- 15 Marks
BCL – Nov 2024 – L1 – Q5a – Annual General Meeting (AGM) Requirements
Legal requirements for holding an AGM and consequences of non-compliance.
Yaw Perbi, the CEO of your company, is preparing for a top management meeting scheduled for 1 December 2023. One of the issues to be discussed is the mode of holding the next shareholders’ meeting. There are views that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be in-person so that members can vote on resolutions to be passed. Others believe that the AGM should be virtual or hybrid. Some shareholders believe that the items on the agenda are too many and that they would need two days to have a meaningful discussion. Kwasi Mensa, a shareholder, has decided not to attend the AGM if it is organised virtually.
a) Explain the following to your boss:
i) The requirement of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) on the interval between which AGMs are to be held.
ii) THREE things that should be covered in the notice for an AGM.
iii) TWO consequences of not holding an AGM in accordance with the Companies Act.
iv) Justify whether or not decisions taken at the AGM will be binding on Kwasi Mensa.
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- Tags: AGM, Companies Act, Corporate Governance, Meeting Notice, Shareholder Rights
- Level: Level 1
- Topic: Company Meetings and Resolutions
- Series: Nov 2024