- 10 Marks
SCS – Dec 2022 – L3 – Q7 – Strategy, stakeholders, and mission
Explanation of required corporate disclosures and measures to maximise shareholder engagement in a listed company.
The Ghana Code of Best Practices for Corporate Governance specifies a number of disclosures that should be included in an annual report of a listed company, in addition to those required by law or other regulations. The new CEO has presented a paper to the Board recommending that the company should go public to raise some equity capital to partially finance its expansion plans. The listing of the company would result in an increased number of shareholders.
a) Explain to the Board SIX (6) statements that must be disclosed in the annual report of TCWL after listing on the Ghana Stock Exchange. (6 marks)
b) The Code of Best Practices recommends measures that aim at maximising attendance and involvement by shareholders in the company. Briefly discuss FOUR (4) of those measures. (4 marks)
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