Question Tag: Cost and Management Accounting System

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IMAC – NOV 2023 – L1 – Q3 – Scope of Management Accounting

Discuss changes in the business environment affecting management accounting, differences between financial and management accounting, and the benefits of a cost and management accounting system.

a) Management accounting can be described as the process of supplying the managers and employees in an organization with relevant information, both financial and non-financial, for making decisions, allocating resources, monitoring, evaluating, and rewarding performance.

In relation to the description of management accounting provided above:
State THREE (3) important changes that have taken place in the business environment that have influenced management accounting practice. (3 marks)

b) Financial Accounting and Management Accounting share important similarities since both are based on financial information and other quantitative information about business operations.

Identify FOUR (4) differences between financial accounting and management accounting. (4 marks)

c) Mr. Osei Nyarko, an engineer by training, established Kotmat Ltd three years ago with five employees. His only source of information concerning the performance of Kotmat Ltd has been the half-yearly financial statements, which he receives ten weeks after the end of each half-year. A proposal has been submitted to Mr. Osei Nyarko to install a cost and management accounting system.

i) Identify FOUR (4) benefits Mr. Nyarko will derive from installing a cost and management accounting system. (4 marks)
ii) Enumerate FOUR (4) types of information which could be obtained from the cost and management accounting system that cannot be obtained from the current system. (4 marks)

**d) State and explain TWO (2) useful pieces of information generated by marginal and absorption costing systems. (5 marks)

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IMAC – NOV 2023 – L1 – Q3 – Scope of Management Accounting

Discuss changes in the business environment affecting management accounting, differences between financial and management accounting, and the benefits of a cost and management accounting system.

a) Management accounting can be described as the process of supplying the managers and employees in an organization with relevant information, both financial and non-financial, for making decisions, allocating resources, monitoring, evaluating, and rewarding performance.

In relation to the description of management accounting provided above:
State THREE (3) important changes that have taken place in the business environment that have influenced management accounting practice. (3 marks)

b) Financial Accounting and Management Accounting share important similarities since both are based on financial information and other quantitative information about business operations.

Identify FOUR (4) differences between financial accounting and management accounting. (4 marks)

c) Mr. Osei Nyarko, an engineer by training, established Kotmat Ltd three years ago with five employees. His only source of information concerning the performance of Kotmat Ltd has been the half-yearly financial statements, which he receives ten weeks after the end of each half-year. A proposal has been submitted to Mr. Osei Nyarko to install a cost and management accounting system.

i) Identify FOUR (4) benefits Mr. Nyarko will derive from installing a cost and management accounting system. (4 marks)
ii) Enumerate FOUR (4) types of information which could be obtained from the cost and management accounting system that cannot be obtained from the current system. (4 marks)

**d) State and explain TWO (2) useful pieces of information generated by marginal and absorption costing systems. (5 marks)

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