Topic: Joint Arrangements (IFRS 11)

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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q5 – Joint Arrangements (IFRS 11)

Account for a joint arrangement and decommissioning obligations under IFRS 11 and handle the provision for a major overhaul under IAS 37.

a. LPG Plc. is a publicly traded entity on the Nigerian Stock Exchange involved in the production of and trading in natural gas in Nigeria. LPG Plc. jointly owns a gas storage facility with another entity, Tan Oil Nigeria Limited. Both parties extract gas from onshore gas fields in the Niger Delta, which they own and operate independently from each other. LPG owns 55% of the gas storage facility and Tan Oil Nigeria owns 45%. Services and costs are shared between them according to their percentage holding, however, decisions regarding the storage facility require unanimous agreement of the parties. The gas storage facility is pressurised so that the gas is pushed out when extracted. When the gas pressure is reduced to a certain level, the remaining gas is irrecoverable and remains in the gas storage facility until it is decommissioned. The Nigeria law requires the decommissioning of the storage facility at the end of its useful life. LPG Plc. wishes to know how to treat the agreement with Tan Oil Nigeria Limited, including any obligation or possible obligation arising on the gas storage facility.

NB: Ignore accounting for the irrecoverable gas.

b. LPG purchased a major gas plant on 1 January, 2018 and the Directors estimated that a major overhaul is required every two years. The costs of the overhaul are approximately ₦25 million, which comprises ₦15 million for parts and equipment and ₦10 million for labour. The Directors proposed to accrue the cost of the overhaul over the two years of operations up to that date and create a provision for the expenditure.

Discuss, with reference to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), how LPG Plc should account for the agreement in (a) above (11 marks) and the transactions in (b) for its year ended 31 August, 2018. (4 marks)

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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q5 – Joint Arrangements (IFRS 11)

Account for a joint arrangement and decommissioning obligations under IFRS 11 and handle the provision for a major overhaul under IAS 37.

a. LPG Plc. is a publicly traded entity on the Nigerian Stock Exchange involved in the production of and trading in natural gas in Nigeria. LPG Plc. jointly owns a gas storage facility with another entity, Tan Oil Nigeria Limited. Both parties extract gas from onshore gas fields in the Niger Delta, which they own and operate independently from each other. LPG owns 55% of the gas storage facility and Tan Oil Nigeria owns 45%. Services and costs are shared between them according to their percentage holding, however, decisions regarding the storage facility require unanimous agreement of the parties. The gas storage facility is pressurised so that the gas is pushed out when extracted. When the gas pressure is reduced to a certain level, the remaining gas is irrecoverable and remains in the gas storage facility until it is decommissioned. The Nigeria law requires the decommissioning of the storage facility at the end of its useful life. LPG Plc. wishes to know how to treat the agreement with Tan Oil Nigeria Limited, including any obligation or possible obligation arising on the gas storage facility.

NB: Ignore accounting for the irrecoverable gas.

b. LPG purchased a major gas plant on 1 January, 2018 and the Directors estimated that a major overhaul is required every two years. The costs of the overhaul are approximately ₦25 million, which comprises ₦15 million for parts and equipment and ₦10 million for labour. The Directors proposed to accrue the cost of the overhaul over the two years of operations up to that date and create a provision for the expenditure.

Discuss, with reference to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), how LPG Plc should account for the agreement in (a) above (11 marks) and the transactions in (b) for its year ended 31 August, 2018. (4 marks)

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