- 10 Marks
AA – Nov 2018 – L2 – Q1a – Introduction to Audit and Assurance Engagements
Explains assurance engagements, differences between reasonable and limited assurance, and elements of assurance engagement.
a) The shareholders of Store and Quary Ltd namely Obodai and Obosie are residing abroad. They appointed directors to see to the day-to-day running of the company. The directors produced the financial statements of the company, which show a true and fair view. Other relevant information regarding directors’ pay and benefits, going concern, and management of risk have been provided by the directors. In order to know the accuracy of the information provided, the shareholders engaged your firm, Standard and Co. Chartered Accountants, to perform an assurance engagement.
i. Explain an assurance engagement as provided by IAASB. (2 marks)
ii. Explain FOUR (4) elements of an assurance engagement. (4 marks)
iii. Describe the differences between reasonable assurance engagement and limited assurance engagements. (4 marks)
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