- 20 Marks
AAA – May 2021 – L3 – Q4 – Advanced Audit Planning and Strategy
Discussion of engagement letter elements, reasons for rejecting an engagement, procedures for new client acceptance, and opening balances audit.
As a Senior Manager in Inagbe and Co. (Chartered Accountants), you act as a mentor to some of the young auditors in practice. As a mentor, you discuss frequently with your young mentees on professional and personal matters. Zainab Nigeria Limited is a cosmetics company and has just recently appointed Inagbe and Co. as its auditor. One of your young mentees has been asked to be part of the engagement team. The mentee has come to you for some advice and you decided to use the opportunity to explain the process and procedures to be carried out when accepting a new engagement.
(a) Explain the elements of an engagement letter. (7 Marks)
(b) Discuss the circumstances under which an auditor may reject an audit engagement. (3 Marks)
(c) Discuss the procedures that an audit firm needs to carry out before accepting to audit a new client. (4 Marks)
(d) Explain the audit procedures that should be carried out on opening balances. (6 Marks)
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