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AA – Nov 2021 – L2 – Q3b – Professional and Ethical Considerations

Discusses the threats and safeguards related to a former Finance Director reviewing audit work for their former company.

Ackah Senzu had been the Finance Director of Keke Ltd for the immediate past eight years, influencing all the major financial policies of the company. Last year, he moved to Plus Associates, an audit firm, as a Partner. The Directors of Keke Ltd then appointed Plus Associates as their auditors because of the strong relationship with Ackah Senzu. The Senior Partner assumed the engagement responsibility of the audit of Keke Ltd but asked Ackah Senzu to review the audit work.

Discuss the threats and safeguards of this decision.

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AAA – May 2016 – L3 – Q1b – Professional responsibility and liability | Rules of professional conduct

Identify and evaluate ethical threats in an audit engagement and recommend safeguards to mitigate these threats.

Dibidibi & Co., an audit and assurance firm, has been engaged as auditors for BCG Bank Ltd, a public limited liability company, for some time now. BCG Bank has sixty branches throughout the country and branches in Togo, Burkina Faso, and Cote d’Ivoire. The Bank is one of the banks in the country which can boast of large landed properties. Dibidibi & Co. receives about 20% of its income from this particular client. Before last year’s audit, the bank engaged the audit firm to value its Land and Buildings in all its branches and headquarters. This work was executed by the audit firm and a report has been issued to management. The report has been incorporated in this year’s financial statements to be audited soon. Dibidibi & Co. sees BCG Bank Ltd. as a very important client whose works are always executed with dispatch.

i) Identify and evaluate the significance of any threats to the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants raised in the case. (4 marks)

ii) Recommend safeguards to eliminate the threats (mentioned in (i) above) or reduce them to an acceptable level. (6 marks)

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AAA – May 2020 – L3 – Q1a -Rules of professional conduct, Professional responsibility and liability

Discuss five ethical issues arising for auditors when performing an audit engagement.

You are an audit manager at Abdulai Afriyie & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants. You are currently preparing the audit of Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd for the year ended 28 February 2019. Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd is a small Mining and Minerals Company which offers an extensive range of services that covers exploration, jewellery production, industrial applications, decommissioning and closure. You reviewed the previous years’ files for this client and noted the following:

i) The previous financial statements were prepared by the Consulting Division of Abdulai Afriyie & Co. and there is nothing in any of the files to suggest any particular difficulty with the assignment.

ii) In the course of the review of the files, it was observed there is a note explaining that on the completion of the assignment, each member of the consulting team with whom the client had come into contact, was given a gift of “presentation box” of the client’s Jewelleries. These presentation boxes contain samples of each of the different jewelleries produced by the client. These boxes are not available for sale but are sometimes given as gifts (for example, at Christmas) to loyal customers and others such as school principals who are seen to bring business to the client. Since this was a non-assurance assignment, the gifts were automatically and gratefully accepted.

iii) In early January 2019, the company received correspondence from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) claiming that the company has failed to pay certain mineral royalties which are usually charged on the jewellery manufactured. Normally, these levies are automatically deducted when miners or mining companies sell minerals to dealers. In this case, all of the minerals extracted were used to make jewels and ornaments by the company itself; and so the company never considered the possibility that such royalties might apply to it. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd tells you that he has done some research into the issue. It is his view that an argument can be made that the royalties do not apply in this case. However, should they apply, the amounts outstanding could be material since a number of years of non-payment might be involved. The CEO is aware that Abdulai Afriyie & Co. has a lot of Jewelleries based clients and has asked if Abdulai Afriyie & Co. would handle this matter as a separate assignment in addition to the audit.

Discuss FIVE (5) ethical issues that may arise for Abdulai Afriyie & Co. in relation to the audit of Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd. (10 marks)

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Nov 2018 – L3 – Q2a – Practice management, Professional responsibility and liability

Explanation of how an audit firm would organize audit work to reduce self-review threat.

A medium-sized fast-growing company owned by the Basoah Family approached Fast and Easy Accounting Firm (FFAF) and explained that they want to change their auditors to a firm that can provide a broader range of services and support than what they receive from their current auditors. They have asked that FFAF should perform the following roles as auditors of the company if they are engaged:

  1. Supervision of the company’s routine bookkeeping and payroll systems which will be outsourced to render the present bookkeeping and payroll staff redundant.
  2. FFAF would then employ the redundant staff and use them to perform the bookkeeping and payroll tasks.
  3. The company would continue to provide office space for these members of staff, but they would be employed and supervised by FFAF.
  4. The company will, however, continue to prepare financial statements. They will prepare the financial statements from the trial balance generated by the computerized bookkeeping package provided by FFAF.
  5. The company is determined to have a good quality service, both from the bookkeeping function and from the external audit, and they are ready to pay a realistic audit fee to maintain FFAF as their External Auditors.

Assuming that FFAF accepts this appointment, explain how the firm would organize its audit work to ensure that the associated self-review threat is reduced to an acceptable level. (10 marks)

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AA – Nov 2021 – L2 – Q3b – Professional and Ethical Considerations

Discusses the threats and safeguards related to a former Finance Director reviewing audit work for their former company.

Ackah Senzu had been the Finance Director of Keke Ltd for the immediate past eight years, influencing all the major financial policies of the company. Last year, he moved to Plus Associates, an audit firm, as a Partner. The Directors of Keke Ltd then appointed Plus Associates as their auditors because of the strong relationship with Ackah Senzu. The Senior Partner assumed the engagement responsibility of the audit of Keke Ltd but asked Ackah Senzu to review the audit work.

Discuss the threats and safeguards of this decision.

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AAA – May 2016 – L3 – Q1b – Professional responsibility and liability | Rules of professional conduct

Identify and evaluate ethical threats in an audit engagement and recommend safeguards to mitigate these threats.

Dibidibi & Co., an audit and assurance firm, has been engaged as auditors for BCG Bank Ltd, a public limited liability company, for some time now. BCG Bank has sixty branches throughout the country and branches in Togo, Burkina Faso, and Cote d’Ivoire. The Bank is one of the banks in the country which can boast of large landed properties. Dibidibi & Co. receives about 20% of its income from this particular client. Before last year’s audit, the bank engaged the audit firm to value its Land and Buildings in all its branches and headquarters. This work was executed by the audit firm and a report has been issued to management. The report has been incorporated in this year’s financial statements to be audited soon. Dibidibi & Co. sees BCG Bank Ltd. as a very important client whose works are always executed with dispatch.

i) Identify and evaluate the significance of any threats to the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants raised in the case. (4 marks)

ii) Recommend safeguards to eliminate the threats (mentioned in (i) above) or reduce them to an acceptable level. (6 marks)

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AAA – May 2020 – L3 – Q1a -Rules of professional conduct, Professional responsibility and liability

Discuss five ethical issues arising for auditors when performing an audit engagement.

You are an audit manager at Abdulai Afriyie & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants. You are currently preparing the audit of Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd for the year ended 28 February 2019. Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd is a small Mining and Minerals Company which offers an extensive range of services that covers exploration, jewellery production, industrial applications, decommissioning and closure. You reviewed the previous years’ files for this client and noted the following:

i) The previous financial statements were prepared by the Consulting Division of Abdulai Afriyie & Co. and there is nothing in any of the files to suggest any particular difficulty with the assignment.

ii) In the course of the review of the files, it was observed there is a note explaining that on the completion of the assignment, each member of the consulting team with whom the client had come into contact, was given a gift of “presentation box” of the client’s Jewelleries. These presentation boxes contain samples of each of the different jewelleries produced by the client. These boxes are not available for sale but are sometimes given as gifts (for example, at Christmas) to loyal customers and others such as school principals who are seen to bring business to the client. Since this was a non-assurance assignment, the gifts were automatically and gratefully accepted.

iii) In early January 2019, the company received correspondence from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) claiming that the company has failed to pay certain mineral royalties which are usually charged on the jewellery manufactured. Normally, these levies are automatically deducted when miners or mining companies sell minerals to dealers. In this case, all of the minerals extracted were used to make jewels and ornaments by the company itself; and so the company never considered the possibility that such royalties might apply to it. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd tells you that he has done some research into the issue. It is his view that an argument can be made that the royalties do not apply in this case. However, should they apply, the amounts outstanding could be material since a number of years of non-payment might be involved. The CEO is aware that Abdulai Afriyie & Co. has a lot of Jewelleries based clients and has asked if Abdulai Afriyie & Co. would handle this matter as a separate assignment in addition to the audit.

Discuss FIVE (5) ethical issues that may arise for Abdulai Afriyie & Co. in relation to the audit of Adoma Mining & Jewelleries Ltd. (10 marks)

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Nov 2018 – L3 – Q2a – Practice management, Professional responsibility and liability

Explanation of how an audit firm would organize audit work to reduce self-review threat.

A medium-sized fast-growing company owned by the Basoah Family approached Fast and Easy Accounting Firm (FFAF) and explained that they want to change their auditors to a firm that can provide a broader range of services and support than what they receive from their current auditors. They have asked that FFAF should perform the following roles as auditors of the company if they are engaged:

  1. Supervision of the company’s routine bookkeeping and payroll systems which will be outsourced to render the present bookkeeping and payroll staff redundant.
  2. FFAF would then employ the redundant staff and use them to perform the bookkeeping and payroll tasks.
  3. The company would continue to provide office space for these members of staff, but they would be employed and supervised by FFAF.
  4. The company will, however, continue to prepare financial statements. They will prepare the financial statements from the trial balance generated by the computerized bookkeeping package provided by FFAF.
  5. The company is determined to have a good quality service, both from the bookkeeping function and from the external audit, and they are ready to pay a realistic audit fee to maintain FFAF as their External Auditors.

Assuming that FFAF accepts this appointment, explain how the firm would organize its audit work to ensure that the associated self-review threat is reduced to an acceptable level. (10 marks)

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