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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q20 – Law of Trusts

Explains why a trustee is typically not remunerated.

A Trustee is not paid a remuneration because

A. He is a friend of the testator
B. He is a volunteer
C. He is a rich man
D. His reward is in the hereafter
E. He has no need of money

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q19 – Law Relating to Banking

Identifies the condition under which a debtor is considered bankrupt.

A debtor is said to be bankrupt when

A. A creditor obtains a final court order against him
B. A court declares that he is solvent
C. He pays his debts
D. He promises to pay his creditors
E. The creditors do not trust him

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q18 – Negotiable Instruments

Identifies the feature that makes a cheque generally crossed.

A cheque is said to be generally crossed if it

A. Bears two parallel lines across its face
B. Is not dated
C. Is not signed
D. Is not stamped
E. Has two postage stamps on it

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q17 – Negotiable Instruments

Identifies a bill lacking in material particulars.

A bill lacking in some material particular is known as

A. Inland bill
B. Incomplete or inchoate bill
C. Promissory bill
D. Esoteric bill
E. Accelerated bill

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q16 – Partnership Law

Identifies the impact of a partner's death on a partnership.

The death of a partner leads to

A. Amendment of the partnership register
B. Change in the partnership business
C. Sharing of profit
D. Dissolution of partnership
E. Sharing of business information

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q15 – Partnership Law

Identifies the membership limit for a partnership in accountancy practice.

The membership of a Partnership for the practice of accountancy is

A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
E. Unlimited

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q14 – Company Law

Identifies the time frame within which a public company must hold its statutory meeting after incorporation.

On incorporation, a public company must hold its Statutory meeting within

A. 6 months
B. 5 months
C. 3 months
D. 2 months
E. 1 month

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q13 – Company Law

Identifies grounds for the disqualification of a company director.

The following disqualifies a Director of a company EXCEPT

A. Insanity
B. Conviction
C. Bankruptcy
D. Being a principal partner
E. Court order

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q12 – Company Law

Identifies the minimum liability of members in a company limited by guarantee during winding up

The liability of the members of a company limited by guarantee to contribute to the assets, in the event of its being wound up, shall not be less than

A. N 10,000
B. N 20,000
C. N 30,000
D. N 40,000
E. N 50,000

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BL – Nov 2013 – L1 – SA – Q11 – Company Law

Examines restrictions on the transfer of share interests in a company.

The right to transfer an interest in the share of a company can be limited by the

A. Memorandum of Association
B. Articles of Association
C. Policy Manual of the company
D. Company’s directors
E. Secretary of the company

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q20 – Law Relating to Banking

Identifying non-functions of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the Central Bank of Nigeria?
A. Issuing and distribution of Nigerian currency
B. Issuing and dealing in shares and debentures
C. Management of Nigeria’s external reserves
D. Promotion of monetary stability
E. Banker and financial adviser to government

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q19 – Company Law

Definition of insurable interest in insurance law.

A person is said to have insurable interest in an insured person, thing, or event when
A. He is related by affinity to the insured
B. The insured is the property of the person
C. The insured is a chattel
D. He stands to gain or profit in his/its preservation and to suffer loss or damage in his/its destruction
E. The insured could go into extinction by usage

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q18 – Hire Purchase and Consumer Credit Transactions

Identifying duties not required of a hirer in a Hire Purchase contract.

In Hire Purchase contract, the duties of the hirer include the following EXCEPT
A. Acceptance of delivery
B. Duty of care of the goods
C. Payment of instalment
D. Duty to buy the goods
E. Duty not to sell the goods

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q17 – Sale of Goods

Identifying non-implied conditions in Sales of Goods transactions.

Which of the following is NOT an implied condition or warranty in Sales of Goods transactions?
A. Title
B. Time
C. Sale by sample
D. Customs and traditional usage
E. Fitness of purpose

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q16 – Law of Tort

Essential elements that establish vicarious liability.

Which of the following is NOT an essential element of vicarious liability?
A. A master and servant relationship
B. The servant may be under a contract of service or contract for service
C. The act must be a tortuous act and not an offence
D. The servant must have committed the tort in furtherance of the interest of the master
E. The servant must have committed the tort in the course of performing an official duty

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q15 – Agency Law

Breach of duty when an agent makes secret profits.

An agent that makes secret profits has breached his duty of
A. Secrecy
B. Good faith
C. Obedience
D. Assignment
E. Performance

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q14 – Law of Contract

Legal remedy requiring a party to fulfill a contractual promise.

The remedy for a breach of contract which requires the defendant to perform a promise he made under the agreement is
A. Damages
B. Quantum Meruit
C. Injunction
D. Specific performance
E. Recision

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q13 – The Nigerian Legal System

Law allowing transfer of legal title to negotiable instruments by delivery.

The law that allows the transfer of legal title to cheques, promissory notes etc by mere handing over or mere delivery is
A. Bills of Exchange Act
B. Banks and other Financial Institutions Act
C. Bills of Lading Act
D. Companies Income Tax Act
E. Central Bank of Nigeria Act

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q12 – Law Relating to Banking

Court jurisdiction for trying offences under the Money Laundering Act.

The court that has the exclusive jurisdiction to try offences under the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act is the
A. State High Court
B. Magistrate Court
C. Federal High Court
D. Sharia Court of Appeal
E. Criminal Court

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BL – Nov 2015 – L1 – SA – Q11 – Law of Tort

Essential elements required for the offence of bribery in law.

The offence of bribery in law requires ONE of the following
A. Intention
B. Intention and fact of bribery
C. Intention and subject matter
D. Act of bribery and place of bribery
E. Subject matter and place of bribery

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