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AAA – April 2022 – L3 – Q2 – Evaluation and review, Group audits, Current issues

Comment on matters raised and state audit evidence required for Lartey Company Ltd for the year ended 30 September 2020.

Lartey Company Ltd (LCL) is a Private Limited Liability Company that was incorporated several years ago under the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179) now Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992). The company is currently listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. LCL is one of the world’s leading leisure travel providers, operating under several brand names to sell packaged holidays. The company catered for more than 10 million customers in the last 12 months. Draft figures for the year ended 30 September 2020 show revenue of GH¢320 million, profit before tax of GH¢15 million, and total assets of GH¢410 million. LCL’s executives earn a bonus based on the profit before tax.

You are the senior manager responsible for the audit of LCL. The final audit is nearing completion, and the following points have been noted by the audit senior for your attention:

  1. Acquisition of Esinam Co. Ltd. On 15 November 2020, LCL acquired Esinam Co. Ltd, a company offering adventure holidays for independent travelers. Esinam Co. Ltd represents a significant acquisition, but this has not been recognised in the financial statements.
  2. Aseye Cruises One part of the company’s activities, operating under the Aseye Cruises brand, provides cruise holidays. Due to the economic recession owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, the revenue of the Aseye Cruises business segment has fallen by 25% this year, and profit before tax has fallen by 35%. Aseye Cruises contributed GH¢64 million to total revenue for the year ended 30 September 2020, and has identifiable assets of GH¢23.5 million, including several large cruise liners. The Aseye Cruises brand is not recognised as an intangible asset, as it was internally generated.
  3. Compensation Claim In July 2020, thousands of holiday-makers were left stranded abroad after the company operating the main airline chartered by LCL suffered Covid-19 restrictions. The holiday-makers were forced to wait an average of two weeks before they could be returned home using an alternative airline. They have formed a group which is claiming compensation for the time they were forced to spend abroad, with the total claim amounting to GH¢2 million. The reasons for the group claiming compensation include accommodation and subsistence costs, lost income, and distress caused by the situation. The claim has not been recognised or disclosed in the draft financial statements, as management argues that the full amount payable will be covered by LCL’s insurance cover.

Required: Comment on the matters raised and in your review of the working papers, state the audit evidence required to draw reasonable conclusions for the year ended 30 September 2020.

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AAA – April 2022 – L3 – Q2 – Evaluation and review, Group audits, Current issues

Comment on matters raised and state audit evidence required for Lartey Company Ltd for the year ended 30 September 2020.

Lartey Company Ltd (LCL) is a Private Limited Liability Company that was incorporated several years ago under the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179) now Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992). The company is currently listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. LCL is one of the world’s leading leisure travel providers, operating under several brand names to sell packaged holidays. The company catered for more than 10 million customers in the last 12 months. Draft figures for the year ended 30 September 2020 show revenue of GH¢320 million, profit before tax of GH¢15 million, and total assets of GH¢410 million. LCL’s executives earn a bonus based on the profit before tax.

You are the senior manager responsible for the audit of LCL. The final audit is nearing completion, and the following points have been noted by the audit senior for your attention:

  1. Acquisition of Esinam Co. Ltd. On 15 November 2020, LCL acquired Esinam Co. Ltd, a company offering adventure holidays for independent travelers. Esinam Co. Ltd represents a significant acquisition, but this has not been recognised in the financial statements.
  2. Aseye Cruises One part of the company’s activities, operating under the Aseye Cruises brand, provides cruise holidays. Due to the economic recession owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, the revenue of the Aseye Cruises business segment has fallen by 25% this year, and profit before tax has fallen by 35%. Aseye Cruises contributed GH¢64 million to total revenue for the year ended 30 September 2020, and has identifiable assets of GH¢23.5 million, including several large cruise liners. The Aseye Cruises brand is not recognised as an intangible asset, as it was internally generated.
  3. Compensation Claim In July 2020, thousands of holiday-makers were left stranded abroad after the company operating the main airline chartered by LCL suffered Covid-19 restrictions. The holiday-makers were forced to wait an average of two weeks before they could be returned home using an alternative airline. They have formed a group which is claiming compensation for the time they were forced to spend abroad, with the total claim amounting to GH¢2 million. The reasons for the group claiming compensation include accommodation and subsistence costs, lost income, and distress caused by the situation. The claim has not been recognised or disclosed in the draft financial statements, as management argues that the full amount payable will be covered by LCL’s insurance cover.

Required: Comment on the matters raised and in your review of the working papers, state the audit evidence required to draw reasonable conclusions for the year ended 30 September 2020.

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