- 10 Marks
AAA – Nov 2017 – L3 – Q4a – Public Sector Audit
Assess the causes of the Auditor General's frustration with recurring financial irregularities and recommend solutions.
The Auditor General’s 2011 Report expressed grave frustration about what it considered to be the widespread misuse of government funds. In 2011 alone, Ghana was estimated to have lost approximately GH¢173,174,541 as a result of financial irregularities.
The Auditor General expressed his frustration in the following terms:
“The cataloguing of financial irregularities in my Report on MDAs and Other Agencies has become an annual ritual that seems to have no effect because affected MDAs are not seen to be taking any effective action to address the basic problems of lack of monitoring and supervision and non-adherence to legislation put in place to provide effective financial management of public resources. This situation has not changed; it keeps recurring year after year to date.”
Critically examine the Auditor General’s frustration by assessing the possible causes and recommend solutions to overcome the problem. (10 marks)
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