- 7 Marks
BCL – Nov 2018 – L1 – Q1c – Employment Law
Explain the type of service contract under which an employee's work falls.
AlRabico Chemists is the only pharmaceuticals in the northern region and Mr. Oppong is one of the key Pharmacists who had worked with the company for 18 years and has special skills which can only be used at AlRabico. His net monthly salary was GH¢15,000 and he always goes to Kumasi to spend the weekends with his family. On 14th July 2016, during a staff meeting, the new head Pharmacist Alhaji Mahmoud announced Mr. Oppong’s dismissal with immediate effect for insubordination. Mr. Oppong is deeply hurt and embarrassed by the action of Alhaji Mahmoud.
i) Explain with reasons the type of service contract Mr. Oppong’s work falls. (5 marks)
ii) What remedies are available for Mr. Oppong?
(2 marks)
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- Tags: Contract Type, Employee Rights, Employment, Service Contract
- Level: Level 1
- Topic: Employment law
- Series: NOV 2018