- 20 Marks
BMIS – Nov 2016 – L1 – Q3 – Introduction to business strategy
Discuss reasons for and against investing in the strategic planning process in a multinational company.
At a recent board meeting of a multinational company, there was a heated debate on whether the company should continue to invest resources in strategic planning processes. A section of the board members believed that it is worth investing, whilst the other section opposed that decision because they considered such an activity as a waste of resources.
Your task is to state:
a) FIVE reasons why you think the company must continue to invest in the strategic planning process. (10 marks)
b) FIVE reasons why it might not be necessary for the company to invest in the strategic planning process. (10 marks)
Find Related Questions by Tags, levels, etc.
- Tags: Business Strategy, Resource Allocation, Risk Reduction, Strategic Planning
- Level: Level 1
- Topic: Introduction to Business Strategy
- Series: NOV 2016
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