parts based in Ghana. The company’s accountant has been manipulating the accounts payable balance by teeming and lading to misrepresent the financial position of the company. The accountant has been recording fictitious invoices and payments to suppliers to increase the accounts payable balance and misrepresent the company’s expenses.
The external auditor, who was engaged to audit the financial statements of the company, performed substantive testing for transaction cycles and verification procedures for assets, liabilities, and equity items. However, the auditor failed to identify the risk of teeming and lading in the accounts payable balance.
During the audit, the auditor reviewed the accounts payable balance and performed confirmation procedures to verify the balance with the suppliers. However, the accountant had provided the auditor with fake confirmation responses, and the auditor failed to detect the fraud.
Although the financial statements of Automech Ltd were misstated, the Auditor issued an unqualified opinion, stating that the financial statements were presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. After the audit, the fraud was discovered by a whistle-blower, and the accountant was fired. The company’s reputation was damaged, and the external auditor faced legal action for failing to detect the fraud.
State and explain FOUR (4) substantive testing that would have detected the fraud being perpetuated by the Accountant.
(10 marks)
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