- 11 Marks
ATAX – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q5b – Tax Incentives and Reliefs
Calculates tax liabilities for a pioneer company and withholding tax on dividends during the pioneer period.
Ajanaku Nigeria Limited was incorporated as a pioneer company on March 15, 2011, focusing on aluminum roofing sheets. It received a Pioneer Certificate with Production Day as July 1, 2011. Extracts from its Audited Financial Statements are as follows:
Gross dividends declared:
- 2013: N600,000
- 2014: N1,500,000
Withholding tax rate on dividends for these years is 10%. Ignore Minimum Tax provisions. The initial tax relief period was not extended.
You are required to:
- Compute the tax liabilities for the relevant years of assessment relating to Pioneer Status only.
- State the amount of Withholding Tax due from the shareholders. (11 Marks)
Find Related Questions by Tags, levels, etc.
- Tags: Adjusted Profit, Dividends, Pioneer Status, Tax exemption, Withholding Tax
- Level: Level 3
- Topic: Tax Incentives and Reliefs
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