- 10 Marks
BL – Nov 2015 – L2 – SB – Q5a – Employment Law
Advise on employee rights under Nigerian Labour Law and explain grounds for summary dismissal.
a. Professor John was appointed under the Establishment Law of XYZ University in Nigeria. The law of the University is a chapter in the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria. Six months ago, Professor John disagreed with the Vice-Chancellor on some policy issues. Two weeks ago, the Vice-Chancellor sacked him without recourse to the relevant organs of the University, claiming that as the Vice Chancellor, he had the power to summarily dismiss any staff of the University. Professor John has approached you for advice on the matter.
i. Advise Professor John on his rights under the Nigerian Labour Law.
(5 Marks)
ii. Explain TWO grounds upon which an employee may be summarily dismissed.
(5 Marks)
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- Tags: abour Law, Employee Rights, Employment Law, Summary Dismissal
- Level: Level 1
- Topic: Employment law
- Series: NOV 2015
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