- 20 Marks
ATAX – Nov 2020 – Q4 – Taxation of Companies
Write a report on Nigerian tax incentives and their objectives for a Mexican investor planning to explore the Nigerian market.
The quest by various governments in Nigeria since the 1990s to use tax incentives to change the narrative of being a mono-product foreign exchange earner has attracted interests from both local and foreign investors to the hitherto forgotten non-oil sector. However, some of the foreign investors are not conversant with these tax incentives available to investors in the manufacturing, mining, and telecommunication industries.
You have been appointed as a tax consultant to a Mexican billionaire through his agent in Nigeria, IBK Associates, with interests in many sectors such as agriculture, aviation, manufacturing, and telecommunication in the Latin American region. He intends to explore the Nigerian business environment within the next six months.
You are to write a report to the Mexican through his agent in Nigeria highlighting the following areas:
a. Objectives of Nigerian tax incentives (4 Marks)
b. Forms of tax incentives (2 Marks)
c. Various tax incentives available to operators in the:
i. Manufacturing sector (6 Marks)
ii. Agriculture (2 Marks)
iii. Telecommunications (2 Marks)
d. Other non-tax factors foreign investors consider in determining a jurisdiction as an investment destination (4 Marks)
Find Related Questions by Tags, levels, etc.
- Tags: Foreign Investment, Non-Oil Sector, Tax Incentives
- Level: Level 3
- Topic: Taxation of Companies