Topic: Balanced Scorecard

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PM – May 2015 – L2 – SB – Q5 – Balanced Scorecard

Evaluate the use of the Balanced Scorecard and analyze investment decisions for Carossi Limited using ROI and RI.

CAROSSI Limited makes quality wooden products such as tables, chairs, benches, and doors. Historically, the company has used mainly financial performance measures to assess the performance of the company as a whole. The company’s Chief Executive Officer has just been informed of the ‘Balanced Scorecard Approach’ and is eager to learn more.

CAROSSI Limited has two Divisions X and Y, each with its own cost and revenue streams. Each Division is managed by a divisional manager who has the power to make all investment decisions within the Division. The cost of capital for both Divisions is 15 percent. Historically, investment decisions have been made by calculating the Return on Investment (ROI) of any opportunities, and presently, the return on investment of each Division is 18 percent.

A recently appointed manager for Division X strongly feels that using Residual Income (RI) to make investment decisions would result in better ‘goal congruence’ throughout the organisation.

Investment Details for Each Division:

Division X Division Y
Capital required for investment (₦m) 88.2 46.0
Revenue generated from investment (₦m) 46.4 28.1
Net profit margin (%) 30 35

The company is seeking to maximise shareholders’ wealth.

Required: a. Describe the Balanced Scorecard Approach to performance measurement. (8 Marks)
b. Determine both the return on investment and residual income of the new investment for each of the two divisions. Comment on these results and take into consideration the manager’s views about residual income. (7 Marks)

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PM – May 2024 – L2 – SC – Q6 – Balanced Scorecard

Explanation of profitability measures and the application of the balanced scorecard in an insurance company.

Many firms still focus on profitability as their main measure of performance, despite increasing evidence that non-financial measures are often more important.

a. Explain the arguments for using the profit measure as the all-encompassing measure of the performance of a business. (5 Marks)
b. An insurance company is considering introducing a balanced scorecard. State the FOUR perspectives of the balanced scorecard and recommend, with explanations, two performance measures for each perspective. (10 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2020 – L2 – Q5 – Balanced Scorecard

Analyze the performance of DAT Air using the Balanced Scorecard approach and propose relevant goals and performance measures for each of the perspectives.

Dat Air was founded in January 2010 by Dr. Daniel Taiwo and the airline has been
branded as a low-cost airline in Nigeria. Dat Air‟s strategy is to operate as a low-cost and highly efficient airline, and it does this by:
(i) Operating mostly in cities where other airlines do not fly to reduce landing
(ii) Using only one aircraft model in order to reduce maintenance and operational
costs. These planes are leased rather than bought outright;
(iii) Having only one category of seat class; there is no pre-allocated seats or in-
flight entertainment; and to
(iv) Focus on e-commerce with customers both booking tickets and checking in
for flights online. Customers who booked well in advance before the flight
date enjoy substantial discount.
The airline was given an „on time arrival‟ ranking of second best by the
Nigerian aviation authority, who rank all 20 airlines operating locally in the
country based on the number of flights which arrive on time at their
destinations. 48 Dat Air flights were cancelled in 2018 compared to 35 in
2017. This increase was due to an increase in the staff absentee rate at Dat
Air from 5 days per staff member per year to 7 days.
The average „ground turnaround time‟ for airlines in Nigeria is 2 hours,
meaning that, on average, planes are on the ground for cleaning, refuelling,
etc for 2 hours before departing again. Customer satisfaction surveys have
shown that 90% of customers are happy with the standard of cleanliness on
Dat Air‟s planes.
The number of passengers carried by the airline has grown from 200,000
passengers on a total of 2,107 flights in 2010 to 650,000 passengers on
5,320 flights in 2018. The overall growth of the airline has been helped by
the limited route licensing policy of the Nigerian government, which has
given DAT Air almost monopoly status on some of its routes. However, the
government is now set to change this policy with almost immediate effect,
and it has become more important than ever to monitor performance
This has necessitated the management of Dat Air to examine the airline‟s
performance using the balanced scorecard model. This will enable the
management to discover areas where improvement is needed in its
a. Describe each of the FOUR perspectives of the balanced scorecard.
(6 Marks)
b. For each perspective of the balanced scorecard, identify ONE goal
together with a corresponding performance measure which could be
used by DAT Air to measure the company‟s performance. The goals
and performance measures should be specifically relevant to Dat Air.
For each pair of goals and performance measures, explain why you
have chosen them. (9 Marks)
c. Appraise the usefulness of the balanced scorecard as a performance
evaluation technique. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)

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PM – May 2019 – L2 – Q4 – Balanced Scorecard

Analyze BOK's financial performance and evaluate its balanced scorecard metrics for decision-making.

BOK is an autonomous division of Large Plc. BOK carries out large engineering jobs to individual customer specifications. The manager of the division will retire within next year, and Henry Femi, the CEO of Large Plc., has used a recruitment agency to identify a suitable successor, Mary Tako. Henry believes that Mary has excellent relevant experience in another company in the country and has offered her a 4-year contract position at BOK. The terms of the offer include a generous compensation package linked to the profit earned by BOK during the 4 years. Henry believes that BOK has been a very successful division and that a high-calibre manager, such as Mary, has great potential to continue to expand that success. In order to impress Mary on the recent success of BOK, Henry provided her with the following comparative financial data about the recent performance of the division (Table 1):

Table 1: Comparative Financial Data

2018 2017
Turnover 27,000,000 26,000,000
Net profit 5,600,000 5,200,000
Bad debts 132,000 130,000

It can be assumed that the inflation rate in each of the two years was 3% per annum.

Mary indicated that she would need some additional information before deciding on whether to accept the employment offer. The following is an extract from a balanced scorecard (Table 2) which was prepared at Mary’s request:

Table 2: Balanced Scorecard Data

Theme 2018 2017
Customer theme:
Number of customers 120 100
Average revenue per customer (₦) 225,000 260,000
Market share 9% 8%
Internal process theme:
Percentage of jobs completed with errors 3% 4%
Average job completion time (days) 5.5 7
Learning & growth themes:
Staff turnover rate 10% 5%
Training expenditure (₦) 1,000,000 1,000,000


a. i. Analyze the change in the financial performance of BOK between 2017 and 2018 using the information provided in Table 1. (3 Marks)

ii. Evaluate the change in the performance of BOK between 2017 and 2018, using the information contained in the balanced scorecard (Table 2). In addition, discuss the significant reasons why this analysis may be more relevant than your answer to part (ai) in helping Mary to decide whether or not to accept the offer. (13 Marks)

b. Mary has indicated that she would only be willing to accept the employment offer if she can be convinced about the potential for growth in the division. As the outgoing manager, you are required to provide her with an analysis of BOK’s competitive position and growth prospects based on the information provided. (4 Marks)

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PM – May 2015 – L2 – SB – Q5 – Balanced Scorecard

Evaluate the use of the Balanced Scorecard and analyze investment decisions for Carossi Limited using ROI and RI.

CAROSSI Limited makes quality wooden products such as tables, chairs, benches, and doors. Historically, the company has used mainly financial performance measures to assess the performance of the company as a whole. The company’s Chief Executive Officer has just been informed of the ‘Balanced Scorecard Approach’ and is eager to learn more.

CAROSSI Limited has two Divisions X and Y, each with its own cost and revenue streams. Each Division is managed by a divisional manager who has the power to make all investment decisions within the Division. The cost of capital for both Divisions is 15 percent. Historically, investment decisions have been made by calculating the Return on Investment (ROI) of any opportunities, and presently, the return on investment of each Division is 18 percent.

A recently appointed manager for Division X strongly feels that using Residual Income (RI) to make investment decisions would result in better ‘goal congruence’ throughout the organisation.

Investment Details for Each Division:

Division X Division Y
Capital required for investment (₦m) 88.2 46.0
Revenue generated from investment (₦m) 46.4 28.1
Net profit margin (%) 30 35

The company is seeking to maximise shareholders’ wealth.

Required: a. Describe the Balanced Scorecard Approach to performance measurement. (8 Marks)
b. Determine both the return on investment and residual income of the new investment for each of the two divisions. Comment on these results and take into consideration the manager’s views about residual income. (7 Marks)

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PM – May 2024 – L2 – SC – Q6 – Balanced Scorecard

Explanation of profitability measures and the application of the balanced scorecard in an insurance company.

Many firms still focus on profitability as their main measure of performance, despite increasing evidence that non-financial measures are often more important.

a. Explain the arguments for using the profit measure as the all-encompassing measure of the performance of a business. (5 Marks)
b. An insurance company is considering introducing a balanced scorecard. State the FOUR perspectives of the balanced scorecard and recommend, with explanations, two performance measures for each perspective. (10 Marks)

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PM – Nov 2020 – L2 – Q5 – Balanced Scorecard

Analyze the performance of DAT Air using the Balanced Scorecard approach and propose relevant goals and performance measures for each of the perspectives.

Dat Air was founded in January 2010 by Dr. Daniel Taiwo and the airline has been
branded as a low-cost airline in Nigeria. Dat Air‟s strategy is to operate as a low-cost and highly efficient airline, and it does this by:
(i) Operating mostly in cities where other airlines do not fly to reduce landing
(ii) Using only one aircraft model in order to reduce maintenance and operational
costs. These planes are leased rather than bought outright;
(iii) Having only one category of seat class; there is no pre-allocated seats or in-
flight entertainment; and to
(iv) Focus on e-commerce with customers both booking tickets and checking in
for flights online. Customers who booked well in advance before the flight
date enjoy substantial discount.
The airline was given an „on time arrival‟ ranking of second best by the
Nigerian aviation authority, who rank all 20 airlines operating locally in the
country based on the number of flights which arrive on time at their
destinations. 48 Dat Air flights were cancelled in 2018 compared to 35 in
2017. This increase was due to an increase in the staff absentee rate at Dat
Air from 5 days per staff member per year to 7 days.
The average „ground turnaround time‟ for airlines in Nigeria is 2 hours,
meaning that, on average, planes are on the ground for cleaning, refuelling,
etc for 2 hours before departing again. Customer satisfaction surveys have
shown that 90% of customers are happy with the standard of cleanliness on
Dat Air‟s planes.
The number of passengers carried by the airline has grown from 200,000
passengers on a total of 2,107 flights in 2010 to 650,000 passengers on
5,320 flights in 2018. The overall growth of the airline has been helped by
the limited route licensing policy of the Nigerian government, which has
given DAT Air almost monopoly status on some of its routes. However, the
government is now set to change this policy with almost immediate effect,
and it has become more important than ever to monitor performance
This has necessitated the management of Dat Air to examine the airline‟s
performance using the balanced scorecard model. This will enable the
management to discover areas where improvement is needed in its
a. Describe each of the FOUR perspectives of the balanced scorecard.
(6 Marks)
b. For each perspective of the balanced scorecard, identify ONE goal
together with a corresponding performance measure which could be
used by DAT Air to measure the company‟s performance. The goals
and performance measures should be specifically relevant to Dat Air.
For each pair of goals and performance measures, explain why you
have chosen them. (9 Marks)
c. Appraise the usefulness of the balanced scorecard as a performance
evaluation technique. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)

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PM – May 2019 – L2 – Q4 – Balanced Scorecard

Analyze BOK's financial performance and evaluate its balanced scorecard metrics for decision-making.

BOK is an autonomous division of Large Plc. BOK carries out large engineering jobs to individual customer specifications. The manager of the division will retire within next year, and Henry Femi, the CEO of Large Plc., has used a recruitment agency to identify a suitable successor, Mary Tako. Henry believes that Mary has excellent relevant experience in another company in the country and has offered her a 4-year contract position at BOK. The terms of the offer include a generous compensation package linked to the profit earned by BOK during the 4 years. Henry believes that BOK has been a very successful division and that a high-calibre manager, such as Mary, has great potential to continue to expand that success. In order to impress Mary on the recent success of BOK, Henry provided her with the following comparative financial data about the recent performance of the division (Table 1):

Table 1: Comparative Financial Data

2018 2017
Turnover 27,000,000 26,000,000
Net profit 5,600,000 5,200,000
Bad debts 132,000 130,000

It can be assumed that the inflation rate in each of the two years was 3% per annum.

Mary indicated that she would need some additional information before deciding on whether to accept the employment offer. The following is an extract from a balanced scorecard (Table 2) which was prepared at Mary’s request:

Table 2: Balanced Scorecard Data

Theme 2018 2017
Customer theme:
Number of customers 120 100
Average revenue per customer (₦) 225,000 260,000
Market share 9% 8%
Internal process theme:
Percentage of jobs completed with errors 3% 4%
Average job completion time (days) 5.5 7
Learning & growth themes:
Staff turnover rate 10% 5%
Training expenditure (₦) 1,000,000 1,000,000


a. i. Analyze the change in the financial performance of BOK between 2017 and 2018 using the information provided in Table 1. (3 Marks)

ii. Evaluate the change in the performance of BOK between 2017 and 2018, using the information contained in the balanced scorecard (Table 2). In addition, discuss the significant reasons why this analysis may be more relevant than your answer to part (ai) in helping Mary to decide whether or not to accept the offer. (13 Marks)

b. Mary has indicated that she would only be willing to accept the employment offer if she can be convinced about the potential for growth in the division. As the outgoing manager, you are required to provide her with an analysis of BOK’s competitive position and growth prospects based on the information provided. (4 Marks)

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