Question Tag: Controllable Costs

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IMAC – NOV 2021 – L1 – Q3 – Cost and Cost Behaviour | Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing

Explanation of different cost classifications and advantages of marginal costing over absorption costing.

a) Costs may be classified in various ways according to their nature and the information needs of management.

Explain the following pairs of costs:
i) Direct and Indirect Costs (3 marks)
ii) Fixed and Variable Costs (3 marks)
iii) Controllable and Non-controllable Costs (3 marks)
iv) Production and Non-production Costs (3 marks)
v) Relevant and Irrelevant costs (3 marks)

b) QQQ Ltd has been reporting using an absorption costing technique. However, at a management retreat attended by the Cost and Management Accountant, they discussed the information usefulness of marginal costing reports for short-term decision making extensively.

Outline FIVE (5) advantages of a marginal costing system of reporting compared to absorption costing system for consideration by the management of QQQ Ltd. (5 marks)


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IMAC – NOV 2021 – L1 – Q3 – Cost and Cost Behaviour | Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing

Explanation of different cost classifications and advantages of marginal costing over absorption costing.

a) Costs may be classified in various ways according to their nature and the information needs of management.

Explain the following pairs of costs:
i) Direct and Indirect Costs (3 marks)
ii) Fixed and Variable Costs (3 marks)
iii) Controllable and Non-controllable Costs (3 marks)
iv) Production and Non-production Costs (3 marks)
v) Relevant and Irrelevant costs (3 marks)

b) QQQ Ltd has been reporting using an absorption costing technique. However, at a management retreat attended by the Cost and Management Accountant, they discussed the information usefulness of marginal costing reports for short-term decision making extensively.

Outline FIVE (5) advantages of a marginal costing system of reporting compared to absorption costing system for consideration by the management of QQQ Ltd. (5 marks)


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