Topic: Business valuations

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FM – Nov 2024 – L2 – Q4a – Business Valuation

Valuing a company using the discounted cash flow model and price multiples.

Djokoto PLC (Djokoto) has 12 million ordinary shares outstanding and no other long-term debt. The Finance Director of Djokoto, Adepa, estimates that Djokoto’s free cash flows at the end of the next three years will be GH¢0.5 million, GH¢0.6 million, and GH¢0.7 million, respectively. After Year 3, the free cash flow will grow at 5% yearly forever. The appropriate discount rate for this free cash flow stream is determined to be 15% annually.

In a separate analysis based on ratios, Adepa estimates that Djokoto will be worth 10 times its Year 3 free cash flow at the end of the third year. Adepa gathered data on two companies comparable to Djokoto: Mesewa and Dunsin. It is believed that these companies’ price-to-earnings, price-to-sales, and price-to-book-value per share should be used to value Djokoto.

The relevant data for the three companies are given in the table below:

Variables Mesewa Dunsin Djokoto
Current Price Per Share 7.20 4.50 2.40
Earnings Per Share 0.20 0.15 0.10
Revenue Per Share 3.20 2.25 1.60
Book Value Per Share 1.80 1.00 0.80

i) Estimate Djokoto’s fair value based on the discounted cash flows model. (5 marks)
ii) Compute the following ratios for the comparable companies:

  • P/E Ratio (2 marks)
  • Price-to-Sales Ratio (2 marks)
  • Price-to-Book-Value Ratio (2 marks)
    iii) Based on the valuation results, discuss whether an investor should buy, sell, or hold Djokoto shares. Justify your recommendation. (4 marks)
    iii) Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of business combinations.

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q4a – Business Valuation

Determine share value of Anidaso Ltd using multiple valuation methods including net assets, P/E ratio, dividend yield, and discounted cash flow.

Anidaso Ltd operates in the manufacturing industry in Ghana. The company is in the process of selling some of its shares to the general public to raise funds to expand its operations. Below are the financial statements of the company:

Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September, 2019

Revenue 122,900
Cost of sales (58,650)
Gross profit 64,250
Selling, general & administration expenses (43,570)
Profit before interest & taxes 20,680
Finance cost (1,680)
Profit before taxation 19,000
Taxation @ 20% (4,750)
Profit after tax 14,250

Statement of changes in equity (extracts) for the year ended 30 September, 2019

Retained Earnings at October 1, 2018 47,970
Profit for the year 14,250
Dividend paid (6,200)
Retained Earnings at 30 September, 2019 56,020

Statement of Financial Position as at 30 September, 2019

GH¢’000 GH¢’000
Non-current assets
Development expenditure 13,050
Patents 8,200
Property, plant, and equipment 98,750 120,000
Current assets
Inventories 21,700
Trade receivables 12,501
Bank and cash 5,944 40,145
Current liabilities
Trade payables (15,400) 24,745
Net current assets 144,745
Non-current liabilities
10% Debenture loan stock (12,000) 132,745
Share capital 50,000
Revaluation Surplus 26,725
Retained Earnings 56,020 132,745

Additional relevant information:

  • The share capital of the company is composed of:
    • GH¢000
    • 20% redeemable preference shares 10,000
    • Ordinary shares (issued @GH¢0.20 each) 40,000
    • Total share capital: 50,000
  • A review of the development expenditure indicated that only 50% of it is worthwhile.
  • An independent valuer has placed values on some of the assets of Anidaso Ltd below:
    • Property, plant & equipment: GH¢111,000
    • Inventories: GH¢16,200
    • Trade receivables: GH¢10,000
    • Total value: GH¢137,200
  • Profit forecasts for the next five years of Anidaso Ltd are as follows:
    Year-end 30 September Profit before Tax (GH¢’000) Depreciation Charge (GH¢’000)
    2020 14,900 1,100
    2021 16,000 1,225
    2022 19,250 1,550
    2023 19,800 2,025
    2024 21,550 2,130
  • The patents in the statement of financial position represent a license to produce an improved variety of a product and is expected to generate a pre-tax profit of GH¢10,000 per year for the next five years.
  • Abiola Limited is a competitor company listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange, and data extracted from its recently published financial statements revealed the following details:
    • Market capitalization: GH¢1,000,000
    • Number of ordinary shares: 800,000
    • Earnings per share: GH¢0.20
    • Dividend payout ratio: 80%
  • The cost of capital of Anidaso Ltd is 10%.

Determine the value to be placed on each share of Anidaso Ltd using the following methods of valuation: i) Net assets
ii) Price-earnings ratio
iii) Dividend yield
iv) Discounted cash flow


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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q3 – Business valuations

The question involves redrafting financial statements of PFC based on additional information provided and calculating a range of possible issue prices for an IPO using Net Assets Method and Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method.

The Board of Pogas Furniture Ltd (PFC), after a few years of incorporation, has decided to get the company listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The Board has contacted you to assist in determining the true value of the business as at 31 December 2018 and to provide a range of possible issue prices based on the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield Method. Oliso Ltd, a listed company and a competitor of PFC, current results show a price-earnings ratio of 5 and earnings yield of 20%. The summarised unaudited financial statements of PFC are as follows:

Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31 December 2018

Sales Revenue (note i) 150,000
Cost of Sales (72,000)
Gross Profit 78,000
Operational Expenses (34,800)
Finance Costs (Interest on debenture stocks) (1,200)
Net Profit 42,000
Taxation (@ 25%) (10,500)
Profit for the period 31,500

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2018

Non-current assets
Property at Valuation (Land GH¢3 million; buildings GH¢27 million) 30,000
Plant and Equipment 24,000
Intangible Asset – Patent Right 3,000
Financial Asset (fair valued through profit or loss at 1/1/2018) 7,500
Total Non-current Assets 64,500
Current Assets 30,000
Total Assets 94,500
Equity and Liabilities
Stated Capital (4 million shares issued at GH¢3.00 per share) 12,000
Retained Earnings 57,960
Total Equity 69,960
Non-current liabilities
20% Debenture Stocks (2018-2020) 6,000
Deferred Tax provision (1 January 2018) 4,500
Total Non-current Liabilities 10,500
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 3,540
Current Tax liability 10,500
Total Current Liabilities 14,040
Total Equity and Liabilities 94,500

Additional Information:

i) The sales revenue includes GH¢24 million of revenue for credit sales made on a ‘sale or return’ basis. At 31 December 2018, customers who had not paid for the goods had the right to return GH¢7.8 million of them. PFC applied a markup on cost of 30% on all these sales. In the past, PFC’s customers have sometimes returned goods under this type of agreement.

ii) The depreciable non-current assets have not been depreciated for the year ended 31 December 2018.

  • PFC has a policy of revaluing its land and buildings at the end of each accounting year. The values in the above statement of financial position are as at 1 January 2018 when the buildings had a remaining life of 18 years. A qualified surveyor has valued the land and buildings at 31 December 2018 at GH¢33 million.
  • Plant and equipment are depreciated at 12.5% per annum on the reducing balance basis. As at 31 December 2018, the value in use and the fair value less cost to sell were assessed at GH¢21.3 million and GH¢20.25 million respectively.
  • The patent right was acquired in January 2018 at a cost of GH¢3 million. It is expected to be used for five years after which the right of usage would have to be renewed in January 2023.

iii) The financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are held in a fund whose value changes directly in proportion to a specified market index. At 1 January 2018, the relevant index was 240.0, and at 31 December 2018, the index was 259.2.

iv) In late December 2018, the directors of PFC discovered a material fraud perpetrated by the company’s credit controller. Investigations revealed that a total of GH¢9 million of the trade receivables (included in current assets) as shown in the statement of financial position at 31 December 2018 had in fact been paid and the money had been stolen by the credit controller. An analysis revealed that GH¢3 million had been stolen in the year to 31 December 2017, with the rest being stolen in the current year. PFC is not insured for this loss and it cannot be recovered from the credit controller since his whereabouts are unknown.

v) As at 31 December 2018, the company’s taxable temporary differences had increased to GH¢24 million. The deferred tax relating to the increase in the temporary differences should be taken to profit or loss. The applicable corporate tax rate is 25%. The above figures do not include the estimated provision for current income tax on the profit for the year ended 31 December 2018. After allowing for any adjustments required in items (i) to (iv), the directors have estimated the provision of current tax liability for 2018 at 25% of adjusted profit. (This is in addition to the deferred tax effects of item (v)).


a) Redraft the financial statements above (taking into consideration the additional information (i) – (v) above). (11 marks)

b) Based on the revised financial statements, provide a range of possible issue prices per share using the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method. (4 marks)

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CR – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q3 – Business valuations

Identify valuation factors, determine share value using the net assets approach, and prepare the consolidated financial statement for GCC Bank Ltd after the takeover of Wunam Bank Ltd.

The shareholders of Wunam Bank (Ghana) Limited have decided to sell the company to GCC Bank (Ghana) Limited following their inability to recapitalize the company as demanded by the Bank of Ghana. The statement of financial positions of the two banks as at 31 March 2018 are given below.

Additional Information:

  1. Wunam Bank Ltd carries a huge non-performing loan portfolio. It is estimated that only 40% of the outstanding loans are recoverable.
  2. Investments represent 91-Day Treasury Bills held as secondary reserves. An audit has shown that the investments were overstated in 2017, as interest on investments for that year amounts to GH¢4.15 million.
  3. Other assets include long outstanding debits amounting to GH¢3.6 million, which are not represented by tangible assets.
  4. Deposits amounting to GH¢3.75 million could not be accounted for. This phenomenon has prevailed since 2014 but has not been provided for in the accounts.
  5. Property, Plant & Equipment includes an old banking software amounting to GH¢1.25 million, considered worthless. The remaining tangible fixed assets have been revalued at GH¢15.3 million.
  6. Cash and balances with other banks include GH¢2.4 million due from Sakara Rural Bank Ltd, which was liquidated in 2016.
  7. Other liabilities include interest earned on investments amounting to GH¢3.15 million.
  8. Goodwill was assessed at 2.5% of adjusted deposits and current accounts.
  9. Wunam Bank Ltd has invested in Government bonds worth GH¢12.6 million as at 31 March 2018 to fund new ATMs and branches.

Required: a) Identify FOUR (4) factors you would consider in determining the value to be placed on assets when using the net assets approach to valuation of Wunam Bank Ltd.
(4 marks)

b) Determine the value to be placed on the shares of Wunam Bank Ltd using the net assets approach to valuation.
(5 marks)

c) Prepare the statement of financial position of GCC Bank Ltd after the takeover using your answer in (b). Assume the following:

  • The purchase consideration was duly settled.
  • GCC Bank Ltd took over all assets and liabilities.
  • Goodwill was written off.

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CR – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q4a – Business valuations

Determine the value of shares of Aboto Ltd using multiple valuation methods including net assets, price-earnings ratio, dividend yield, and discounted cash flow

Aboto Ltd is a private company in the printing industry. It was established by the Aboto family some twenty years ago with Mrs. Aboto as the Managing Director. The business has grown in size over the years, and the directors are now considering listing the company on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The financial statements of the company for the year 2020 are given below:

Additional Information:

  1. The Share Capital of Aboto Ltd consists of ordinary share capital of no par value issued at GH¢100 per share.
  2. An independent valuer estimated the fair value of the Property, Plant & Equipment at GH¢500,000. Valuation charges of 2% have not been accrued for in the above accounts.
  3. The inventory includes obsolete items worth GH¢5,000 being held despite persistent advice by the auditors to have them written off.
  4. Receivables include an amount of GH¢12,000 resulting from the bankruptcy of a major customer. Aboto Ltd is not likely to realize any amount from this, but the directors have refused to make any provision.
  5. The patents represent a right to sell a special product. This product is expected to generate cash flows of GH¢2,000 per annum indefinitely.
  6. The discounted present value of future cash payments in respect of the debentures is GH¢20,000.
  7. Profits after tax of Aboto Ltd over the past four years were as follows:
    Year Profits (GH¢)
    2019 38,000
    2018 36,000
    2017 32,000
    2016 30,000
  8. A corporate plan prepared by the directors of Aboto Ltd in 2018 included the following positions:
  9. The price-earnings ratio and a dividend yield of quoted companies in the same industry Aboto Ltd operates are 8 and 4%, respectively.
  10. The net assets of Aboto Ltd as at 31 December 2019 were GH¢251,100.
  11. The cost of capital of Aboto Ltd is 20%.
  12. Investing in unlisted securities is about 20% more risky than investing in listed securities.


Determine the value to be placed on each share of Aboto Ltd using the following methods of valuation:

i) Net assets (4 marks)
ii) Price-earnings ratio (4 marks)
iii) Dividend yield (3 marks)
iv) Discounted cash flow (4 marks)

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CR – May 2016 – L3 – Q4a – Business valuation

Compute the value of ordinary shares using three valuation methods for a company preparing for listing, based on given financial statements and additional information.

In 2015, the shareholders of Depot Ltd decided to sell their equity stake in the company. The company is not listed and the new shareholders plan to prepare the company for listing once the acquisition was completed. The summarized financial statements of Depot Ltd for the year ended 30th June, 2015 are stated below:

Statement of Income for the year ended 30th June, 2015

The following additional information is provided;

  1. The discounted present value of future cash payments in respect of the long term loan is GH¢48,800,000.
  2. The stated capital of Depot Ltd is made up of 25,000,000 ordinary shares of no par value.
  3. Current Assets include inventory of GH¢6,600,000 representing goods received from a major supplier on “not for sale but display only” basis.
  4. The fair value of the tangible non-current assets was GH¢116,000,000.
  5. The profit for the current year includes VAT of 17.5% on turnover of GH¢8,500,000 being invoice amount sold to a customer.
  6. The discount rate of Depot Ltd is 10% per annum.
  7. Warehouse Ltd, a major competitor of Depot Ltd is listed with a P/E ratio of 9 and dividend yield of 5.2.
  8. Profits after tax over the 4 years were as follows;

Compute the value to be placed on the ordinary shares using three methods of valuation and advise the Directors accordingly.

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CR – Nov 2023 – L3 – Q4a – Business Valuation

Determine appropriate valuation methods and price range for Odenkey Plc based on financial statements and additional information provided.

a) The Directors of Odenkey Plc have decided to sell their business and have begun a search for organisations interested in the purchase. As a Consultant, you have been asked to determine the appropriate range of price per share suitable for the company. Relevant information is as follows:

Additional information:

  1. The receivables include GH¢12,000,000 of revenue for credit sales made on a ‘sale or return’ basis. On 31 December 2022, customers who had not paid for the goods, had the right to return GH¢5,000,000 worth of them. Odenkey Plc applied a markup on cost of 25% on all these sales. Based on previous transactions, it is expected that 80% of the goods will be returned.
  2. The property, plant and equipment includes a building that was originally acquired for GH¢20,000,000 five years ago with an initial estimated useful life of 20 years. The property was revalued to GH¢18,000,000 as at 31 December 2022, and the revaluation reserve is yet to be recognised in the financial statement. Due to degradation of the land on which the building stands, the company undertook an impairment review and it was found that, the fair value of the property as at 31 December 2022 is estimated to be GH¢17,000,000. The value in use of the property is calculated as being GH¢16,000,000.
  3. The patent was originally acquired 2 years ago and the rights were set at 50 years from the date the patent was originally purchased. The patent was amortised by Odenkey Plc using straight line method over the remaining copyright period. However, recent legislative changes passed on 1 January 2022 have extended the patent period forever. The Research and Development departments projects net future cashflow of GH¢4,500,000 per year from the patent even though the prices of similar patents on the market are valued at GH¢ 18,500,000.
  4. The company had a retained earnings balance of GH¢5,000,000 as at 31 December 2021. It has always practiced a dividend payout ratio of 35% when it makes profit during the year.
  5. The following information relates to Odenkey Plc and a competitor Odafomtim Ltd: Odenkey Plc Odafomtim Ltd Number of Shares 3,000,000 500,000 5 years’ average sales growth 8% 9% 5 years’ average growth in EBIT 6% 10.5% P/E ratio as at 31 December 2022 – 18.61 Estimated return on equity 9.5% 12%
  6. The company’s cost of capital is 25%.
  7. Odafomtim Ltd is a listed firm and has a sizeable market share.


i) Use the information provided to suggest FOUR (4) valuations which prospective purchasers might make.

(12 marks)

ii) Comment on the appropriateness of the range of price per share of Odenkey Plc that the Directors can offer.

(3 marks)


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CR – Mar 2024 – Q4a – Business valuation

Apply various valuation methods to determine the value of Meddy Ltd's shares in a potential merger scenario with Flossybeats Ltd.

Flossybeats Ltd is a major competitor of Meddy Ltd in the telecommunication industry. Flossybeats Ltd is listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange with a P/E ratio of 11 and a dividend yield of 7.2%. Directors of Flossybeats Ltd have been presented with a proposal to merge with Meddy Ltd which owns 45% of the market share but not yet listed. The summarized financial statements of Meddy Ltd for the year 2023 are given below:

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2023

Additional information: i) An existing property included in property, plant and equipment with a carrying value of GH¢675,000 could be developed as a site for residential use at a cost of GH¢75,000 and would then be worth GH¢975,000. The remaining property, plant and equipment can be used to generate a net cashflow of GH¢300,000 each year for the foreseeable future.

ii) The worth of the Investment Property is difficult to value, as there is no active market. A normal sale in the present condition could be reasonably expected to yield GH¢600,000 based on an analysis of transactions in similar assets.

iii) The trademark represents a license to produce and sell a special product which is expected to generate an after-tax profit of GH¢1,500,000 over the next four years. The expected after-tax profit projection was made without the consideration of amortisation of the book value of the trademark over the same period.

iv) The discounted present value of future cash payments in respect of long-term loan is GH¢975,000. The discount rate of Meddy Ltd is 25% per annum but the financial controller asserts that beta of the company is 1.5. The Treasury bill rate and the return on the market are estimated to be 16% and 23% respectively.

v) Dividend payments of Meddy Ltd in 2022 was GH¢112,500. The dividend growth achieved in 2023 is expected to be sustained in the foreseeable future.

Required: Advise the directors of Meddy Ltd on the value to be placed on the ordinary shares using:

  • Net Assets Method
  • Constant Dividend Method
  • Dividend Growth Method
  • Earning based (P/E) Method

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CR – Aug 2022 – L3 – Q4b – Business Valuation

This question requires computing the valuation of Tinto Ltd using three different methods: the net assets method, the price-earnings ratio method, and the dividend growth method.

Tinto Ltd produces handicrafts for both local and foreign markets. The company was incorporated several years ago. The shareholders of Tinto Ltd would now like to realize their investment. In order to arrive at an estimate of what they believe the business is worth, they have identified a long-established quoted company, Dingo Ltd, which has a similar business but produces for the European market only.

Summarized financial statistics for the two companies for the most recent financial year are as follows:

Tinto Ltd Dingo Ltd
Issued shares (million) 8 20
Net assets value (GH¢ ’million) 14.4 30
Earnings per share (GH¢) 0.35 0.28
Dividend per share (GH¢) 0.20 0.24
Debt: Equity ratio 1:7 1:6.5
Share price (as quoted on the stock market) – GH¢ 1.60
Expected rate of growth in earnings/dividends 5% 5%

Additional Information:

  1. The net assets of Tinto Ltd are the net book values of tangible non-current assets, including working capital. However:
    • A recent valuation of the buildings was GH¢1,500,000 above book value.
    • An investment held, which is designated as Equity Financial Asset at Fair Value through Profit or Loss with a carrying value of GH¢1,000,000, is fair valued at GH¢1,100,000.
    • Due to a dispute with one of their clients, an additional allowance for bad debts of GH¢750,000 could prudently be made.
    • An item of plant with a carrying value of GH¢800,000 is assessed to have a value-in-use of GH¢760,000 and fair value less cost to sell of GH¢780,000.
  2. Growth rate should be assumed to be constant per annum. Tinto Ltd’s earnings growth rate estimate was provided by the marketing manager, based on expected growth in sales adjusted by normal profit margins. Dingo Ltd’s growth rates are gleaned from press reports.
  3. The dividend yield of Dingo Ltd approximates its cost of equity.


Compute a range of valuations for the business of Tinto Ltd, using the information available and stating any assumptions made. Use the following methods for the valuation:

i) Net assets method (5 marks)
ii) Price-earnings method (3 marks)
iii) Dividend growth method (4 marks)

(Note: Ignore tax implications.)

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CR – Aug 2022 – L3 – Q4a – Business Valuation

This question requires identifying three factors that influence the value of the Price-Earnings (P/E) ratio in business valuation.

When acquiring an unquoted company in a takeover bid, the final price will be agreed by negotiation. However, the crucial role of the price-earnings ratio in arriving at the final price cannot be overemphasized.

State THREE (3) factors that are likely to influence the value of the price-earnings ratio.

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FM – Nov 2024 – L2 – Q4a – Business Valuation

Valuing a company using the discounted cash flow model and price multiples.

Djokoto PLC (Djokoto) has 12 million ordinary shares outstanding and no other long-term debt. The Finance Director of Djokoto, Adepa, estimates that Djokoto’s free cash flows at the end of the next three years will be GH¢0.5 million, GH¢0.6 million, and GH¢0.7 million, respectively. After Year 3, the free cash flow will grow at 5% yearly forever. The appropriate discount rate for this free cash flow stream is determined to be 15% annually.

In a separate analysis based on ratios, Adepa estimates that Djokoto will be worth 10 times its Year 3 free cash flow at the end of the third year. Adepa gathered data on two companies comparable to Djokoto: Mesewa and Dunsin. It is believed that these companies’ price-to-earnings, price-to-sales, and price-to-book-value per share should be used to value Djokoto.

The relevant data for the three companies are given in the table below:

Variables Mesewa Dunsin Djokoto
Current Price Per Share 7.20 4.50 2.40
Earnings Per Share 0.20 0.15 0.10
Revenue Per Share 3.20 2.25 1.60
Book Value Per Share 1.80 1.00 0.80

i) Estimate Djokoto’s fair value based on the discounted cash flows model. (5 marks)
ii) Compute the following ratios for the comparable companies:

  • P/E Ratio (2 marks)
  • Price-to-Sales Ratio (2 marks)
  • Price-to-Book-Value Ratio (2 marks)
    iii) Based on the valuation results, discuss whether an investor should buy, sell, or hold Djokoto shares. Justify your recommendation. (4 marks)
    iii) Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of business combinations.

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q4a – Business Valuation

Determine share value of Anidaso Ltd using multiple valuation methods including net assets, P/E ratio, dividend yield, and discounted cash flow.

Anidaso Ltd operates in the manufacturing industry in Ghana. The company is in the process of selling some of its shares to the general public to raise funds to expand its operations. Below are the financial statements of the company:

Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September, 2019

Revenue 122,900
Cost of sales (58,650)
Gross profit 64,250
Selling, general & administration expenses (43,570)
Profit before interest & taxes 20,680
Finance cost (1,680)
Profit before taxation 19,000
Taxation @ 20% (4,750)
Profit after tax 14,250

Statement of changes in equity (extracts) for the year ended 30 September, 2019

Retained Earnings at October 1, 2018 47,970
Profit for the year 14,250
Dividend paid (6,200)
Retained Earnings at 30 September, 2019 56,020

Statement of Financial Position as at 30 September, 2019

GH¢’000 GH¢’000
Non-current assets
Development expenditure 13,050
Patents 8,200
Property, plant, and equipment 98,750 120,000
Current assets
Inventories 21,700
Trade receivables 12,501
Bank and cash 5,944 40,145
Current liabilities
Trade payables (15,400) 24,745
Net current assets 144,745
Non-current liabilities
10% Debenture loan stock (12,000) 132,745
Share capital 50,000
Revaluation Surplus 26,725
Retained Earnings 56,020 132,745

Additional relevant information:

  • The share capital of the company is composed of:
    • GH¢000
    • 20% redeemable preference shares 10,000
    • Ordinary shares (issued @GH¢0.20 each) 40,000
    • Total share capital: 50,000
  • A review of the development expenditure indicated that only 50% of it is worthwhile.
  • An independent valuer has placed values on some of the assets of Anidaso Ltd below:
    • Property, plant & equipment: GH¢111,000
    • Inventories: GH¢16,200
    • Trade receivables: GH¢10,000
    • Total value: GH¢137,200
  • Profit forecasts for the next five years of Anidaso Ltd are as follows:
    Year-end 30 September Profit before Tax (GH¢’000) Depreciation Charge (GH¢’000)
    2020 14,900 1,100
    2021 16,000 1,225
    2022 19,250 1,550
    2023 19,800 2,025
    2024 21,550 2,130
  • The patents in the statement of financial position represent a license to produce an improved variety of a product and is expected to generate a pre-tax profit of GH¢10,000 per year for the next five years.
  • Abiola Limited is a competitor company listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange, and data extracted from its recently published financial statements revealed the following details:
    • Market capitalization: GH¢1,000,000
    • Number of ordinary shares: 800,000
    • Earnings per share: GH¢0.20
    • Dividend payout ratio: 80%
  • The cost of capital of Anidaso Ltd is 10%.

Determine the value to be placed on each share of Anidaso Ltd using the following methods of valuation: i) Net assets
ii) Price-earnings ratio
iii) Dividend yield
iv) Discounted cash flow


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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q3 – Business valuations

The question involves redrafting financial statements of PFC based on additional information provided and calculating a range of possible issue prices for an IPO using Net Assets Method and Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method.

The Board of Pogas Furniture Ltd (PFC), after a few years of incorporation, has decided to get the company listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The Board has contacted you to assist in determining the true value of the business as at 31 December 2018 and to provide a range of possible issue prices based on the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield Method. Oliso Ltd, a listed company and a competitor of PFC, current results show a price-earnings ratio of 5 and earnings yield of 20%. The summarised unaudited financial statements of PFC are as follows:

Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31 December 2018

Sales Revenue (note i) 150,000
Cost of Sales (72,000)
Gross Profit 78,000
Operational Expenses (34,800)
Finance Costs (Interest on debenture stocks) (1,200)
Net Profit 42,000
Taxation (@ 25%) (10,500)
Profit for the period 31,500

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2018

Non-current assets
Property at Valuation (Land GH¢3 million; buildings GH¢27 million) 30,000
Plant and Equipment 24,000
Intangible Asset – Patent Right 3,000
Financial Asset (fair valued through profit or loss at 1/1/2018) 7,500
Total Non-current Assets 64,500
Current Assets 30,000
Total Assets 94,500
Equity and Liabilities
Stated Capital (4 million shares issued at GH¢3.00 per share) 12,000
Retained Earnings 57,960
Total Equity 69,960
Non-current liabilities
20% Debenture Stocks (2018-2020) 6,000
Deferred Tax provision (1 January 2018) 4,500
Total Non-current Liabilities 10,500
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 3,540
Current Tax liability 10,500
Total Current Liabilities 14,040
Total Equity and Liabilities 94,500

Additional Information:

i) The sales revenue includes GH¢24 million of revenue for credit sales made on a ‘sale or return’ basis. At 31 December 2018, customers who had not paid for the goods had the right to return GH¢7.8 million of them. PFC applied a markup on cost of 30% on all these sales. In the past, PFC’s customers have sometimes returned goods under this type of agreement.

ii) The depreciable non-current assets have not been depreciated for the year ended 31 December 2018.

  • PFC has a policy of revaluing its land and buildings at the end of each accounting year. The values in the above statement of financial position are as at 1 January 2018 when the buildings had a remaining life of 18 years. A qualified surveyor has valued the land and buildings at 31 December 2018 at GH¢33 million.
  • Plant and equipment are depreciated at 12.5% per annum on the reducing balance basis. As at 31 December 2018, the value in use and the fair value less cost to sell were assessed at GH¢21.3 million and GH¢20.25 million respectively.
  • The patent right was acquired in January 2018 at a cost of GH¢3 million. It is expected to be used for five years after which the right of usage would have to be renewed in January 2023.

iii) The financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are held in a fund whose value changes directly in proportion to a specified market index. At 1 January 2018, the relevant index was 240.0, and at 31 December 2018, the index was 259.2.

iv) In late December 2018, the directors of PFC discovered a material fraud perpetrated by the company’s credit controller. Investigations revealed that a total of GH¢9 million of the trade receivables (included in current assets) as shown in the statement of financial position at 31 December 2018 had in fact been paid and the money had been stolen by the credit controller. An analysis revealed that GH¢3 million had been stolen in the year to 31 December 2017, with the rest being stolen in the current year. PFC is not insured for this loss and it cannot be recovered from the credit controller since his whereabouts are unknown.

v) As at 31 December 2018, the company’s taxable temporary differences had increased to GH¢24 million. The deferred tax relating to the increase in the temporary differences should be taken to profit or loss. The applicable corporate tax rate is 25%. The above figures do not include the estimated provision for current income tax on the profit for the year ended 31 December 2018. After allowing for any adjustments required in items (i) to (iv), the directors have estimated the provision of current tax liability for 2018 at 25% of adjusted profit. (This is in addition to the deferred tax effects of item (v)).


a) Redraft the financial statements above (taking into consideration the additional information (i) – (v) above). (11 marks)

b) Based on the revised financial statements, provide a range of possible issue prices per share using the Net Assets Method and the Earnings Yield/Price Earnings Ratio Method. (4 marks)

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CR – Nov 2018 – L3 – Q3 – Business valuations

Identify valuation factors, determine share value using the net assets approach, and prepare the consolidated financial statement for GCC Bank Ltd after the takeover of Wunam Bank Ltd.

The shareholders of Wunam Bank (Ghana) Limited have decided to sell the company to GCC Bank (Ghana) Limited following their inability to recapitalize the company as demanded by the Bank of Ghana. The statement of financial positions of the two banks as at 31 March 2018 are given below.

Additional Information:

  1. Wunam Bank Ltd carries a huge non-performing loan portfolio. It is estimated that only 40% of the outstanding loans are recoverable.
  2. Investments represent 91-Day Treasury Bills held as secondary reserves. An audit has shown that the investments were overstated in 2017, as interest on investments for that year amounts to GH¢4.15 million.
  3. Other assets include long outstanding debits amounting to GH¢3.6 million, which are not represented by tangible assets.
  4. Deposits amounting to GH¢3.75 million could not be accounted for. This phenomenon has prevailed since 2014 but has not been provided for in the accounts.
  5. Property, Plant & Equipment includes an old banking software amounting to GH¢1.25 million, considered worthless. The remaining tangible fixed assets have been revalued at GH¢15.3 million.
  6. Cash and balances with other banks include GH¢2.4 million due from Sakara Rural Bank Ltd, which was liquidated in 2016.
  7. Other liabilities include interest earned on investments amounting to GH¢3.15 million.
  8. Goodwill was assessed at 2.5% of adjusted deposits and current accounts.
  9. Wunam Bank Ltd has invested in Government bonds worth GH¢12.6 million as at 31 March 2018 to fund new ATMs and branches.

Required: a) Identify FOUR (4) factors you would consider in determining the value to be placed on assets when using the net assets approach to valuation of Wunam Bank Ltd.
(4 marks)

b) Determine the value to be placed on the shares of Wunam Bank Ltd using the net assets approach to valuation.
(5 marks)

c) Prepare the statement of financial position of GCC Bank Ltd after the takeover using your answer in (b). Assume the following:

  • The purchase consideration was duly settled.
  • GCC Bank Ltd took over all assets and liabilities.
  • Goodwill was written off.

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CR – Nov 2021 – L3 – Q4a – Business valuations

Determine the value of shares of Aboto Ltd using multiple valuation methods including net assets, price-earnings ratio, dividend yield, and discounted cash flow

Aboto Ltd is a private company in the printing industry. It was established by the Aboto family some twenty years ago with Mrs. Aboto as the Managing Director. The business has grown in size over the years, and the directors are now considering listing the company on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The financial statements of the company for the year 2020 are given below:

Additional Information:

  1. The Share Capital of Aboto Ltd consists of ordinary share capital of no par value issued at GH¢100 per share.
  2. An independent valuer estimated the fair value of the Property, Plant & Equipment at GH¢500,000. Valuation charges of 2% have not been accrued for in the above accounts.
  3. The inventory includes obsolete items worth GH¢5,000 being held despite persistent advice by the auditors to have them written off.
  4. Receivables include an amount of GH¢12,000 resulting from the bankruptcy of a major customer. Aboto Ltd is not likely to realize any amount from this, but the directors have refused to make any provision.
  5. The patents represent a right to sell a special product. This product is expected to generate cash flows of GH¢2,000 per annum indefinitely.
  6. The discounted present value of future cash payments in respect of the debentures is GH¢20,000.
  7. Profits after tax of Aboto Ltd over the past four years were as follows:
    Year Profits (GH¢)
    2019 38,000
    2018 36,000
    2017 32,000
    2016 30,000
  8. A corporate plan prepared by the directors of Aboto Ltd in 2018 included the following positions:
  9. The price-earnings ratio and a dividend yield of quoted companies in the same industry Aboto Ltd operates are 8 and 4%, respectively.
  10. The net assets of Aboto Ltd as at 31 December 2019 were GH¢251,100.
  11. The cost of capital of Aboto Ltd is 20%.
  12. Investing in unlisted securities is about 20% more risky than investing in listed securities.


Determine the value to be placed on each share of Aboto Ltd using the following methods of valuation:

i) Net assets (4 marks)
ii) Price-earnings ratio (4 marks)
iii) Dividend yield (3 marks)
iv) Discounted cash flow (4 marks)

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CR – May 2016 – L3 – Q4a – Business valuation

Compute the value of ordinary shares using three valuation methods for a company preparing for listing, based on given financial statements and additional information.

In 2015, the shareholders of Depot Ltd decided to sell their equity stake in the company. The company is not listed and the new shareholders plan to prepare the company for listing once the acquisition was completed. The summarized financial statements of Depot Ltd for the year ended 30th June, 2015 are stated below:

Statement of Income for the year ended 30th June, 2015

The following additional information is provided;

  1. The discounted present value of future cash payments in respect of the long term loan is GH¢48,800,000.
  2. The stated capital of Depot Ltd is made up of 25,000,000 ordinary shares of no par value.
  3. Current Assets include inventory of GH¢6,600,000 representing goods received from a major supplier on “not for sale but display only” basis.
  4. The fair value of the tangible non-current assets was GH¢116,000,000.
  5. The profit for the current year includes VAT of 17.5% on turnover of GH¢8,500,000 being invoice amount sold to a customer.
  6. The discount rate of Depot Ltd is 10% per annum.
  7. Warehouse Ltd, a major competitor of Depot Ltd is listed with a P/E ratio of 9 and dividend yield of 5.2.
  8. Profits after tax over the 4 years were as follows;

Compute the value to be placed on the ordinary shares using three methods of valuation and advise the Directors accordingly.

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CR – Nov 2023 – L3 – Q4a – Business Valuation

Determine appropriate valuation methods and price range for Odenkey Plc based on financial statements and additional information provided.

a) The Directors of Odenkey Plc have decided to sell their business and have begun a search for organisations interested in the purchase. As a Consultant, you have been asked to determine the appropriate range of price per share suitable for the company. Relevant information is as follows:

Additional information:

  1. The receivables include GH¢12,000,000 of revenue for credit sales made on a ‘sale or return’ basis. On 31 December 2022, customers who had not paid for the goods, had the right to return GH¢5,000,000 worth of them. Odenkey Plc applied a markup on cost of 25% on all these sales. Based on previous transactions, it is expected that 80% of the goods will be returned.
  2. The property, plant and equipment includes a building that was originally acquired for GH¢20,000,000 five years ago with an initial estimated useful life of 20 years. The property was revalued to GH¢18,000,000 as at 31 December 2022, and the revaluation reserve is yet to be recognised in the financial statement. Due to degradation of the land on which the building stands, the company undertook an impairment review and it was found that, the fair value of the property as at 31 December 2022 is estimated to be GH¢17,000,000. The value in use of the property is calculated as being GH¢16,000,000.
  3. The patent was originally acquired 2 years ago and the rights were set at 50 years from the date the patent was originally purchased. The patent was amortised by Odenkey Plc using straight line method over the remaining copyright period. However, recent legislative changes passed on 1 January 2022 have extended the patent period forever. The Research and Development departments projects net future cashflow of GH¢4,500,000 per year from the patent even though the prices of similar patents on the market are valued at GH¢ 18,500,000.
  4. The company had a retained earnings balance of GH¢5,000,000 as at 31 December 2021. It has always practiced a dividend payout ratio of 35% when it makes profit during the year.
  5. The following information relates to Odenkey Plc and a competitor Odafomtim Ltd: Odenkey Plc Odafomtim Ltd Number of Shares 3,000,000 500,000 5 years’ average sales growth 8% 9% 5 years’ average growth in EBIT 6% 10.5% P/E ratio as at 31 December 2022 – 18.61 Estimated return on equity 9.5% 12%
  6. The company’s cost of capital is 25%.
  7. Odafomtim Ltd is a listed firm and has a sizeable market share.


i) Use the information provided to suggest FOUR (4) valuations which prospective purchasers might make.

(12 marks)

ii) Comment on the appropriateness of the range of price per share of Odenkey Plc that the Directors can offer.

(3 marks)


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CR – Mar 2024 – Q4a – Business valuation

Apply various valuation methods to determine the value of Meddy Ltd's shares in a potential merger scenario with Flossybeats Ltd.

Flossybeats Ltd is a major competitor of Meddy Ltd in the telecommunication industry. Flossybeats Ltd is listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange with a P/E ratio of 11 and a dividend yield of 7.2%. Directors of Flossybeats Ltd have been presented with a proposal to merge with Meddy Ltd which owns 45% of the market share but not yet listed. The summarized financial statements of Meddy Ltd for the year 2023 are given below:

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2023

Additional information: i) An existing property included in property, plant and equipment with a carrying value of GH¢675,000 could be developed as a site for residential use at a cost of GH¢75,000 and would then be worth GH¢975,000. The remaining property, plant and equipment can be used to generate a net cashflow of GH¢300,000 each year for the foreseeable future.

ii) The worth of the Investment Property is difficult to value, as there is no active market. A normal sale in the present condition could be reasonably expected to yield GH¢600,000 based on an analysis of transactions in similar assets.

iii) The trademark represents a license to produce and sell a special product which is expected to generate an after-tax profit of GH¢1,500,000 over the next four years. The expected after-tax profit projection was made without the consideration of amortisation of the book value of the trademark over the same period.

iv) The discounted present value of future cash payments in respect of long-term loan is GH¢975,000. The discount rate of Meddy Ltd is 25% per annum but the financial controller asserts that beta of the company is 1.5. The Treasury bill rate and the return on the market are estimated to be 16% and 23% respectively.

v) Dividend payments of Meddy Ltd in 2022 was GH¢112,500. The dividend growth achieved in 2023 is expected to be sustained in the foreseeable future.

Required: Advise the directors of Meddy Ltd on the value to be placed on the ordinary shares using:

  • Net Assets Method
  • Constant Dividend Method
  • Dividend Growth Method
  • Earning based (P/E) Method

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CR – Aug 2022 – L3 – Q4b – Business Valuation

This question requires computing the valuation of Tinto Ltd using three different methods: the net assets method, the price-earnings ratio method, and the dividend growth method.

Tinto Ltd produces handicrafts for both local and foreign markets. The company was incorporated several years ago. The shareholders of Tinto Ltd would now like to realize their investment. In order to arrive at an estimate of what they believe the business is worth, they have identified a long-established quoted company, Dingo Ltd, which has a similar business but produces for the European market only.

Summarized financial statistics for the two companies for the most recent financial year are as follows:

Tinto Ltd Dingo Ltd
Issued shares (million) 8 20
Net assets value (GH¢ ’million) 14.4 30
Earnings per share (GH¢) 0.35 0.28
Dividend per share (GH¢) 0.20 0.24
Debt: Equity ratio 1:7 1:6.5
Share price (as quoted on the stock market) – GH¢ 1.60
Expected rate of growth in earnings/dividends 5% 5%

Additional Information:

  1. The net assets of Tinto Ltd are the net book values of tangible non-current assets, including working capital. However:
    • A recent valuation of the buildings was GH¢1,500,000 above book value.
    • An investment held, which is designated as Equity Financial Asset at Fair Value through Profit or Loss with a carrying value of GH¢1,000,000, is fair valued at GH¢1,100,000.
    • Due to a dispute with one of their clients, an additional allowance for bad debts of GH¢750,000 could prudently be made.
    • An item of plant with a carrying value of GH¢800,000 is assessed to have a value-in-use of GH¢760,000 and fair value less cost to sell of GH¢780,000.
  2. Growth rate should be assumed to be constant per annum. Tinto Ltd’s earnings growth rate estimate was provided by the marketing manager, based on expected growth in sales adjusted by normal profit margins. Dingo Ltd’s growth rates are gleaned from press reports.
  3. The dividend yield of Dingo Ltd approximates its cost of equity.


Compute a range of valuations for the business of Tinto Ltd, using the information available and stating any assumptions made. Use the following methods for the valuation:

i) Net assets method (5 marks)
ii) Price-earnings method (3 marks)
iii) Dividend growth method (4 marks)

(Note: Ignore tax implications.)

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CR – Aug 2022 – L3 – Q4a – Business Valuation

This question requires identifying three factors that influence the value of the Price-Earnings (P/E) ratio in business valuation.

When acquiring an unquoted company in a takeover bid, the final price will be agreed by negotiation. However, the crucial role of the price-earnings ratio in arriving at the final price cannot be overemphasized.

State THREE (3) factors that are likely to influence the value of the price-earnings ratio.

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