- 20 Marks
PSAF – Nov 2020 – L2 – Q4 – Public Procurement | International public sector accounting standards
Explain principles of public procurement and risks associated with procurement in Ghana's public sector. Discuss service concession arrangements under IPSAS 32.
a) Using public money to procure goods, works, and services to provide public services is a frequent but complicated decision of the Head of Procurement entities. It is required that such decisions should go through due process to attain value for money for the public. The Public Procurement laws are embodiments of core principles that govern the entire process. Procurement entities are therefore entreated to promote and secure these core principles in the conduct of public procurements. Non-compliance with these principles embedded in the law increases the risk associated with public procurement.
i) Explain SIX (6) general principles of public procurement that an officer in charge of procurement of goods, services, and works should consider in line with the Public Procurement Act 2016 (Amendment) Act 914. (6 marks)
ii) Discuss FOUR (4) risks associated with public procurement in the Ghanaian Public Sector. (4 marks)
b) IPSAS 32: Service Concession Arrangements: Grantor establishes the accounting and reporting requirements for the grantor in a service concession arrangement. In these kinds of arrangements, the grantor is a public sector entity. Service Concession arrangements in the public sector are characterized by binding arrangements that involve private sector participation in the development, financing, operation, and/or maintenance of assets used to provide public services. IPSAS 32’s intention is to create symmetry with IFRIC 12: Service Concession Arrangements on relevant accounting issues (that is, liabilities, revenue, and expenses) from the grantor’s point of view.
i) State and Explain TWO (2) conditions under which a grantor can recognize a Service Concession Asset. (4 marks)
ii) Explain any THREE (3) pieces of information that the grantor shall present and disclose in its Financial Statements. (6 marks)
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