- 6 Marks
AT – Nov 2023 – L3 – Q1c – Tax planning
Advise on tax strategies to reduce advertising and marketing costs while creating value for shareholders.
Zantem Ltd has equity of GH¢10,000,000 while Bonty Ltd has equity of GH¢12,000,000. The two companies are in competition for the same market space. This has increased their advertising and marketing costs. The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has threatened to disallow a portion of their advertising and marketing costs, which appear astronomically high.
The Management of the two companies have invited you, a tax expert, to be part of a discussion to look at the possible ways the two companies can eliminate or reduce any tax exposure to their shareholders with the potential threat from the GRA.
Advise the Management on the tax strategy(ies) to adopt to reduce their cost while creating value for their shareholders. (6 marks)
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