Topic: Performance Measurement Systems

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PM – Nov 2015 – L2 – Q7 – Performance Measurement Systems

Evaluate weaknesses in Stuck Ltd’s MIS and suggest improvements for enhanced strategic decision-making.

Stuck Ltd manufactures industrial glues and solvents in a single large factory. Approximately 400 different inputs are used to produce the 35 specialist outputs, which range from ultra-strong glues used in aircraft manufacture to high-impact adhesives for construction sites.

Two years ago, with the company only just breaking even, the directors recognized the need for more information to control the business. To assist them with their strategic control, they established a Management Information System (MIS). This system is now operational but provides only the following limited information to the directors via their networked computer system:

  1. A summary business plan for this and the next two years. The plan includes details of expected future incomes and expenditure on existing product lines. It was produced by a new member of the accounting department without reference to past production data.
  2. Inventory balances on individual items of raw materials, finished goods, etc. This report is highly detailed and comprises 80% of the output from the MIS itself.
  3. A summary of changes in total demand for glues and solvents in the market over the last five years. This information is presented as a numerical summary in six different sections, with each section taking up one computer screen, so only one section can be viewed at a time.


(a) Comment on the weaknesses in the information currently being provided to the directors of the company. (9 Marks)

(b) Suggest how the information may be improved, with particular reference to other outputs the MIS might usefully provide to the directors. (6 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2020 – L2 – Q5 – Balanced Scorecard

Analyze the performance of DAT Air using the Balanced Scorecard approach and propose relevant goals and performance measures for each of the perspectives.

Dat Air was founded in January 2010 by Dr. Daniel Taiwo and the airline has been
branded as a low-cost airline in Nigeria. Dat Air‟s strategy is to operate as a low-cost and highly efficient airline, and it does this by:
(i) Operating mostly in cities where other airlines do not fly to reduce landing
(ii) Using only one aircraft model in order to reduce maintenance and operational
costs. These planes are leased rather than bought outright;
(iii) Having only one category of seat class; there is no pre-allocated seats or in-
flight entertainment; and to
(iv) Focus on e-commerce with customers both booking tickets and checking in
for flights online. Customers who booked well in advance before the flight
date enjoy substantial discount.
The airline was given an „on time arrival‟ ranking of second best by the
Nigerian aviation authority, who rank all 20 airlines operating locally in the
country based on the number of flights which arrive on time at their
destinations. 48 Dat Air flights were cancelled in 2018 compared to 35 in
2017. This increase was due to an increase in the staff absentee rate at Dat
Air from 5 days per staff member per year to 7 days.
The average „ground turnaround time‟ for airlines in Nigeria is 2 hours,
meaning that, on average, planes are on the ground for cleaning, refuelling,
etc for 2 hours before departing again. Customer satisfaction surveys have
shown that 90% of customers are happy with the standard of cleanliness on
Dat Air‟s planes.
The number of passengers carried by the airline has grown from 200,000
passengers on a total of 2,107 flights in 2010 to 650,000 passengers on
5,320 flights in 2018. The overall growth of the airline has been helped by
the limited route licensing policy of the Nigerian government, which has
given DAT Air almost monopoly status on some of its routes. However, the
government is now set to change this policy with almost immediate effect,
and it has become more important than ever to monitor performance
This has necessitated the management of Dat Air to examine the airline‟s
performance using the balanced scorecard model. This will enable the
management to discover areas where improvement is needed in its
a. Describe each of the FOUR perspectives of the balanced scorecard.
(6 Marks)
b. For each perspective of the balanced scorecard, identify ONE goal
together with a corresponding performance measure which could be
used by DAT Air to measure the company‟s performance. The goals
and performance measures should be specifically relevant to Dat Air.
For each pair of goals and performance measures, explain why you
have chosen them. (9 Marks)
c. Appraise the usefulness of the balanced scorecard as a performance
evaluation technique. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2021 – L2 – Q4 – Performance Measurement Systems

Adjust sales for seasonal variations and discuss deseasonalised data, along with the challenges of participative budgeting.

You work as the assistant to the management accountant for Henry Limited, a medium-sized manufacturing company. One of its products, Product P, has been very successful in recent years, showing a steadily increasing trend in sales volumes. Sales volumes for the four quarters of last year were as follows:

Quarter 1 2 3 4
Actual sales volume (units) 420,000 450,000 475,000 475,000

A new assistant has recently joined the marketing department and she has asked you for help in understanding the terminology used in preparing sales forecasts and analysing sales trends. She said: “My main problem is that I do not see why my boss is so enthusiastic about the growth in Product P’s sales volume. It looks to me as though the rate of growth is really slowing down and has actually stopped in quarter 4. I am told that I should be looking at the deseasonalised or seasonally adjusted sales data, but I do not understand what is meant by this.”

You have found that Product P’s sales are subject to the following seasonal variations:

Quarter 1 2 3 4
Seasonal variation (units) +25,000 +15,000 0 -40,000

i. Adjust for the seasonal variations to calculate deseasonalised or seasonally adjusted sales volume (i.e., the trend figures) for each quarter of last year. (5 Marks)
ii. Assuming that the trend and seasonal variations will continue, forecast the sales volumes for each of the four quarters of next year. (4 Marks)

b. Explain what is meant by seasonal variations and deseasonalised or seasonally adjusted data. Indicate how they can be useful in analysing a time series and preparing forecasts. (5 Marks)

c. State the arguments for and challenges arising from managers participating in setting their budget targets. (6 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2018 – L2 – Q7 – Performance Measurement Systems

Detailed characteristics of strategic, tactical, and operational information in an organization.

Information within an organisation can be analysed into the following three levels:

  • Strategic information
  • Tactical information
  • Operational information

Give detailed characteristics of each type of the above information.

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PM – Nov 2015 – L2 – Q7 – Performance Measurement Systems

Evaluate weaknesses in Stuck Ltd’s MIS and suggest improvements for enhanced strategic decision-making.

Stuck Ltd manufactures industrial glues and solvents in a single large factory. Approximately 400 different inputs are used to produce the 35 specialist outputs, which range from ultra-strong glues used in aircraft manufacture to high-impact adhesives for construction sites.

Two years ago, with the company only just breaking even, the directors recognized the need for more information to control the business. To assist them with their strategic control, they established a Management Information System (MIS). This system is now operational but provides only the following limited information to the directors via their networked computer system:

  1. A summary business plan for this and the next two years. The plan includes details of expected future incomes and expenditure on existing product lines. It was produced by a new member of the accounting department without reference to past production data.
  2. Inventory balances on individual items of raw materials, finished goods, etc. This report is highly detailed and comprises 80% of the output from the MIS itself.
  3. A summary of changes in total demand for glues and solvents in the market over the last five years. This information is presented as a numerical summary in six different sections, with each section taking up one computer screen, so only one section can be viewed at a time.


(a) Comment on the weaknesses in the information currently being provided to the directors of the company. (9 Marks)

(b) Suggest how the information may be improved, with particular reference to other outputs the MIS might usefully provide to the directors. (6 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2020 – L2 – Q5 – Balanced Scorecard

Analyze the performance of DAT Air using the Balanced Scorecard approach and propose relevant goals and performance measures for each of the perspectives.

Dat Air was founded in January 2010 by Dr. Daniel Taiwo and the airline has been
branded as a low-cost airline in Nigeria. Dat Air‟s strategy is to operate as a low-cost and highly efficient airline, and it does this by:
(i) Operating mostly in cities where other airlines do not fly to reduce landing
(ii) Using only one aircraft model in order to reduce maintenance and operational
costs. These planes are leased rather than bought outright;
(iii) Having only one category of seat class; there is no pre-allocated seats or in-
flight entertainment; and to
(iv) Focus on e-commerce with customers both booking tickets and checking in
for flights online. Customers who booked well in advance before the flight
date enjoy substantial discount.
The airline was given an „on time arrival‟ ranking of second best by the
Nigerian aviation authority, who rank all 20 airlines operating locally in the
country based on the number of flights which arrive on time at their
destinations. 48 Dat Air flights were cancelled in 2018 compared to 35 in
2017. This increase was due to an increase in the staff absentee rate at Dat
Air from 5 days per staff member per year to 7 days.
The average „ground turnaround time‟ for airlines in Nigeria is 2 hours,
meaning that, on average, planes are on the ground for cleaning, refuelling,
etc for 2 hours before departing again. Customer satisfaction surveys have
shown that 90% of customers are happy with the standard of cleanliness on
Dat Air‟s planes.
The number of passengers carried by the airline has grown from 200,000
passengers on a total of 2,107 flights in 2010 to 650,000 passengers on
5,320 flights in 2018. The overall growth of the airline has been helped by
the limited route licensing policy of the Nigerian government, which has
given DAT Air almost monopoly status on some of its routes. However, the
government is now set to change this policy with almost immediate effect,
and it has become more important than ever to monitor performance
This has necessitated the management of Dat Air to examine the airline‟s
performance using the balanced scorecard model. This will enable the
management to discover areas where improvement is needed in its
a. Describe each of the FOUR perspectives of the balanced scorecard.
(6 Marks)
b. For each perspective of the balanced scorecard, identify ONE goal
together with a corresponding performance measure which could be
used by DAT Air to measure the company‟s performance. The goals
and performance measures should be specifically relevant to Dat Air.
For each pair of goals and performance measures, explain why you
have chosen them. (9 Marks)
c. Appraise the usefulness of the balanced scorecard as a performance
evaluation technique. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2021 – L2 – Q4 – Performance Measurement Systems

Adjust sales for seasonal variations and discuss deseasonalised data, along with the challenges of participative budgeting.

You work as the assistant to the management accountant for Henry Limited, a medium-sized manufacturing company. One of its products, Product P, has been very successful in recent years, showing a steadily increasing trend in sales volumes. Sales volumes for the four quarters of last year were as follows:

Quarter 1 2 3 4
Actual sales volume (units) 420,000 450,000 475,000 475,000

A new assistant has recently joined the marketing department and she has asked you for help in understanding the terminology used in preparing sales forecasts and analysing sales trends. She said: “My main problem is that I do not see why my boss is so enthusiastic about the growth in Product P’s sales volume. It looks to me as though the rate of growth is really slowing down and has actually stopped in quarter 4. I am told that I should be looking at the deseasonalised or seasonally adjusted sales data, but I do not understand what is meant by this.”

You have found that Product P’s sales are subject to the following seasonal variations:

Quarter 1 2 3 4
Seasonal variation (units) +25,000 +15,000 0 -40,000

i. Adjust for the seasonal variations to calculate deseasonalised or seasonally adjusted sales volume (i.e., the trend figures) for each quarter of last year. (5 Marks)
ii. Assuming that the trend and seasonal variations will continue, forecast the sales volumes for each of the four quarters of next year. (4 Marks)

b. Explain what is meant by seasonal variations and deseasonalised or seasonally adjusted data. Indicate how they can be useful in analysing a time series and preparing forecasts. (5 Marks)

c. State the arguments for and challenges arising from managers participating in setting their budget targets. (6 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2018 – L2 – Q7 – Performance Measurement Systems

Detailed characteristics of strategic, tactical, and operational information in an organization.

Information within an organisation can be analysed into the following three levels:

  • Strategic information
  • Tactical information
  • Operational information

Give detailed characteristics of each type of the above information.

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