- 5 Marks
PT – Nov2019 – L2 – Q5c – Income Tax Liabilities
This question asks to determine any tax payable and comment on the relevant tax implications of gifts received by Madam Okailey.
Madam Okailey Armah, a prominent market queen and Philanthropist, was nominated Asafouakye of Namoale Traditional Area in Accra in January 2018. At her out-dooring in August 2018 as Naa Okailey Tsofatse II, she sat in state and received homage and gifts from her people, friends, and business associates. The following were the quantifiable gifts she received:
Market Queens Association 1,000
Commercial Bank (Pick-Up) 5,000
Namoale Traditional Council 500
Father-in-Law 500
Anonymous admirer
A week after her out-dooring,
she made the following donations:
Osu Children’s Home Pick-Up Vehicle
Children’s Hospital (Accra) 1,000
Weija Leprosarium 500
Children’s Ward Korle Bu (Assorted Biscuits) 200
Thanksgiving Offering (Freeman Memorial Church, Bukom) 200
Determine any tax payable and briefly comment on the relevant tax implications.
(5 marks)
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