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FA – Nov 2019 – L1 – SB – Q3 – Bank Reconciliation

Explains the difference between a bank statement and a bank reconciliation statement.


The accounts clerk of Jide Electronics is unsure of the difference between a bank statement and a bank reconciliation statement and has asked for your assistance in this direction.
Required: Explain the difference between a bank statement and a bank reconciliation statement.             (2 Marks)


She has provided you with the following summary of banking transactions for the period under review:

  1. A cheque amounting to N280,000 received and paid into the bank was not credited by the bank until after September 30, 2019;
  2. The cash book balance of the business showed an overdraft of N200,000, while the bank statement balance on the same date indicated that the business had a credit balance of N1,930,000;
  3. A customer made a direct credit transfer into the business bank account amounting to N1,140,000 in settlement of trade debt, and this was not known until after the receipt of the bank statement;
  4. A cheque amounting to N670,000 for the purchase of goods was posted into the cash book as N760,000;
  5. A cheque of N1,230,000 dishonoured by the bank remained unreversed in the cash book;
  6. Cheques amounting to N2,680,000 issued to a supplier were presented to the bank on October 08, 2019;
  7. The bank statement revealed that there was a dividend of N580,000 received as investment income;
  8. The bank transferred the sum of N200,000 to ICAN, being the payment on a standing order for annual subscription of staff who were writing professional examinations;


i. Prepare the adjusted cash book. (11 Marks)
ii. Starting with the balance as per bank statement, prepare the bank reconciliation statement for the month ended September 30, 2019. (7 Marks)


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FA – Nov 2019 – L1 – SB – Q3 – Bank Reconciliation

Explains the difference between a bank statement and a bank reconciliation statement.


The accounts clerk of Jide Electronics is unsure of the difference between a bank statement and a bank reconciliation statement and has asked for your assistance in this direction.
Required: Explain the difference between a bank statement and a bank reconciliation statement.             (2 Marks)


She has provided you with the following summary of banking transactions for the period under review:

  1. A cheque amounting to N280,000 received and paid into the bank was not credited by the bank until after September 30, 2019;
  2. The cash book balance of the business showed an overdraft of N200,000, while the bank statement balance on the same date indicated that the business had a credit balance of N1,930,000;
  3. A customer made a direct credit transfer into the business bank account amounting to N1,140,000 in settlement of trade debt, and this was not known until after the receipt of the bank statement;
  4. A cheque amounting to N670,000 for the purchase of goods was posted into the cash book as N760,000;
  5. A cheque of N1,230,000 dishonoured by the bank remained unreversed in the cash book;
  6. Cheques amounting to N2,680,000 issued to a supplier were presented to the bank on October 08, 2019;
  7. The bank statement revealed that there was a dividend of N580,000 received as investment income;
  8. The bank transferred the sum of N200,000 to ICAN, being the payment on a standing order for annual subscription of staff who were writing professional examinations;


i. Prepare the adjusted cash book. (11 Marks)
ii. Starting with the balance as per bank statement, prepare the bank reconciliation statement for the month ended September 30, 2019. (7 Marks)


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