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FR – May 2015 – L2 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements

Prepare consolidated financial statements for Unitarisation Plc and compute Gain on Bargain Purchase.

Unitarisation Plc is a successful Nigerian Company that recently amended its objects clause to promote national unity and encourage anti-terrorism compliance. The company acquired 60% of the equity share capital of Famous Plc to further this mission. Summarised draft financial statements of the two companies are as follows:

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 October 2014

Unitarisation Plc (N’m) Famous Plc (N’m)
Revenue 51,000 25,200
Cost of Sales (37,800) (19,200)
Gross Profit 13,200 6,000
Distribution Costs (1,200) (1,200)
Administrative Expenses (3,600) (1,920)
Finance Costs (180) (240)
Profit before Tax 8,220 2,640
Income Tax Expense (2,820) (840)
Profit for the Year 5,400 1,800

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 October 2014

Unitarisation Plc (N’m) Famous Plc (N’m)
Non-current assets:
Property, Plant & Equipment 24,360 7,560
Current Assets 9,600 3,960
Total Assets 33,960 11,520
Equity & Liabilities:
Equity Shares of N1 each 6,000 2,400
Retained Earnings 21,240 3,900
Total Equity 27,240 6,300
Non-current Liabilities:
12% Loan Notes 1,800 2,400
Current Liabilities 4,920 2,820
Total Equity & Liabilities 33,960 11,520

Additional Information:

  1. Shares of Famous Plc were acquired on 1 May 2014, and the issue of shares was not recorded by Unitarisation Plc.
  2. There is cash in transit of N120,000,000 due from Unitarisation Plc to Famous Plc.
  3. Non-controlling interests are valued at full fair value; at acquisition, the fair value of non-controlling interests in Famous Plc was N3,540,000,000.
  4. Famous Plc’s assets’ fair value equaled carrying amounts at acquisition except for one equipment valued N1,200,000,000 above its carrying amount with a 5-year remaining life, using straight-line depreciation.
  5. The acquisition of 60% of Famous Plc’s shares was settled via a share exchange of two shares in Unitarisation Plc for three shares in Famous Plc, valued at N6 per share.
  6. Post-acquisition, Unitarisation Plc bought goods from Famous Plc for N4,800,000,000 with a 40% markup; N3,120,000,000 of these goods were unsold by year-end.
  7. Famous Plc’s trade receivables included N360,000,000 from Unitarisation Plc, with a discrepancy in Unitarisation’s payable ledger.
  8. Profits or losses are assumed to accrue evenly.


  1. Prepare Unitarisation Plc Consolidated Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 October 2014. (10 Marks)
  2. Prepare Unitarisation Plc Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 October 2014. (10 Marks)
  3. Prepare the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 October 2014. (6 Marks)
  4. Explain “Gain on Bargain Purchase” according to IFRS 3 on Business Combinations. (4 Marks)

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FR – May 2015 – L2 – SA – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements

Prepare consolidated financial statements for Unitarisation Plc and compute Gain on Bargain Purchase.

Unitarisation Plc is a successful Nigerian Company that recently amended its objects clause to promote national unity and encourage anti-terrorism compliance. The company acquired 60% of the equity share capital of Famous Plc to further this mission. Summarised draft financial statements of the two companies are as follows:

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 October 2014

Unitarisation Plc (N’m) Famous Plc (N’m)
Revenue 51,000 25,200
Cost of Sales (37,800) (19,200)
Gross Profit 13,200 6,000
Distribution Costs (1,200) (1,200)
Administrative Expenses (3,600) (1,920)
Finance Costs (180) (240)
Profit before Tax 8,220 2,640
Income Tax Expense (2,820) (840)
Profit for the Year 5,400 1,800

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 October 2014

Unitarisation Plc (N’m) Famous Plc (N’m)
Non-current assets:
Property, Plant & Equipment 24,360 7,560
Current Assets 9,600 3,960
Total Assets 33,960 11,520
Equity & Liabilities:
Equity Shares of N1 each 6,000 2,400
Retained Earnings 21,240 3,900
Total Equity 27,240 6,300
Non-current Liabilities:
12% Loan Notes 1,800 2,400
Current Liabilities 4,920 2,820
Total Equity & Liabilities 33,960 11,520

Additional Information:

  1. Shares of Famous Plc were acquired on 1 May 2014, and the issue of shares was not recorded by Unitarisation Plc.
  2. There is cash in transit of N120,000,000 due from Unitarisation Plc to Famous Plc.
  3. Non-controlling interests are valued at full fair value; at acquisition, the fair value of non-controlling interests in Famous Plc was N3,540,000,000.
  4. Famous Plc’s assets’ fair value equaled carrying amounts at acquisition except for one equipment valued N1,200,000,000 above its carrying amount with a 5-year remaining life, using straight-line depreciation.
  5. The acquisition of 60% of Famous Plc’s shares was settled via a share exchange of two shares in Unitarisation Plc for three shares in Famous Plc, valued at N6 per share.
  6. Post-acquisition, Unitarisation Plc bought goods from Famous Plc for N4,800,000,000 with a 40% markup; N3,120,000,000 of these goods were unsold by year-end.
  7. Famous Plc’s trade receivables included N360,000,000 from Unitarisation Plc, with a discrepancy in Unitarisation’s payable ledger.
  8. Profits or losses are assumed to accrue evenly.


  1. Prepare Unitarisation Plc Consolidated Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 October 2014. (10 Marks)
  2. Prepare Unitarisation Plc Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 October 2014. (10 Marks)
  3. Prepare the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 October 2014. (6 Marks)
  4. Explain “Gain on Bargain Purchase” according to IFRS 3 on Business Combinations. (4 Marks)

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