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AT – Nov 2016 – L3 – SB – Q2 – Taxation of Companies

Identify NPDC activities, explain the importance of leases in petroleum operations, and compute adjusted profit, chargeable profit, and chargeable tax.

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is one of the regulatory agencies in the Oil and Gas sector of the Nigerian economy. NNPC, through its subsidiaries, carries out various regulatory functions.

a. State any FIVE activities of the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), a subsidiary of NNPC. (5 Marks)

b. State the importance of an Oil Mining Lease and an Oil Prospecting Lease. (2 Marks)

c. **Mr. Gillani Azurhi intimated you about his desire to invest in any company engaged in petroleum operations. One of his friends advised him against the petroleum sector in view of the current low price of crude oil in the international market and the high cost of domestic operations. He declined the advice, arguing that the price will not remain at its current low level as Nigeria will not be in recession forever.

On his own, he carried out some research using the internet. He presented you with the following financial extracts of Joji Petroleum Company Limited, which he obtained from the internet:**

Details Amount (₦’000)
Current year capital allowances 6,080
Previous years’ capital allowances (b/f) 8,901
Custom duty 125
Royalties not included in the accounts 1,638
Loss brought forward 6,250
Petroleum Profits Tax payable 1,336

Assume a tax rate of 85%. You are required to:
i. Compute and explain the significance of Adjusted Profit. (9 Marks)
ii. Compute and explain the significance of Chargeable Profit. (2 Marks)
iii. Compute and explain the significance of Chargeable Tax. (2 Marks)

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ATAX – May 2017 – L3 – Q7a – Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT)

List eight items disallowed by the Petroleum Profits Tax Act in ascertaining adjusted profit.

As the newly appointed Tax Consultant to a company, you are required to make a presentation stating EIGHT items specifically disallowed by the Petroleum Profits Tax Act Cap. P13 LFN 2004 as amended, in ascertaining the adjusted profit of an accounting period. (8 Marks)

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ATAX – May 2021 – L3 – Q2 – Tax Incentives and Reliefs

Computation of adjusted profit and tax liabilities for Nature Agricultural Products Limited under pioneer status.

The quest for economic development in every sector of the country has enabled the Federal Government to come up with various tax incentives, especially for pioneer companies.

Nature Agricultural Products Limited, a medium-sized company, was incorporated on January 10, 2015, as a manufacturer of animal feeds. The company thereafter applied for a pioneer status and was granted a pioneer certificate with a production day of March 1, 2015.

The following details were provided in respect of the business operations of the company:


(ii.) Capital expenditure incurred on or before February 28, 2018:

(iii) Accumulated profit as at February 28, 2018= N3,968,000
The management of the company did not apply for extension of the pioneer period.


a. Compute the adjusted profit for the relevant years. (3 Marks)

b. Compute the tax liabilities for the relevant assessment years. (17 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q5b – Tax Incentives and Reliefs

Calculates tax liabilities for a pioneer company and withholding tax on dividends during the pioneer period.

Ajanaku Nigeria Limited was incorporated as a pioneer company on March 15, 2011, focusing on aluminum roofing sheets. It received a Pioneer Certificate with Production Day as July 1, 2011. Extracts from its Audited Financial Statements are as follows:

Gross dividends declared:

  • 2013: N600,000
  • 2014: N1,500,000

Withholding tax rate on dividends for these years is 10%. Ignore Minimum Tax provisions. The initial tax relief period was not extended.

You are required to:

  • Compute the tax liabilities for the relevant years of assessment relating to Pioneer Status only.
  • State the amount of Withholding Tax due from the shareholders. (11 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q4b – Corporate Tax Compliance and Reporting

Compute the relevant tax liabilities for Gringrin Nigeria Ltd. in scenarios with different accounting dates

Gringrin Nigeria Limited is proposing to embark on two courses of action:

i) Change its accounting date from March 31 to June 30; or
ii) Change its accounting date from March 31 to December 31.

The adjusted profits in each scenario are as follows:

  • Change to June 30:
Period Adjusted Profits (N’000)
Year ended March 31, 2011 30,000
Year ended March 31, 2012 33,000
Period ended June 30, 2013 (15 months) 78,000
Year ended June 30, 2014 34,000
  • Change to December 31:
Period Adjusted Profits (N’000)
Year ended March 31, 2011 50,000
Year ended March 31, 2012 60,000
Period ended December 31, 2013 (21 months) 180,000
Year ended December 31, 2014 70,000

As the Tax Consultant, you are required to:

Compute the relevant tax liabilities. (15 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q2c – Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT)

Compute and explain the significance of adjusted profit, chargeable profit, and chargeable tax for Joji Petroleum Company.

Mr. Gillani Azurhi is considering investing in a petroleum company and has provided financial extracts of Joji Petroleum Company Limited for analysis.

Financial Data Provided:

Item N’000
Current year capital allowances 6,080
Previous years’ capital allowances b/f 8,901
Custom duty 125
Royalties not included in accounts 1,638
Loss brought forward 6,250
Petroleum Profits Tax payable 1,336

Tax Rate: 85%


Compute and explain the significance of each of the following:

i) Adjusted profit (9 Marks)
ii) Chargeable profit (2 Marks)
iii) Chargeable tax (2 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q2 – Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT)

Tax computation for Debby Oil Limited, including adjustments, capital allowances, and tertiary education tax.

Debby Oil Limited is an oil prospecting company that has been operating in the deep ocean of the Niger Delta since 1990. The company makes up its accounts to December 31 each year.

The company is in discussion with a consortium of five deposit money banks in Nigeria for the purposes of taking a medium-term (5 years) loan facility of USD 5 million to finance further expansion of its facilities and acquisition of a marginal field. As part of the documents required by the banks for processing the loan facility are the audited financial statements and tax computations for the last five financial years. The company is yet to submit the documents for the year ended December 31, 2020, to the consortium.

The extract from its activities for the year ended December 31, 2020, is as presented below:

Item Amount (₦’000)
Oil inventory (Jan 1, 2020) 1,220,000
Oil inventory (Dec 31, 2020) 1,380,000
Sales – Export 9,524,000
Sales – Local 2,900,500
Other income 1,235,300
Production cost 3,440,000
Operating expenses 1,789,600
Intangible drilling cost 1,425,200
Tangible drilling cost 532,000
Traveling expenses 54,000
Salaries and wages 1,860,000
Pension fund contribution 175,000
Loan interest 150,000
General expenses 800,500
Depreciation 170,000
Royalties and production rentals 810,000
Donation 20,000
Bank charges 25,300
Harbour dues 15,000
Non-productive rent 350,000
Audit and accountancy fees 28,000
Customs duty on essentials 7,300
Income tax provision 865,860
Transfer to general reserves 900,000

Additional Information:

  1. Posted prices of crude oil exported is USD 35 per barrel at the standard API gravity of 32°.
  2. Actual realised price is adjusted for deviation from the standard API gravity. Each degree change in API results in a price adjustment of USD 0.20.
  3. 650,000 barrels of crude oil were exported during the year with an API gravity of 34°.
  4. Other income of ₦735 million was generated from the company’s ocean tanker business. Associated expenses of ₦580.5 million were included in general expenses.
  5. Operating expenses included ₦9 million for short lease renewal.
  6. Pension fund contributions were approved by the State Internal Revenue Service.
  7. Loan interest included ₦78 million paid to a subsidiary company, approved by the board.
  8. A new pipeline and storage tank costing ₦150 million was acquired for offshore operations in a 180-meter deep area.
  9. Transfer to general reserves was board-approved.
  10. Capital allowances agreed with the tax authorities include an annual allowance of ₦120 million and a balancing charge of ₦8 million.
  11. Assume USD 1 is equivalent to ₦420.

As the company’s Assistant Tax Manager, draft a report to the Tax Manager showing the company’s tax liability for the relevant assessment year according to the Petroleum Profits Tax Act, Cap P.13, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 (as amended).

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ATAX – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q1 – Corporate Tax Compliance and Reporting

Calculation of tax liabilities, corporate tax compliance, and adjustments in financial reporting.

Carrol Nigeria Limited, a medium-sized company, commenced business in 2011. The company has three subsidiaries in the manufacturing of household utensils and baby products. Over the last three years, its fortunes have dwindled due to high costs of imported raw materials, overheads, low patronage from customers, and increasing demands from the host communities for social amenities.

Due to the challenging business environment, the board decided in 2016 to reduce workforce and permanently close one of its subsidiaries. This led to the appointment of a young accountant with limited taxation and fiscal policy knowledge as the Group Accountant after two Finance Department staff were affected.

In the past three years, the company faced challenges with tax authorities on tax compliance. The Group Managing Director was embarrassed when informed by the tax officer that essential records necessary for determining tax liabilities were not maintained. Gaps were also observed in the annual returns filed by the company, and the Revenue Service is conducting a back duty audit.

The Group Managing Director has sought assistance in addressing these challenges and provided documents for recomputation of the company’s income tax liabilities for the year ended December 31, 2020.

The statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2020, is as follows:

Additional Information:

  1. Other income included ₦320,000 realized from the disposal of an old plant.
  2. Administrative expenses included ₦250,000 paid to a legal practitioner for the defense and release of the company’s driver caught by traffic officers.
  3. 30% of motor running expenses was expended on the personal expenses of the Managing Director.
  4. 20% of the donation was paid to a State Government fund assisting insurgent victims.
  5. Repairs and maintenance included ₦215,000 for erecting a gate destroyed during a youth protest.
  6. Allowance for doubtful debts comprised ₦600,000 in general provision and ₦400,000 in specific provision.
  7. Miscellaneous expenses included ₦450,000 for hamper gifts to customers during Sallah and Christmas.
  8. A review revealed the gross turnover was understated by ₦750,000.
  9. The following is the schedule of qualifying capital expenditure on property, plant, and equipment:
    Nature Date of Acquisition Amount (₦’000)
    Factory building September 8, 2016 3,800
    Furniture & fittings October 12, 2016 1,600
    Motor van June 19, 2018 4,200
    Factory building March 8, 2020 6,500
    Furniture & fittings April 15, 2020 2,000
    Industrial plant July 1, 2020 5,700
    Motor van December 20, 2020 4,240
  10. Unutilized capital allowances brought forward was ₦1,500,000, with a balancing charge of ₦155,000 on disposal of the old plant.

As the company’s tax consultant, prepare a report to the Group Managing Director covering the following:

a. Provisions of the Companies Income Tax Act CAP C21 LFN 2004 (as amended) and Finance Act 2020 regarding maintenance of books or records of accounts (4 Marks)

b. Back duty audit and its implications (4 Marks)

c. Computation of the company’s tax liabilities (with supporting schedules) for the relevant tax year (22 Marks)

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TAX – Nov 2023 – L2 – Q1 – Personal Income Tax (PIT)

Compute the personal income tax payable by a proprietor with specific adjustments for disallowable expenses and capital allowances.

Alhaji Nura Imam, having spent over 20 years as an employee of Apex Limited, retired on November 1, 2020. On January 2, 2021, he registered a business under the name of Nura Imam Enterprises. The profit or loss account of the enterprise for the year ended December 31, 2021, is as follows:

You were provided with the following additional information:

(v) Agreed capital allowance on qualifying capital expenditure was N1,240,000.
(vi) Alhaji Imam received a gratuity of N4,000,000 during the year.
(vii) Alhaji Imam is blessed with five children, all within the ranges of 10 to 21 years.
(viii) The proprietor has a life assurance policy on which he pays a premium of N1,200,000 annually.

Required: Compute the personal income tax payable by Alhaji Nura Imam for the relevant assessment year. (30 Marks)

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AT- Nov 2022 – L3 – Q1 – Income Taxes (IAS 12)

Calculate adjusted profit and tax liabilities for Owoeye Machine Tools, considering pioneer period capital allowances.

As a result of the developing nature of Nigeria’s economy, there are some industries and products that are not well developed on a scale that can adequately cater to the needs of the populace. One of the investment incentives available to industries and products in this category is contained in the Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief) Act 1971. Application has to be made to the Federal Government to enjoy any of these numerous investment incentives.

Owoeye Machine Tools Nigeria Limited was incorporated on January 20, 2016, and was initially granted a pioneer certificate on April 1, 2016. At the end of the pioneer period, the company, due to negligence, failed to follow due process in applying for an extension of the pioneer certificate. The company retained March 31 as its financial year-end. The following records and information were obtained from the company:

  1. Qualifying Capital Expenditure on property, plant, and equipment (certified by the Federal Inland Revenue Service) incurred during the pioneer period:
    Asset Type Amount (N’000)
    Industrial building 23,800
    Building (non-industrial) 11,600
    Motor vehicles 6,200
    Plant 10,400
    Furniture and fittings 5,800
  2. Statement of Adjusted Profits/(Losses) during the Pioneer Period:
    Period Profit/(Loss) (N’000)
    Year ended March 31, 2017 (44,450)
    Year ended March 31, 2018 (23,140)
    Year ended March 31, 2019 8,700
  3. Both the qualifying capital expenditure on property, plant, and equipment and adjusted profits/(losses) were certified by the Federal Inland Revenue Service.
  4. The company made a gross turnover of N312,450,000 and an adjusted profit of N52,250,000 during the year ended March 31, 2020.
  5. Extract from the Statement of Profit or Loss for the Year Ended March 31, 2021:
    Item Amount (N’000)
    Gross turnover 320,220
    Less: Cost of sales (176,550)
    Gross profit 143,670
    Salaries and wages 48,430
    Transport and traveling 2,360
    Motor running expenses 1,580
    Postage and telephone 1,150
    Bank charges 870
    Repairs and maintenance 3,660
    Auditors’ remuneration 1,500
    Legal and professional fees 2,000
    Depreciation 15,770
    Donations 1,600
    Allowance for doubtful debts 7,000
    Administrative expenses 10,070
    Total Expenses 95,990
    Net Profit 47,680
  6. Notes:
    • Legal and Professional Fees: Includes N1,400,000 paid for land acquisition for the business.
    • Allowance for Doubtful Debts: Includes N1,350,000 for specific provision, N4,150,000 for general provision, and N1,500,000 for bad debts written off.
    • Administrative Expenses: Includes N850,000 paid for a feasibility study on a proposed product line.
    • Qualifying Capital Expenditure Schedule for the year ended March 31, 2021:
      Asset Type Date of Acquisition Amount (N’000)
      Motor vehicles (2) April 15, 2020 3,200
      Plant (1) July 1, 2020 5,000
      Furniture and fittings (4) February 13, 2021 1,200


As the company’s Tax Manager, you are to prepare a report for the attention of the Managing Director showing the company’s:

a. Adjusted profit for the year ended March 31, 2021

(6 Marks)
b. Tax liabilities for the 2021 and 2022 assessment years (24 Marks)
(Total: 30 Marks)

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TAX – Nov 2014 – L2 – Q5 – Companies Income Tax (CIT)

Compute adjusted profit, tax ratios, total profit, and income tax for Kenky Limited.

Kenky Limited, an Austrian company, operates cable undertakings in Nigeria and has significant business in several African countries. The Nigerian Revenue Authority disputed the company’s financial returns, resulting in a Best of Judgement (BoJ) Assessment. Below is an extract from Kenky Limited’s income statement for the fiscal year ending 30 September 2012:



  1. The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) considers both Nigerian and Austrian operations under specialized business taxation.
  2. The Austrian authority verified the Adjusted Profit and Depreciation Ratios.
  3. A donation to Jeje, totaling ₦40,000,000, is part of the overhead expenses.

Requirements: a. Compute the Adjusted Profit for the year. (4 Marks)
b. Determine the Adjusted Profit Ratio and Depreciation Ratio. (4 Marks)
c. Compute the Total Profits and Income Tax payable in Nigeria. (4 Marks)
d. List other business activities, besides cable messages, recognized under specialized business taxation. (3 Marks)

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