- 20 Marks
BMIS – May 2021 – L1 – Q5 – Motivation | Management and leadership
Explain five benefits of a well-motivated workforce and identify two basic schools of thought in leadership.
The board members of Bliss Ltd, at a meeting held last week, were shocked to hear the Director of Finance comment that she did not understand why management continuously spends thousands of Ghana cedis in organizing monthly staff retreats with its attendant loss of man hours, all in the name of what they call “worker motivation.”
As a Management Professional on the board, you have decided to educate the Director of Finance and other like-minded Managers of the company on the need to have a motivated group of employees.
a) Explain to the Director of Finance FIVE (5) benefits of a well-motivated workforce to a business organization. (15 marks)
b) Identify and explain TWO (2) basic schools of thought in Leadership. (5 marks)
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- Tags: Employee Motivation, Leadership Theories, Productivity, Staff Turnover, Trait Theory
- Level: Level 1
- Topic: Management and leadership, Motivation
- Series: MAY 2021