- 20 Marks
BCL – Nov 2017 – L1 – Q7 – Alternative forms and constitutions of business organisations
Analyze the legality of a partnership's formation and the circumstances under which a partner may be expelled.
a) Kwasi Mensa, aged 21 years, Patience Adibu, aged 14 years, and Kojo Ntim, aged 20 years, agreed to form a partnership. Available information, however, showed that Kojo Ntim was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for 2 years and was later discharged. In the case of Kwasi Mensa, he was declared bankrupt after he could not meet his financial obligations to a company in which he had previously invested. The three, however, went ahead and formed a partnership known as KKK firm.
Explain whether the KKK firm was formed in accordance with law. (5 marks)
b) State the reasons for which the Courts may order the expulsion of a partner. (10 marks)
c) What advantages does a partnership have over a company? (5 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
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- Tags: Advantages of Partnership, Capacity, Expulsion, Partnership
- Level: Level 1