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FA – May 2017 – L1 – SB – Q4b – Partnership Accounts

Prepare the capital accounts, cash account, and loan account upon the retirement of a partner and the statement of financial position of the new partnership.

Ade, Olu, and Kola are in partnership sharing profits in the ratio 3:2:1 respectively. On March 31, 2016, their statement of financial position showed:

Particulars Amount (₦’000) Amount (₦’000)
Capital accounts:
Ade 1,511
Olu 826
Kola 578
Current accounts:
Ade 1,008
Olu 551
Kola 386
Non-current assets:
Plant 1,361
Vehicle 907
Inventory 1,134
Current assets:
Receivables 1,758
Cash 550
Current liabilities: 850
Total: 5,710 5,710

On April 1, 2016, Ade retired and the following terms were agreed according to their partnership deed:

i. Goodwill was valued at ₦1,572,000 and was not to be retained in the books of the continuing partners. Olu and Kola agreed to continue sharing profits in the ratio 2:1 respectively and to maintain their current accounts.

ii. Ade should take a car with carrying amount of ₦456,000 at a valuation of ₦324,000.

iii. Ade should receive a cash payment of ₦405,000 and retain the balance in a loan account bearing interest at 12% per annum.


i. Prepare the capital accounts, cash account, and loan account in the books of the old partnership. (6 Marks)

ii. Prepare the statement of financial position of the new partnership as at April 1, 2016, after giving effect to the retirement of Ade. (8 Marks)

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FA – Nov 2021 – L1 – Q2 – Accruals and prepayments | Preparation of Partnership accounts

Recording rent transactions and preparing financial statements related to the retirement of a partner, including revaluation and goodwill adjustments.

a) Ansong is a sole proprietor whose accounting year is 1 November to 31 October. Ansong rents factory space at the cost of GHȼ10,000 per quarter, payable in advance. Payments for rent were made on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July, and 1 October during the year 2020.

i) Show the ledger entries to record the above transactions for the year ended 31 October 2020.
(4 marks)

ii) Prepare an extract for the Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position.
(1 mark)

b) Agyei, Bobo, and Dago have been in partnership for some years, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2:1, respectively. The partnership statement of financial position as at 30 June 2020 was as follows:

Assets GHȼ GHȼ
Non-current assets
Premises 80,000
Office equipment 58,400
Motor vehicles 45,000
Total Non-current assets 183,400
Current assets
Inventory 28,600
Trade receivables 25,800
Bank 5,650
Total Current assets 60,050
Total assets 243,450
Capital and Liabilities
Capital accounts
Agyei 95,000
Bobo 60,000
Dago 50,000
Total Capital 205,000
Current accounts
Agyei 15,200
Bobo 7,040
Dago (debit balance) (10,200)
Total Current accounts 12,040
Current liabilities
Trade payables 26,410
Total Capital and Liabilities 243,450

The partners have agreed that the following should take effect on 1 July 2020 upon the retirement of Dago:

  • Goodwill is to be valued at GHȼ60,000 and will not remain in the books of account.
  • Premises are to be revalued to GHȼ116,325.
  • Dago is to take inventory costing GHȼ8,400 and a Motor Vehicle with a net book value of GHȼ20,500 as part settlement of his capital.
  • A specific allowance for receivables is to be made for GHȼ5,300 owed by an individual customer. In addition, a general allowance for receivables is to be made at 5% of the remaining trade receivables.
  • Agyei and Bobo will continue in partnership, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2.
  • Dago will transfer GHȼ12,000 to a loan account to be repaid in full in 2025. No loan interest will be charged on this amount.
  • The remaining balance from combining both Dago’s capital account and current account will be paid from the business bank account.

i) Prepare the partners’ capital accounts on 1 July 2020 to show the retirement of Dago.
(7 marks)

ii) Prepare the partnership statement of financial position as at 1 July 2020.
(8 marks)

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FA – May 2017 – L1 – SB – Q4b – Partnership Accounts

Prepare the capital accounts, cash account, and loan account upon the retirement of a partner and the statement of financial position of the new partnership.

Ade, Olu, and Kola are in partnership sharing profits in the ratio 3:2:1 respectively. On March 31, 2016, their statement of financial position showed:

Particulars Amount (₦’000) Amount (₦’000)
Capital accounts:
Ade 1,511
Olu 826
Kola 578
Current accounts:
Ade 1,008
Olu 551
Kola 386
Non-current assets:
Plant 1,361
Vehicle 907
Inventory 1,134
Current assets:
Receivables 1,758
Cash 550
Current liabilities: 850
Total: 5,710 5,710

On April 1, 2016, Ade retired and the following terms were agreed according to their partnership deed:

i. Goodwill was valued at ₦1,572,000 and was not to be retained in the books of the continuing partners. Olu and Kola agreed to continue sharing profits in the ratio 2:1 respectively and to maintain their current accounts.

ii. Ade should take a car with carrying amount of ₦456,000 at a valuation of ₦324,000.

iii. Ade should receive a cash payment of ₦405,000 and retain the balance in a loan account bearing interest at 12% per annum.


i. Prepare the capital accounts, cash account, and loan account in the books of the old partnership. (6 Marks)

ii. Prepare the statement of financial position of the new partnership as at April 1, 2016, after giving effect to the retirement of Ade. (8 Marks)

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FA – Nov 2021 – L1 – Q2 – Accruals and prepayments | Preparation of Partnership accounts

Recording rent transactions and preparing financial statements related to the retirement of a partner, including revaluation and goodwill adjustments.

a) Ansong is a sole proprietor whose accounting year is 1 November to 31 October. Ansong rents factory space at the cost of GHȼ10,000 per quarter, payable in advance. Payments for rent were made on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July, and 1 October during the year 2020.

i) Show the ledger entries to record the above transactions for the year ended 31 October 2020.
(4 marks)

ii) Prepare an extract for the Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position.
(1 mark)

b) Agyei, Bobo, and Dago have been in partnership for some years, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2:1, respectively. The partnership statement of financial position as at 30 June 2020 was as follows:

Assets GHȼ GHȼ
Non-current assets
Premises 80,000
Office equipment 58,400
Motor vehicles 45,000
Total Non-current assets 183,400
Current assets
Inventory 28,600
Trade receivables 25,800
Bank 5,650
Total Current assets 60,050
Total assets 243,450
Capital and Liabilities
Capital accounts
Agyei 95,000
Bobo 60,000
Dago 50,000
Total Capital 205,000
Current accounts
Agyei 15,200
Bobo 7,040
Dago (debit balance) (10,200)
Total Current accounts 12,040
Current liabilities
Trade payables 26,410
Total Capital and Liabilities 243,450

The partners have agreed that the following should take effect on 1 July 2020 upon the retirement of Dago:

  • Goodwill is to be valued at GHȼ60,000 and will not remain in the books of account.
  • Premises are to be revalued to GHȼ116,325.
  • Dago is to take inventory costing GHȼ8,400 and a Motor Vehicle with a net book value of GHȼ20,500 as part settlement of his capital.
  • A specific allowance for receivables is to be made for GHȼ5,300 owed by an individual customer. In addition, a general allowance for receivables is to be made at 5% of the remaining trade receivables.
  • Agyei and Bobo will continue in partnership, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2.
  • Dago will transfer GHȼ12,000 to a loan account to be repaid in full in 2025. No loan interest will be charged on this amount.
  • The remaining balance from combining both Dago’s capital account and current account will be paid from the business bank account.

i) Prepare the partners’ capital accounts on 1 July 2020 to show the retirement of Dago.
(7 marks)

ii) Prepare the partnership statement of financial position as at 1 July 2020.
(8 marks)

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