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PT – Nov 2024 – L2 – Q4c – Tax Treatment of Repairs and Renovations

Explains the tax treatment of repairs and renovations for businesses.

Repairs are essential for maintaining the safety of a property, and renovation improves the overall functionality of a property.

What is the tax treatment of repairs and renovations?

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AT – Nov 2016 – L3 – SA – Q1 – Tax Administration and Dispute Resolution

Compute adjusted profit, assessable profit, capital allowances, and tax liabilities with election advisory for Zezee Nigeria Ltd.

Zezee Nigeria Limited was incorporated on September 7, 2012, but it did not commence business until July 1, 2013. Based on the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the company was incorporated to carry on the business of distributorship and general contracting.

Extracts of the Company’s Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income are as given below:

Period 6 Months Ended Dec 31, 2013 Year Ended Dec 31, 2014 Year Ended Dec 31, 2015
Revenue 5,430,000 12,600,000 18,400,000
Direct Cost (890,000) (1,345,000) (1,910,000)
Gross Profit 4,540,000 11,255,000 16,490,000
Other Income 45,000 458,150 201,000
Distribution Cost (386,000) (820,000) (1,060,500)
Administrative Expenses (4,810,550) (6,510,440) (8,240,600)
Other Expenses (41,000) (113,240) (145,100)
Net (Loss)/Profit (652,550) 4,269,470 7,244,800

Additional Information:

  1. Other Income Comprises:
Details 6 Months Ended Dec 31, 2013 Year Ended Dec 31, 2014 Year Ended Dec 31, 2015
Sale of Scraps 57,000
Interest Received on Treasury Bills 325,000 120,000
Interest on Domiciliary Account 45,000 76,150 81,000
Total Other Income 45,000 458,150 201,000
  1. Administrative Expenses Include:
Details 6 Months Ended Dec 31, 2013 Year Ended Dec 31, 2014 Year Ended Dec 31, 2015
Depreciation 160,000 320,000 440,000
Preliminary and Formation Expenses 216,000
Penalties and Fines 65,000
General Provision for Bad Debts 110,000 180,000 240,000
Staff Salaries 2,060,000 4,230,000 4,230,000
Office Rent 600,000 1,200,000 1,800,000
  1. Details of Property, Plant, and Equipment are as follows:
Asset Date of Purchase Cost (N)
Furniture and Fittings June 7, 2013 980,000
Motor Vehicles June 30, 2013 2,400,000
Office Equipment July 1, 2013 1,200,000
  1. On January 2, 2015, the company bought another motor vehicle for N1,800,000.
  2. Extracts of the Statements of Financial Position:
Period 6 Months Ended Dec 31, 2013 Year Ended Dec 31, 2014 Year Ended Dec 31, 2015
Net Assets 1,360,000 2,870,500 3,260,700
Paid-up Share Capital 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000


For all the relevant years of assessment, you are required to:

a. Compute the Adjusted Profit/Loss. (9 Marks)
b. Determine the Assessable Profit/Loss and advise the Company on whether or not to exercise its right of election. (6 Marks)
c. Compute the capital allowances. (4½ Marks)
d. Compute the tax liabilities. (10½ Marks)

(Total 30 Marks)

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ATAX – May 2019 – L3 – Q7b – Corporate Tax Compliance and Reporting

Compute the total tax liabilities for Alaba Trading Limited for the 2018 assessment year, considering its assessable profit, capital allowances, and dividend payable.

For the assessment year 2018, below are the extracts from the tax computations of Alaba Trading Limited:

Item Amount (₦)
Assessable profit 8,200,000
Capital allowances 5,400,000
Dividend payable 6,000,000

Determine the total tax liabilities of Alaba Trading Limited for the assessment year.

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ATAX – May 2022 – L3 – Q1 – Taxation of Companies

Determination of tax liabilities, treatment of donations, and exemptions of dividends based on CIT Act provisions.

Dadinkowa Nigeria Limited has been in business since 2009 as a manufacturer of sugar cubes. The company sources its raw materials, sugar cane, from the Northern part of the country. However, due to local security challenges, the company has faced supply disruptions since 2016.

Additionally, the company has disagreements with tax authorities regarding the treatment of certain items (e.g., donations and dividend income) in their financial statements and returns. High overhead costs, especially energy expenses, have worsened operational challenges.

At a recent board meeting, the directors proposed either a temporary closure or relocating to a neighboring country if conditions do not improve in the next fiscal year. The General Manager shared this with you during your visit as the company’s tax consultant, seeking your advice to address these issues.

A scheduled meeting with the Managing Director requires you to prepare a comprehensive tax report addressing:

  1. Determination of the company’s tax liabilities for the relevant tax year.
  2. Analysis of the treatment of donations and exemptions of dividend income under the Companies Income Tax Act (CITA).

The profit or loss account for the year ended December 31, 2021, is as follows:

Profit or Loss Account:

Extract from the company’s statement of financial position as at December 31, 2021 revealed:

The following additional information was made available:

(v) Interest on loan was paid on a facility obtained from a licensed Nigerian deposit money bank at commercial interest rate.
(vi) General and administrative expenses were made up of:

(vii) Donations and subscriptions
Included in donations was N12,000,000 paid to a fund created by the Federal Government for victims of communal crisis that took place where the company is situated.
(viii) The tax written down values of the qualifying capital expenditure (QCE) items as at December 31, 2020 were:

(ix) Additions to QCEs during the year ended December 31, 2021 were:

(x) Unrelieved capital allowances brought forward were N15,200,000.
(xi) Unabsorbed losses from previous years were:


As the company’s Tax Consultant, you are to draft a report to the Managing Director for the scheduled meeting expected to hold next week. This is expected to address the following:
a. Determination of the company’s tax liabilities for the relevant tax year. (20 Marks)
b. Comment, in line with the provisions of Companies Income Tax Act Cap C21 LFN 2004 (as amended) on:
i. The treatment of donations made by the company during the year under review (5 Marks)
ii. Exemption of dividends from taxation (5 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q6b – Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT)

Determines assessable profit, chargeable profit, assessable tax, and chargeable tax for Bivenette Petroleum Company Limited.

Bivenette Petroleum Company Limited has been in the oil prospecting business for some years. Extracts from its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013 show the following information:

Additional Information:

  1. Petroleum Profits Tax rate: 85%
  2. Interest paid includes N12,000,000 paid to an affiliated company.
  3. Capital allowances agreed at N253,750,000.
  4. Operating costs include N302,000,000 paid to a company for information on oil prospect in Adamawa State.
  5. The company is entitled to an Investment Allowance of N173,000,000.

You are required to:

  • Determine the Assessable Profit, Chargeable Profit, Assessable Tax, and Chargeable Tax of the company for the relevant Year of Assessment. (11 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q2 – Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT)

Tax computation for Debby Oil Limited, including adjustments, capital allowances, and tertiary education tax.

Debby Oil Limited is an oil prospecting company that has been operating in the deep ocean of the Niger Delta since 1990. The company makes up its accounts to December 31 each year.

The company is in discussion with a consortium of five deposit money banks in Nigeria for the purposes of taking a medium-term (5 years) loan facility of USD 5 million to finance further expansion of its facilities and acquisition of a marginal field. As part of the documents required by the banks for processing the loan facility are the audited financial statements and tax computations for the last five financial years. The company is yet to submit the documents for the year ended December 31, 2020, to the consortium.

The extract from its activities for the year ended December 31, 2020, is as presented below:

Item Amount (₦’000)
Oil inventory (Jan 1, 2020) 1,220,000
Oil inventory (Dec 31, 2020) 1,380,000
Sales – Export 9,524,000
Sales – Local 2,900,500
Other income 1,235,300
Production cost 3,440,000
Operating expenses 1,789,600
Intangible drilling cost 1,425,200
Tangible drilling cost 532,000
Traveling expenses 54,000
Salaries and wages 1,860,000
Pension fund contribution 175,000
Loan interest 150,000
General expenses 800,500
Depreciation 170,000
Royalties and production rentals 810,000
Donation 20,000
Bank charges 25,300
Harbour dues 15,000
Non-productive rent 350,000
Audit and accountancy fees 28,000
Customs duty on essentials 7,300
Income tax provision 865,860
Transfer to general reserves 900,000

Additional Information:

  1. Posted prices of crude oil exported is USD 35 per barrel at the standard API gravity of 32°.
  2. Actual realised price is adjusted for deviation from the standard API gravity. Each degree change in API results in a price adjustment of USD 0.20.
  3. 650,000 barrels of crude oil were exported during the year with an API gravity of 34°.
  4. Other income of ₦735 million was generated from the company’s ocean tanker business. Associated expenses of ₦580.5 million were included in general expenses.
  5. Operating expenses included ₦9 million for short lease renewal.
  6. Pension fund contributions were approved by the State Internal Revenue Service.
  7. Loan interest included ₦78 million paid to a subsidiary company, approved by the board.
  8. A new pipeline and storage tank costing ₦150 million was acquired for offshore operations in a 180-meter deep area.
  9. Transfer to general reserves was board-approved.
  10. Capital allowances agreed with the tax authorities include an annual allowance of ₦120 million and a balancing charge of ₦8 million.
  11. Assume USD 1 is equivalent to ₦420.

As the company’s Assistant Tax Manager, draft a report to the Tax Manager showing the company’s tax liability for the relevant assessment year according to the Petroleum Profits Tax Act, Cap P.13, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 (as amended).

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ATAX – Nov 2020 – Q2 – Petroleum Profits Tax

Discuss the tax implications and appeals process for Sunny Oil Producing Nigeria Limited regarding its tax computation discrepancies.

Sunny Oil Producing Nigeria Limited is engaged in petroleum exploration in the deep sea off the coast of Bight of Benin in the Niger delta region since 2005. It is involved in a production sharing contract with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. In order to consolidate its position in the Nigerian oil and gas sector, the company intends to diversify its operations into the ocean-going oil tanker transportation business in the next few months.

The company submitted its annual returns and statement of tax computation in respect of the year ended December 31, 2018, to the Federal Inland Revenue Service office in April 2019, but there was a disagreement between the amount raised by the tax office and that of the company. A check by the financial accountant of the company revealed that capital allowances on plant and equipment acquired for N120.5 million during the year, as well as a donation of N50 million made to an institution of higher learning, were not taken into consideration in the determination of assessable profit. A letter explaining this discrepancy was written by the Managing Director to the FIRS, but instead of the issue being resolved, a notice, giving the company date and time for hearing before the Tax Appeal Tribunal was received.

In order for the company to be properly guided in the pursuit of the case before the tribunal, it was resolved that a competent firm of Chartered Accountants with a bias in oil and gas accounting and taxation should be engaged.

Your firm has been appointed as the company‘s tax consultants with the mandate of representing the company at the sittings of the Tax Appeal Tribunal. Relevant documents in respect of the acquisition of the plant and equipment and donation were made available to you.

The extract from the books of accounts of the company for the year ended December 31, 2018 revealed the following:
(i) Export sales:

  • Bonny light 150,000 barrels exported at 37° API
  • Forcados 100,000 barrels exported at 36° API
  • Bonny medium 90,000 barrels exported at 35° API

Price per barrel at 36° API:

  • Bonny Light: $63.03
  • Forcados: $65.00
  • Bonny medium: $64.53

(ii) Actual realised price is arrived at after adjusting for the variance in API. For every API, $0.03 is the variance in price at 36°.

(iii) Domestic sales: 80,000 barrels at N720 per barrel.

(iv) Expenses incurred include:

Description Amount (N’000)
Operating expenses 255,000
Production and exploration 1,100,600
Intangible drilling cost 420,800
Administrative expenses 225,500
Non-productive rent 80,700
Bad debts written off 20,150
Repairs and renewals 92,600
Transportation and traveling 73,200
Royalties 222,900
Miscellaneous expenses 63,800
Salaries and wages 830,700
Pension fund contribution 74,450
Customs duty (non-essentials) 10,400
Harbour dues 3,300
Stamp duties on debenture 2,500
Interest on loan 52,350
Cost of 3 appraisal wells 120,000
Income tax provision 750,000
Transfer to special reserves 255,000

Additional Information:
(i) Production and exploration include N80 million incurred on tangible drilling operation and depreciation of N200.2 million.
(ii) Royalties include an amount of N22.5 million in respect of royalties on domestic sales.
(iii) Miscellaneous expenses include, among others, N12.75 million spent on obtaining information on the existence of oil in the Middle-Belt and N50 million donation to a public university in one of the states in the Niger delta region.
(iv) The Joint Tax Board gave approval for the operation of the pension fund contribution in the company.
(v) Interest on the loan includes N12.3 million paid to a subsidiary company. The transaction was made at the prevailing market rate.
(vi) The company entered into a gas contract with the following:

Company Load factor Amount (N’000)
Akin Gas Limited 66 220,000
Bollah Limited 71 350,000

(vii) Schedule of qualifying capital expenditure:

(viii) Unutilised capital allowance and loss brought forward from the previous year were N12.5 million and N750 million, respectively.
(ix) Capital allowance as agreed with the relevant tax authority was N130.25 million.
(x) The amount stated in respect of transfer to special reserves was approved by the company’s Board of Directors to be utilised for future investment opportunities.
(xi) Assume N305 is equivalent to US $1.
(xii) Profits from petroleum exported or sold domestically are taxable at 85%.

a. As the company‘s tax consultant, you are to draft a report to the Managing Director explaining the following:
i. The preparation which you and the company should make before the commencement of the proceedings at the tribunal. (2 Marks)
ii. Steps to be taken by the company if the decision of the tribunal is not acceptable to it. (2 Marks)
iii. The tax implication of the company‘s proposed transportation business. (1 Mark)

b. Re-computing the following:
i. Assessable profit (8 Marks)
ii. Chargeable profit (3 Marks)
iii. Assessable tax (1 Mark)
iv. Chargeable tax (1 Mark)
v. Total tax payable (2 Marks)

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AT – May – 2018 – L3 – SC – Q5b – Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT)

Tax computation for Ayokunle Oil Nigeria Ltd., a petroleum company, including assessable and chargeable profit based on expenses and sales.

Ayokunle Oil Nigeria Limited engages in petroleum operations. The company was incorporated in 2005 but commenced business in January 2010. It operates in the continental shelf at a water depth of 155 metres. The company makes up its accounts to December 31 each year.

The company has presented the following statement of activities for the year ended December 31, 2016:

  • Sales of crude oil:
    • Exported at $52 per barrel: 120,500 barrels
    • Domestic at N12,250 per barrel: 70,000 barrels
  • Chargeable natural gas sold: N300,800,000
  • Income from other sources: N6,770,000

Expenses incurred:

Expense Type Amount (₦)
Operating costs 523,750
Non-productive rent 110,420
Intangible drilling cost 439,000
Custom duty 53,200
Salaries and other personnel costs 280,500
Interest paid 50,410
Royalty on oil exported 110,600
Royalty on local sales 41,200
Stamp duty 1,050
Donations 22,000
Transportation 72,070
Administration and general expenses 340,200
Bad debts 66,000
Pension contribution 21,000
Miscellaneous expenses 32,170

Additional Information:

  • Capital allowances were agreed at ₦133,000,000.
  • Plant and storage tank acquired and used during the year amounted to ₦80,000,000.
  • Depreciation of ₦105,000,000 was included in operating costs.
  • Custom duty on plant and storage tank, ₦2,250,000, was included in miscellaneous expenses.
  • 70% of custom duty was on essential items.
  • The average exchange rate during the period was ₦365 to $1 (USA).


Determine for the relevant assessment year the following:

a. Assessable Profit (7 Marks)
b. Chargeable Profit (3 Marks)
c. Chargeable Tax (1 Mark)

(Total 15 Marks)

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AT – May 2018 – L3 – SB – Q2b – Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT)

Calculate assessable profit, chargeable profit, chargeable tax, and total tax liability for Ibrahim Oil Nigeria Ltd.

Ibrahim Oil Nigeria Limited is an oil prospecting company which commenced production in commercial quantity in 2008. Its accounting year end is December 31. The company has provided the following Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended December 31, 2016:

Description Amount (N’000)
Revenue (value of oil produced) 2,455,200
Operating costs (952,500)
Non-productive rent (63,200)
Royalty on export sales (14,775)
Depreciation of Property Plant and Equipment (65,400)
Tangible drilling cost (53,800)
Donation (2,500)
Stamp duties (1,250)
Repairs and renewal of machinery (2,000)
Exploration and drilling costs (100,300)
Custom duties on Plant and Machinery (1,130)
Bad and doubtful debts (26,500)
Pension and provident funds (30,600)
Interest paid (26,200)
General expenses (11,050)
Income tax provision (120,000)
Net Profit 983,995

Additional Information:

  1. Exploration and drilling costs are itemized for various wells totaling 100,300 N’000.
  2. A breakdown of bad debts shows 16,500 N’000 as specific provision.
  3. Capital allowances are agreed at N88,100,000.

Required: Determine for the relevant assessment year, the following:

  • (i) Assessable Profit (9 Marks)
  • (ii) Chargeable Profit (3 Marks)
  • (iii) Chargeable Tax (2 Marks)
  • (iv) Total Tax Liability (1 Mark)

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FM – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q2 – Financing Decisions and Capital Markets

Evaluate financing options for machine acquisition using present value and compare traditional financing with Islamic finance.

Tamilore Limited (TL) is an agro-based firm, specializing in yam and rice production in Benue State of Nigeria. One of the harvesters is due to be replaced on November 30, 2018, the last day of TL’s current financial year. An investment appraisal exercise has recently been completed which confirmed that it is financially beneficial to replace the machine at this point. TL is now considering how best to finance the acquisition of the harvester to be replaced. TL is already highly geared.

A government development agency has offered the following two alternative methods of financing the machine:

Alternative 1
A loan of N49,200,000 at 6% interest rate to buy the machine on November 30, 2018. If this option is selected, the machine will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over its estimated useful life of 5 years.

Alternative 2
Enter into a finance lease. This will involve payment of annual rental of N12 million with the first payment due on November 30, 2019. The lease payments will be for the entire estimated useful life of the machine, which is 5 years, after which ownership will pass to TL without further payment.

Other information

(i) Whether leased or purchased outright, maintenance would remain the responsibility of TL and would be N450,000 payable annually in advance.
(ii) TL is liable to tax at a rate of 25%, payable annually at the end of the year in which the tax charge or tax saving arises.
(iii) TL is able to claim capital allowances on the full capital cost of the machine in equal installments over the first four years of the machine.
(iv) Assume that TL has sufficient taxable profits to benefit from any savings arising therefrom.
(v) All workings in N’000.


a. Show that the implied interest rate in the lease agreement is 7%. (3 Marks)

b. Advise, using present value method, whether Tamilore Limited should borrow to buy the machine or lease it. (12 Marks)

c. Instead of lease financing, one director has suggested an equivalent Islamic finance.

i. Explain briefly the principles of Islamic finance. (2 Marks)

ii. Explain three main advantages of Islamic finance. (3 Marks)

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TAX – Nov 2018 – L2 – SC – Q5a – Companies Income Tax (CIT)

Compute the companies' income tax payable for Mandy Construction Nigeria Limited for the 2017 assessment year.

Mandy Construction Nigeria Limited is an engineering company incorporated on January 1, 2009, and commenced business the same day. The company makes up its accounts to June 30 each year. The company had prepared its tax returns for the 2017 assessment year and was of the opinion that it had no total profit and therefore was not subject to companies income tax.

As a tax consultant, the chief executive officer has requested you to review the tax returns to ascertain if any provision of the tax laws stipulates procedures to determine the tax payable in situations where there is no taxable profit or the total profit results in no tax payable.

The following information relates to the company’s records for the year ended June 30, 2016:

Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended June 30, 2016:

Particulars N’000
Revenue 5,656,000
Cost of Sales (4,404,211)
Gross Profit 1,251,789
Other Income 152,240
Administrative Expenses (907,906)
Operating Profit 496,123
Investment Income 50,934
Finance Costs (890,657)
Loss Before Tax (343,600)
Income Tax
Loss for the Year (343,600)

Additional Information:
(i) Included in administrative expenses are the following:

  • Loss on disposal of property, plant, and equipment: N4,352,400
  • Depreciation: N5,184,700

(ii) Capital allowances agreed with the tax office: N1,065,000

The company’s authorized, issued, and fully paid-up share capital of N1 each is provided as follows:

The net assets of the company extracted from the statement of financial position as at June 30, 2016, was N3,441,041,000.

From the available information, compute the companies income tax payable by Mandy Construction Nigeria Limited for the relevant assessment year.

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PT – April 2022 – L2 – Q4 – Corporate Tax Liabilities

Calculate the tax payable for Therry Ltd for the 2020 year of assessment using the provided financial data and adjustments.

The following extract relates to the financial data of Therry Ltd, a company resident in Ghana with a basis period from January to December each year. Therry Ltd has submitted its tax returns to GRA for the 2020 year of assessment:

The following additional information is available:

Interest Charges:
a. Interest on loan for MD’s personal housing project GH¢500,000
b. Foreign exchange loss on loan GH¢320,500
c. Bank charges GH¢75,000
a. Osu Children Home GH¢10,000
b. Pastor (Azigi Church) GH¢30,000
c. Labone Senior High School GH¢20,000
d. National Disaster Management Organisation GH¢50,000
e. Political Parties Fundraising GH¢90,000
An amount of GH¢200,000 disclosed in the accounts was paid for repairs and improvements of an old machine bought three years ago. It is hoped that the performance of the machine will be enhanced after the improvements.
Creditors of the company agreed to cancel an amount of GH¢120,000 standing as part of the credit balance as incentive to the company. This has not been taken into account by the company in its tax returns to GRA.
An amount of GH¢300,000 being cost price of goods was issued to a related party outside Ghana at cost. The margin on the goods waived was sighted as GH¢40,000 in a correspondence with the related party.
Tax paid on account was GH¢20,000.
The company booked capital allowance unutilised certified by GRA from 2019 year of assessment as GH¢300,000.
Capital allowance agreed with GRA after taking into account all relevant issues was GH¢1,050,000 for 2020 year of assessment.
The machine (Pool 3 asset) had a written down value of GH¢4,000,000 as at 1 January 2020.
An allowable bad debt included in the selling and distribution expenses for 2019 amounted to GH¢100,000. The company recovered the amount in 2020 but no transaction was recorded in 2020.
Therry Ltd disposed off one of its capital assets for GH¢250,000 to the Managing Director. It cost the company GH¢300,000 to acquire the asset some years ago. An investigation revealed that the market value of the asset at the time of the sale was GH¢350,000. The company has already included the loss of the sale of the asset in administration expenses.
Determine the tax payable for the 2020 year of assessment. (20 marks)

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PT – Nov2019 – L2 – Q4a – Corporate Tax Liabilities

This question asks to compute the chargeable income of Valentine Ghana Limited for the 2018 tax year based on the provided financial statements and additional information.

Valentine Ghana Limited is a producer of love greeting cards, and the following was extracted from its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018.
a) Valentine Ghana Limited is a producer of love greeting cards and the following was
extracted from its financial statements for the year ended 31 December,2018.


Net Profit: GH¢346,110
Additional Information:
i) Capital allowances for the year were GH¢204,000, as agreed with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).
ii) The figures for repairs and maintenance include an amount of GH¢33,150 for the cost of erecting a new gate to the factory.
iii) 50% of other income was the personal rental income of the Managing Director.
iv) One-third of vehicle running expenses was expended on the personal car of the Managing Director, used for the company’s operation based on company policy.

Calculate the chargeable income of Valentine Ghana Limited for 2018 Year of Assessment.
(8 marks)

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PT – May 2020 – L2 – Q4a – Capital Allowance and tax reliefs

Computation of capital allowance for Stella-VD Ltd for the 2017 and 2018 years of assessment.

Stella-VD Company Limited, manufacturers of fruit juice for local consumption, commenced business on 1/10/2017, with an accounting year-end at 31 December. The company submitted its accounts for 2017 and was assessed accordingly. The company submitted its tax returns for the 2018 year of assessment to the Ghana Revenue Authority on 30/04/2019. Below are the details:

iii) Staff Welfare

Staff Medical Bills: 3,700
Safety Wear for Staff: 10,500
Canteen Equipment purchased on 30/11/2018: 12,000
iv) Donation and Subscription

Goods given as Gratis to Customs Officials: 13,000
Donation of Goods to SOS Children Village: 10,000
Subscription to Association of Ghana Industries: 5,000
v) Wages and Salaries

Old Staff: 120,000
Fresh Graduates employed by Stella-VD Ltd: 26,000
Fresh Graduates constitute 0.9% of the total workforce
vi) Other Income

Compensation from a Customer for Cancellation of Sale Order: 8,000
Compensation for Loss of Trading Stock of the Company: 10,000
Compensation for Cancellation of Purchase Order by Supplier: 5,000
The Company’s assets include the following:

Type of Assets Date of Acquisition Cost (GH¢)
Factory Building 01/10/2017 300,000
Plant and Machinery 25/10/2017 171,000
Delivery Van 01/11/2017 50,000
Computers 01/10/2017 40,000
Furniture and Fittings 10/12/2017 150,000
Other Office Equipment 01/10/2017 200,000
Office Building 30/06/2018 500,000
a) Compute the appropriate capital allowance for the 2017 and 2018 years of assessment.
(8 marks)

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PT – Nov 2020 – L2 – Q4 – Corporate Tax Liabilities

Compute capital allowances for a manufacturing company over two years and explain the class or pool system of capital allowances.

Fafana Manufacturing Company Ltd, producers of special fruit juice, started business on 01/01/2016 and prepares accounts to 31 December each year. The company had constructed an office building, which was put into use on 01/01/2016. The following are the capital allowance written down values brought forward from pools of assets as at 01/01/2017:

Item Written Down Value (GH¢)
Pool 1 12,000
Pool 2 520,000
Pool 3 405,000
Office Building 540,000
Patent (acquired in 2016 for five years) 48,000

The company acquired the following chargeable assets for the business in 2017:

  • Factory Buildings GH¢958,000
  • Plant and Machinery GH¢2,500,000
  • File Cabinet GH¢10,000
  • Electric Ceiling and Standing Fans GH¢20,000
  • Window and Split Air Conditioners GH¢157,000
  • Motor Vehicles GH¢110,000
  • Photocopier GH¢14,000
  • LCD Television GH¢3,000
  • Visitors Chairs GH¢5,500
  • Office Chairs and Tables GH¢56,000

Some assets were disposed of in 2017, namely:

  • Computers and Accessories GH¢11,600
  • Standing Fans GH¢3,500

The company acquired the following chargeable assets for the business in 2018:

  • Toyota Salon Car GH¢70,000
  • Toyota Pick-up (only one) GH¢95,000
  • LCD Projector GH¢5,500
  • Data Handling Machine GH¢36,000
  • Trucks and Trailers GH¢54,000
  • Trademark (registered for 8 years) GH¢72,000

One of the vehicles was involved in an accident in 2018, and the company received GH¢45,000 as insurance compensation.

a) Determine the capital allowances for Fafana Manufacturing Company Ltd for 2017 and 2018 years of assessment. (16 marks)
b) Indicate how the class or pool system works with the treatment of capital allowances. (4 marks)

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AT – NOV 2021 – L3 – Q3 – Business income – Corporate income tax | Capital allowances

Compute taxable income and tax payable for Partey Ltd after business restructuring involving transfer of assets to employees and disposal of assets.

Partey Ltd (Partey) produces flour and various soup powders, and the company is considered as a priority company. On 1 January 2019, Partey owned two refineries in Accra (Weija and Mamprobi) and a refinery in Takoradi. Each refinery comprises building, plant and equipment and a warehouse, all of which were owned by Partey.

Partey has been having financial difficulties and, on 1 February 2019, engaged the services of a business consultant to recommend a survival plan for the company. Unfortunately, staff morale was very low when the business consultant was engaged because their salaries were six months in arrears.

The business consultant’s recommendations were agreed and implemented in the year ended 31 December 2019 as follows:

i) The Takoradi refinery was transferred to the employees at market value to be operated as independent business ventures. The inventory in the warehouse was included in the transfer.

ii) The Weija refinery was disposed off, together with all its related fixed assets, to fund Partey’s future business operations and pay off part of the arrears of salaries due to the employees. The employees at this refinery were all reassigned elsewhere. The inventory at the warehouse, valued at cost, was given to the employees as final settlement of their salaries in arrears.

Both the disposal of the Weija refinery and the transfer of the Takoradi refinery to their employees were made on 30 March 2019.

Details of the fixed assets disposed and transferred are:

Partey’s statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2019 in respect of
Mamprobi is as follows:

i) This amount represents Partey’s ordinary sales for the year.
ii) Included in the cost of sales is the total value of inventory at cost transferred to the
employees (in accordance with the business consultant’s recommendations) on 30 March
2019. No other adjustments were recorded regarding this inventory transfer.


a) Outline the tax consequences for Partey due to the transfer of the fixed assets and inventory to the employees on 30 March 2019, stating when any taxes should be paid. (4 marks)

b) Assess the tax implications:

i) When the proceeds from the realisation of depreciable assets exceed the written down values? (1.5 marks)

ii) When the proceeds from the realisation of depreciable assets are less than the written down values? (1.5 marks)

c) Calculate the taxable income of Partey for the year ended 31 December 2019. (8 marks)

d) Explain how shareholders of a company are taxed? (5 marks)

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AT – MAR 2024 – L3 – Q4 – Business Income – Corporate Income Tax | Capital Allowance

Covers capital allowance computation, tax rules on long-term contracts, and chargeable income calculation.

Finstruct Ltd has been awarded an airport terminal project. The project started on 1 January 2022 for a contract sum of GH¢60,000,000. The construction of the airport is to be completed on 31 December 2023.

Finstruct Ltd has a financial year ending on 31 December each year. On 31 December 2022, the accounts appropriate to the airport contract contained the following:

Cost Item GH¢
Cost of construction materials 25,500,000
Direct wages of construction staff 22,100,000
Hire of special equipment 300,000
Cost of soil test 100,000
Purchase of fuel and lubricants 750,000
Consultancy services 135,000

Additional information:
i) Materials costing GH¢340,000 sent to the site were returned to the company’s warehouse.
ii) Materials sent to the site worth GH¢675,000 were still unused at the construction site as of 31 December 2022.
iii) Finstruct Ltd pays some of its workers the first week of the ensuing month after the end of the current month. GH¢57,000 is still owed for wages as of the close of the year 2022, and this was not included in the accounts.
iv) A bill amounting to GH¢45,000 was submitted late by Finstruct Ltd, and as of 31 December 2022, the bill had not yet been paid. This was not included in the accounts.
v) It is estimated that the cost to complete the project as of 31 December 2022 should be GH¢8,265,180.
vi) The following details are available on assets of Finstruct Ltd:

a) Compute the capital allowance for Finstruct Ltd for the year 2022. (6 marks)
b) Explain the tax rules on long-term contracts and compute the percentage of contract completion of the project. (4 marks)
c) Compute the chargeable income of Finstruct Ltd for the year ended 31 December 2022. (10 marks)

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AT – Dec 2023 – L3 – Q4 – Business income – Corporate income tax

Computing the maximum capital allowances and chargeable income for STE Ltd for the year ended 31 December 2021.

STE Ltd was incorporated in 2020 and commenced business operations on 1 January 2021, specializing in manufacturing and distributing solar panels and related products. The company secured a two-year loan of GH¢750,000 with an interest rate of 15% per annum from a local financial institution. The loan was applied as follows:

Loan Application Amount (GH¢)
Showroom construction at Tema 100,000
Procurement of plant and machinery 250,000
Procurement of raw materials 300,000
Procurement of commercial vehicles 70,000
Amount applied towards 2021 consultancy fees 30,000
Total 750,000

The company’s fixed asset register as at 31 December 2021 is as follows:

Fixed Assets Cost (GH¢) Depreciation (GH¢) Net Book Value (GH¢)
Head office building 150,000 3,750 146,250
Factory building 120,000 6,000 114,000
Furniture and fittings 65,000 6,500 58,500
Office computers 80,000 16,000 64,000
Total 415,000 32,250 382,750

STE’s statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2021 is as follows:

Additional information:

  1. Staff welfare includes a penalty for late PAYE payment (GH¢5,000), staff end-of-year party (GH¢7,350), and initial payroll software license (GH¢14,000).
  2. Advertising and marketing includes GH¢3,800 spent on entertaining the Marketing Director’s family and friends.
  3. Utility costs include GH¢13,640 for installing solar panels at the Tema showroom.
  4. Interest consists of GH¢15,000 for a loan establishment fee, GH¢56,250 for 2020 interest, and GH¢112,500 for 2021 interest.
  5. Research and development contributions were made to the Energy Commission of Ghana for solar-powered cookers and heaters research.
  6. The operating licence was paid to the Tema Metropolitan Assembly for the factory’s initial license.

a) Calculate the maximum capital allowances claimable by STE Ltd for the year ended 31 December 2021.
b) Calculate the chargeable income and tax payable by STE Ltd for the year ended 31 December 2021.

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