- 14 Marks
CSEG – May 2016 – L2 – Q2a – Strategy evaluation and control
Describe the four perspectives of a balanced scorecard and explain three problems associated with its use in strategic management.
The Balanced Scorecard approach has been embraced as an effective model for generating information to assist management in formulating and achieving strategic policies. It emphasizes the need to provide management of an organisation with a set of information which addresses all relevant areas of performance in an objective and unbiased fashion.
You are the Management Accountant of McGinate Incorporated, a local printing and publishing house located in the regional capital of Ashanti. Your CEO has asked you to brief him further on the balanced scorecard approach.
Required: In a memo to the CEO: i) Describe FOUR perspectives of a balanced scorecard. (8 marks) ii) Explain THREE problems usually associated with the use of this approach for strategic management. (6 marks)
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