Summarized Case Study

Savior Box Limited (SBL), a leading pharmaceutical company in Ghana, faces a series of strategic challenges after expanding into West Africa. Initially founded as a family business, the company grew under the leadership of Edwin Mensah. SBL operates in three divisions—manufacturing, retailing and wholesale distribution, and export—but struggles with an obsolete manufacturing plant and increased competition from international rivals.

To navigate these challenges, SBL appointed a consulting firm to drive transformational change, focused on refining organizational structure, optimizing operations, and leveraging market opportunities. A key consultant, Bismark Guy, carried out an internal review to identify the company’s operational inefficiencies, particularly in manufacturing, where the plant operates at sub-optimal levels. Additionally, external reviews highlighted the fragmented nature of the Ghanaian pharmaceutical market, where SBL faces stiff competition.

The case study explores models such as Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s theory of managerial skills for change and the Gemini 4Rs model for transformational change, essential for restructuring SBL’s operations. Strategic tools like the “Strategic Clock” help assess competitors and refine pricing strategies. The balanced scorecard is also recommended to evaluate SBL’s performance across financial, customer, internal, and innovation perspectives.

Risk management, particularly in light of SBL’s investment in a new plant, is crucial, as highlighted by the concerns of the Chief Financial Officer. The case also delves into governance issues, transfer pricing conflicts between divisions, and how SBL can align its strategic objectives with operational autonomy while ensuring goal congruence.

The overarching challenge is to sustain profitability while ensuring long-term growth in a competitive, low-margin industry with complex regulatory and market dynamics across the region.

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Past Questions for SCS – May 2021 – L3 – PRE-SEEN MATERIAL

SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q8 – Capital structure

Explain the objectives of transfer pricing in SBL and the potential conflict between entity goal congruence and divisional autonomy.

Divisional managers are concerned about SBL’s objective of transfer pricing. As a Business Advisor, explain to the divisional managers the transfer pricing objective of SBL, as it is often in conflict with “entity goal congruence” and “division autonomy.” (10 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q7 – Controlling risk

Explain the process of risk management that should be adopted by SBL's board in line with ISO 31000.

Debora Dede Boateng is having sleepless nights due to the level of SBL’s risk in relation to ongoing investment. She had a discussion with Bismark, which centered on the “International Organization for Standardisation’s ISO 31000.”

Explain the process of risk management that you will recommend that should be adopted by SBL’s board in line with ISO 31000. (10 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q6 – Professional practice and codes of ethics

Explain the key concepts of good governance that SBL should adhere to in order to improve corporate governance practices.

James Mensah and Edwin Mensah are concerned that SBL is not strictly adhering to concepts of good governance. They want to see SBL as a well-governed company.

As a Business Development Advisor, explain to the board what “concepts of good governance” is. (10 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q5 – Strategy Implementation

Summarize Bismark’s consultancy work in the specified format to present to SBL’s board.

Bismark’s four months consultancy service contract was running out of time with so much yet to be done. He then contracted you as a Consultancy Business Support Advisor to summarize his work to enable him to meet with the Directors of SBL. He provided you with the following format to use to ensure that all issues reviewed are covered:
i. Title page
ii. Table of contents
iii. Introduction
iv. Executive Summary
v. Body of the report
• Business environment analysis
• Industry background
• Competitor analysis
• Market analysis
• Operations analysis
• Management summary
• Financial performance
vi. Conclusions and recommendations
(20 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q4b – Strategy implementation

Identify and present the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard and outcome measures relevant to SBL’s performance using case information.

In a table format with the heading “Perspective” and “Outcome measures,” identify the Balanced Scorecard FOUR (4) aspects of performance using the information provided from the SBL case study. (12 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q4a – Strategy implementation

Explain the relevance of the Balanced Scorecard in measuring SBL’s performance as a Critical Success Factor.

The board is concerned that currently there is no formalized method to evaluate the strategic performance of SBL. At a board meeting to brainstorm, Bismark suggested the use of a Balanced Scorecard but his only concern was that it applies to the service industry. Debora Dede Boateng disagrees.

a) Explain to the board why the Balanced Scorecard can be used or otherwise as a Critical Success Factor (CSF) when measuring the performance of SBL. (8 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q3b – Competitive forces

Draw and explain the Strategic Clock with five broad business strategies that can help SBL gain a competitive advantage.

Draw a strategic clock and explain using the FIVE (5) broad groups of business strategy to help SBL gain a competitive advantage. (7 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q3a – Competitive forces

Explain the purpose of the Strategic Clock in assessing competitors’ business strategies to help SBL gain a competitive advantage.

Bismark is proposing that he would be using the “Strategic Clock” to assess competitors’ business strategies.

Explain to the board of SBL the purpose of the ‘Strategic Clock’ as proposed by Bismark. (3 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q2 – Strategy implementation

Explain the Gemini 4Rs model and how it relates to transformational change within SBL to improve performance.

Edwin is keen that the change in SBL should be transformational. Explain to the board of SBL, using the Gemini 4Rs model, the elements of transformational change by relating it to the case.

(10 marks)

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SCS – May 2021 – L3 – Q1 – Strategy implementation

Explain the skills suggested by the Rosabeth Moss Kanter theory that managers should have to change-adept in order to help improve profitability.

Edwin is concerned that the current skill sets of his directors are not sufficient to drive any change management in SBL. At a discussion during a board meeting, the directors vehemently disagreed.

Explain to SBL’s board, using the Rosabeth Moss Kanter theory, suggested skills that managers should have in order to change-adept to help improve profit. (10 marks)

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