Question Tag: Liquidity Challenges

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AAA – July 2023 – L3 – Q1a – The audit approach | Audit-related services Planning |

Discuss five factors to consider before developing an audit proposal for a multinational company facing financial challenges.

Your firm has been approached to tender for an audit assignment by STK Ghana Ltd. The company is a multinational with its headquarters in Europe. STK Ghana Ltd is a manufacturing company that has operated in Ghana since 2010 and has made steady profits over the years. However, over the past few years, the company’s profits have been dwindling, and the group director in charge of Anglophone West Africa subsidiaries has charged the company to reduce its costs.

In a meeting with the country manager, you ascertained the following information:

  • Several creditors are pursuing the company for payment of their outstanding debt, including the previous auditor who is being owed for the past three years of audit work. The company has negotiated a payment plan for all its creditors.
  • Staff wages have been frozen, staff morale is very low, and several have left.
  • The company’s liquidity challenges commenced when the license of Glow Savings and Loans was revoked as part of the banking sector crisis with STK Ghana Ltd funds exceeding GH¢1 million locked up in short and long-term investments.

In the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the audit engagement, you are required to provide timelines for the overall audit and a financial proposal that is competitive. Upon receiving the TOR, a debate ensued among the partners on the relevance of submitting a proposal in response to the TOR.

Discuss FIVE (5) factors to be considered prior to developing a proposal for submission. (10 marks)

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AAA – July 2023 – L3 – Q1a – The audit approach | Audit-related services Planning |

Discuss five factors to consider before developing an audit proposal for a multinational company facing financial challenges.

Your firm has been approached to tender for an audit assignment by STK Ghana Ltd. The company is a multinational with its headquarters in Europe. STK Ghana Ltd is a manufacturing company that has operated in Ghana since 2010 and has made steady profits over the years. However, over the past few years, the company’s profits have been dwindling, and the group director in charge of Anglophone West Africa subsidiaries has charged the company to reduce its costs.

In a meeting with the country manager, you ascertained the following information:

  • Several creditors are pursuing the company for payment of their outstanding debt, including the previous auditor who is being owed for the past three years of audit work. The company has negotiated a payment plan for all its creditors.
  • Staff wages have been frozen, staff morale is very low, and several have left.
  • The company’s liquidity challenges commenced when the license of Glow Savings and Loans was revoked as part of the banking sector crisis with STK Ghana Ltd funds exceeding GH¢1 million locked up in short and long-term investments.

In the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the audit engagement, you are required to provide timelines for the overall audit and a financial proposal that is competitive. Upon receiving the TOR, a debate ensued among the partners on the relevance of submitting a proposal in response to the TOR.

Discuss FIVE (5) factors to be considered prior to developing a proposal for submission. (10 marks)

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