- 15 Marks
AAA – Nov 2013 – L3 – SB – Q5 – Review of Subsequent Events and Going Concern Assumptions
Outline audit procedures to identify material subsequent events and explain the purpose and importance of subsequent events review.
You have just concluded the audit of Roico Limited for the year ended 31 December, 2012. During the review of the working paper file, the partner in charge discovered that no information is available on activities after year-end. The partner instructed the team leader to carry out a review of the company’s activities after year-end. The team leader was not comfortable with the instruction and wants to know why it is necessary to examine accounting information relating to the next accounting period.
You are required to:
(a) Enumerate the audit procedures which would be carried out in order to identify any material subsequent events. (10 Marks)
(b) Discuss the purpose and importance of subsequent events review. (5 Marks)
(Total: 15 Marks)
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