- 20 Marks
TAX – Nov 2020 – L1 – SA – Q6 – Tax Administration and Enforcement
: State the contents of a tax return, conditions for TCC issuance, and transactions requiring TCC.
All limited liability companies in Nigeria shall at least once in a year without notice or demand from the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), file a return with the FIRS in a prescribed form which contains the relevant information and documents.
In Nigeria, a tax clearance certificate (TCC) is issued only upon the application by the taxpayer. Therefore, in issuing the certificate, the relevant tax authority would have satisfied itself that the tax assessed on the income of the applicant for the three years immediately preceding the current year of assessment has been fully paid, or that no tax is due on such income, or that the applicant is not liable to tax for any of the three years.
a. State FOUR contents of a tax return. (8 Marks)
b. State THREE conditions precedent for the issuance of a TCC. (6 Marks)
c. State SIX transactions for which a TCC is required. (6 Marks)
Total: 20 Marks
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