- 10 Marks
BCL – May 2020 – L2 – Q1c – Tort
Discuss whether an employee can claim damages for an injury caused by slipping at the workplace.
Following flood damage as a result of three (3) continuous days of rainfall, the Management of Adusa Confectionery Ltd, carefully sprinkled sawdust over the factory floor to prevent employees’ slippage until the floor could be properly cleared. A small patch remained uncovered and Mary Ansah, a pregnant employee, slipped and got injured. She sued the company.
Explain whether the employee can claim any damages against the management of Adusa Confectionery Ltd.
(10 marks)
Find Related Questions by Tags, levels, etc.
- Tags: Employer Liability, Labor Act 2003, Negligence, Risk of Injury, Safe Working Conditions
- Level: Level 1