Question Tag: Reporting Risks

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MGE – May 2018 – L2 – Q5 – Ethics in Business

Discusses the steps in whistleblowing and the risks involved in reporting fraudulent transactions.

a. i. Identify and explain briefly the technical term to describe the above scenario. (1½ Marks)
ii. Explain the necessary steps Aniko should take before reporting the fraudulent transaction. (9 Marks)

b. Explain the likely risks in exposing such a transaction. (4½ Marks)

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MGE – May 2018 – L2 – Q5 – Ethics in Business

Discusses the steps in whistleblowing and the risks involved in reporting fraudulent transactions.

a. i. Identify and explain briefly the technical term to describe the above scenario. (1½ Marks)
ii. Explain the necessary steps Aniko should take before reporting the fraudulent transaction. (9 Marks)

b. Explain the likely risks in exposing such a transaction. (4½ Marks)

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