Mr. Johnson is the Senior Partner of Johnson, Odewole, Thomas & Co., Chartered Accountants. During the last audit of Mandarin Manufacturing Plc, which the firm did with Messrs Ark Professional Services (APS) for the year ended 30 September, 2020, Mr. Johnson expressed displeasure on some of the conclusions reached by APS on certain audit areas. The manager in charge of the audit at Johnson, Odewole, Thomas & Co. had drawn Mr. Johnson’s attention to matters marked “For Partner’s Attention.” Discussions with the corresponding partner of APS on these matters were considered unsatisfactory.
Mr. Johnson’s views differed significantly from those of the corresponding partner of APS. It was agreed to proceed to the board meeting where these disputed positions would be presented and discussed with the directors before a final decision was reached. Of significance is the acquisition of a property from a former staff member for the opening of a new branch warehouse. The acquisition process was hurried and exceeded the capital expenditure provisions for the period. Mr. Johnson’s team viewed the acquisition as a potential fraud on the company, while APS aligned with the director of finance, who considered it a normal transaction.
At the board meeting to discuss the financial statements, members were divided between the two audit firms’ views, leading the chairman to reschedule the meeting. He requested additional information on both parties’ positions and asked them to harmonize their views before the next meeting the following day.
a. Evaluate the justification or otherwise of an entity having joint auditors. (8 Marks)
b. Following the concerns of Johnson, Odewole, Thomas & Co., present the options available to the firm. (5 Marks)
c. Discuss the points on which the Chairman needs to base his decision, according to standard acquisition procedures. (7 Marks)
d. If the Chairman agrees with the position of Johnson, Odewole, Thomas & Co., determine the reporting requirement and draft an appropriate report for inclusion in the auditors’ report. (6 Marks)
e. Discuss the composition of items that could be marked “For Partner’s Attention” during the conclusion of an audit process. (4 Marks)