Question Tag: Technology Adoption

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ATAX – May 2023 – L3 – Q2 – Emerging Trends in Taxation

Discuss risks, mitigation measures, roles, benefits, and challenges of technology in accounting and tax practice.

Tax legislations are becoming increasingly complex, creating more risks for professional accountants and tax practitioners. The role of technology in running a contemporary accounting firm and/or tax practice is evolving rapidly, bringing new layers of complexity and regulatory pressure.

Your firm of chartered accountants is organizing an in-house training for the newly employed audit officers. You have been mandated by the Senior Partner to prepare a paper on: “Risk and Role of Technology in Accounting/Tax Practice.”


As the paper presenter, prepare a paper for the training addressing the following:

(a) Risks of running a professional accounting firm and/or tax practice (4 Marks)
(b) Measures to mitigate the identified risks (5 Marks)
(c) Roles of technology in running a contemporary accounting/tax practice (3 Marks)
(d) Benefits and challenges of adopting technology by professionals in accounting firms and/or tax practices (8 Marks)

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BMIS – May 2021 – L1 – Q3 – Operations strategy | HR – Training and development

Explain why ensuring the highest quality standards was necessary and the benefits of training for a pharmaceutical company developing a vaccine.

Anta Zene is a British pharmaceutical company that partnered with Forox University to develop a vaccine to combat the Coronavirus spread in the United Kingdom and other countries. Even though the vaccine was ready in August 2020, it had to pass through all the needed quality control systems of the British drug regulator to ensure that it would meet the highest quality standards. The vaccine was eventually approved by the drug regulators on 29 December 2020. The company conducted a training programme for its employees and about 5,000 volunteers to ensure the effective implementation of the vaccination programme.

a) Why was it necessary for the British drug regulator to ensure that the vaccine was of the highest quality standards? Explain your answer with FIVE (5) reasons. (10 marks)
b) Explain FIVE (5) benefits the company would derive from the training programme. (10 marks)

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ATAX – May 2023 – L3 – Q2 – Emerging Trends in Taxation

Discuss risks, mitigation measures, roles, benefits, and challenges of technology in accounting and tax practice.

Tax legislations are becoming increasingly complex, creating more risks for professional accountants and tax practitioners. The role of technology in running a contemporary accounting firm and/or tax practice is evolving rapidly, bringing new layers of complexity and regulatory pressure.

Your firm of chartered accountants is organizing an in-house training for the newly employed audit officers. You have been mandated by the Senior Partner to prepare a paper on: “Risk and Role of Technology in Accounting/Tax Practice.”


As the paper presenter, prepare a paper for the training addressing the following:

(a) Risks of running a professional accounting firm and/or tax practice (4 Marks)
(b) Measures to mitigate the identified risks (5 Marks)
(c) Roles of technology in running a contemporary accounting/tax practice (3 Marks)
(d) Benefits and challenges of adopting technology by professionals in accounting firms and/or tax practices (8 Marks)

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BMIS – May 2021 – L1 – Q3 – Operations strategy | HR – Training and development

Explain why ensuring the highest quality standards was necessary and the benefits of training for a pharmaceutical company developing a vaccine.

Anta Zene is a British pharmaceutical company that partnered with Forox University to develop a vaccine to combat the Coronavirus spread in the United Kingdom and other countries. Even though the vaccine was ready in August 2020, it had to pass through all the needed quality control systems of the British drug regulator to ensure that it would meet the highest quality standards. The vaccine was eventually approved by the drug regulators on 29 December 2020. The company conducted a training programme for its employees and about 5,000 volunteers to ensure the effective implementation of the vaccination programme.

a) Why was it necessary for the British drug regulator to ensure that the vaccine was of the highest quality standards? Explain your answer with FIVE (5) reasons. (10 marks)
b) Explain FIVE (5) benefits the company would derive from the training programme. (10 marks)

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