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BCL – Dec2022 – Q2b – Sale of goods/hire purchase

Identify and explain issues in a contract of sale of goods involving government property.

As part of efforts in catering for Ghanaians who were displaced by the Russian war on Ukraine, the Government of Ghana erected tents in Poland. These tents are no longer in use because all Ghanaians were evacuated back to Ghana. As a result, the Government set up a disposal board to sell these tents. The board agreed to sell the tents to Dominika who left an amount of GH¢10,000,000 as a security deposit for her purchases. According to the written agreement between the disposal board and Dominika, the price for the tents and the dates on which payment was to be made were to be agreed between the parties as and when the tents became available. In July 2022, a new disposal board took over and refused to sell the tents to Dominika. They stated that they no longer considered themselves bound by the contract.

Identify FOUR (4) issues in the contract of sale of goods in the above scenario. (8 marks)

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BCL – Dec2022 – Q2b – Sale of goods/hire purchase

Identify and explain issues in a contract of sale of goods involving government property.

As part of efforts in catering for Ghanaians who were displaced by the Russian war on Ukraine, the Government of Ghana erected tents in Poland. These tents are no longer in use because all Ghanaians were evacuated back to Ghana. As a result, the Government set up a disposal board to sell these tents. The board agreed to sell the tents to Dominika who left an amount of GH¢10,000,000 as a security deposit for her purchases. According to the written agreement between the disposal board and Dominika, the price for the tents and the dates on which payment was to be made were to be agreed between the parties as and when the tents became available. In July 2022, a new disposal board took over and refused to sell the tents to Dominika. They stated that they no longer considered themselves bound by the contract.

Identify FOUR (4) issues in the contract of sale of goods in the above scenario. (8 marks)

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