- 6 Marks
FR – MAY 2021 – L2 – Q5a – Ethical Compliance
Identify and evaluate ethical threats faced by KK in Dibimame Ltd's financial statements.
a) Kwadwo Kusi (KK), the Financial Accountant of Dibimame Ltd was reviewing the draft
financial statements prepared by an Accounts Officer and came across the following issues:
i) In calculating the interest on staff loan, the Accounts Officer in error applied 5% instead of
10% interest rate. KK is a beneficiary of the staff loan and a member of the staff loan
ii) The staff union has demanded a separate accounts for the staff loan. This they advise would
promote transparency and accountability in the process and approval of loans.
iii) Included in accounts receivables was a company known as Sede Ltd, owned by his motherin law. Instead of an outstanding amount of GH¢60,000, the account balance as per the
draft financial statements was GH¢80,000.
iv) The CEO who is known to be domineering has an outstanding balance of GH¢100,000.
This was as a result of cumulative unaccountable imprest which is against the accounting
policy of Dibimame Ltd.
Identify, evaluate and address the above threats to compliance with the fundamental
principles of good ethical behavior, KK is confronted with
Find Related Questions by Tags, levels, etc.
- Tags: Accountability, Compliance, Ethical behavior, Professional Conduct, Transparency
- Level: Level 2
- Topic: Professional and Ethical Issues in Financial Reporting
- Series: MAY 2021