Topic: Associates and Joint Ventures (IAS 28)

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CR – May 2021 – L3 – Q6 – Associates and Joint Ventures (IAS 28)

Discuss equity accounting for investment, accounting for deferred tax, and calculate the recoverable amount of equipment.

Awa Publish has just recently acquired 18% of the shareholding in Tunbe, making it the second largest single shareholder. The majority shareholder has 58% voting shares, while the remainder of the shares is held by ten other shareholders, none holding more than 5% voting shares. The board of directors of Tunbe is made up of 12 members, with Awa Publish having 3 members and the majority shareholder having 7 members.

Awa Publish was able to negotiate its representation on the board due to its strategic importance in Tunbe’s operations and expansion plans. The directors of Awa Publish accounted for its investment in Tunbe as an equity investment. The directors feel that Tunbe should not be accounted for as an associate because Awa Publish does not have 20% of the voting interest and thus does not exercise significant influence over Tunbe.

Tunbe has been making losses for the past three years and has only returned a taxable profit once in the last five years. The projection is that Tunbe will return to making taxable profits in another five years. As part of the acquisition of shares in Tunbe, deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences arose. The directors of Awa Publish are unsure how to account for this deferred tax asset.

Awa Publish has an item of equipment that cost N56 million. This item of plant and equipment currently has a carrying amount in the financial statements of N39.2 million. Awa Publish expects the operation of the equipment to generate undiscounted cash flows of N7 million per year for the next five years.

Awa Publish could generate immediate cash flow of N40 million if it sold the equipment today. However, if it did go ahead with the sale, it will have to pay a sales commission of 8.5%. The directors of Awa Publish are performing an annual impairment review and understand that determining the recoverable amount is an important part of this exercise.


a. Discuss how the investment in Tunbe should be accounted for in the financial statements of Awa Publish. (7 Marks)

b. Advise the directors of Awa Publish how the deferred tax asset that has arisen should be accounted for. (7 Marks)

c. Assist the directors of Awa Publish to determine the recoverable amount of the equipment. You may assume a discount rate of 10% or five-year annuity rate of 3.791, if relevant. (6 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q3 – Impairment of Assets (IAS 36)

Discuss the accounting treatment of Tupe Print's investment in Adowa plc, advise on deferred tax assets, and determine the recoverable amount of equipment.

Tupe Print plc has just recently acquired 18% of the shareholding in Adowa plc, making it the second largest single shareholder. The majority shareholder has 58% voting shares, while the remainder of the shares are held by ten other shareholders, with none holding more than 5% voting shares. The board of directors of Adowa is made up of 12 members, with Tupe Print having 3 members and the majority shareholder having 7 members. Tupe Print was able to negotiate its representation on the board due to its strategic importance in Adowa‘s operations and expansion plans. The directors of Tupe Print have accounted for its investment in Adowa as an equity instrument investment. The directors feel Adowa should not be accounted for as an associate because Tupe Print does not have 20% of the voting interest and thus does not exercise significant influence over Adowa.

Adowa has been making losses for the past three years and has only returned a taxable profit once in the last five years. The projection is that Adowa will return to making taxable profits in another five years. As part of the acquisition of shares in Adowa, deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences arose. The directors of Tupe Print are unsure of how to account for this deferred tax asset.

Tupe Print has an item of equipment which costs N56 million. This item of plant and equipment currently has a carrying value in the financial statements of N39.2 million. Tupe Print expects the operation of the equipment to generate undiscounted cash flows of N7 million per year for the next five years. Tupe Print could generate immediate cash flow of N40 million if the equipment is disposed of today. However, if the disposal is carried out, it will have to pay a sales commission of 8.5%. The directors of Tupe Print are performing an annual impairment review and understand that determining the recoverable amount is an important part of this exercise.


a. Discuss how the investment in Adowa plc should be accounted for in the financial statements of Tupe Print plc. (7 Marks)

b. Advise the directors of Tupe Print on how the deferred tax asset that has arisen should be accounted for. (7 Marks)

c. Assist the directors of Tupe Print in determining the recoverable amount of the equipment. You may assume a discount rate of 10% or a five-year annuity rate of 3.791 (if relevant). (6 Marks)

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CR – May 2021 – L3 – Q6 – Associates and Joint Ventures (IAS 28)

Discuss equity accounting for investment, accounting for deferred tax, and calculate the recoverable amount of equipment.

Awa Publish has just recently acquired 18% of the shareholding in Tunbe, making it the second largest single shareholder. The majority shareholder has 58% voting shares, while the remainder of the shares is held by ten other shareholders, none holding more than 5% voting shares. The board of directors of Tunbe is made up of 12 members, with Awa Publish having 3 members and the majority shareholder having 7 members.

Awa Publish was able to negotiate its representation on the board due to its strategic importance in Tunbe’s operations and expansion plans. The directors of Awa Publish accounted for its investment in Tunbe as an equity investment. The directors feel that Tunbe should not be accounted for as an associate because Awa Publish does not have 20% of the voting interest and thus does not exercise significant influence over Tunbe.

Tunbe has been making losses for the past three years and has only returned a taxable profit once in the last five years. The projection is that Tunbe will return to making taxable profits in another five years. As part of the acquisition of shares in Tunbe, deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences arose. The directors of Awa Publish are unsure how to account for this deferred tax asset.

Awa Publish has an item of equipment that cost N56 million. This item of plant and equipment currently has a carrying amount in the financial statements of N39.2 million. Awa Publish expects the operation of the equipment to generate undiscounted cash flows of N7 million per year for the next five years.

Awa Publish could generate immediate cash flow of N40 million if it sold the equipment today. However, if it did go ahead with the sale, it will have to pay a sales commission of 8.5%. The directors of Awa Publish are performing an annual impairment review and understand that determining the recoverable amount is an important part of this exercise.


a. Discuss how the investment in Tunbe should be accounted for in the financial statements of Awa Publish. (7 Marks)

b. Advise the directors of Awa Publish how the deferred tax asset that has arisen should be accounted for. (7 Marks)

c. Assist the directors of Awa Publish to determine the recoverable amount of the equipment. You may assume a discount rate of 10% or five-year annuity rate of 3.791, if relevant. (6 Marks)

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CR – Nov 2020 – L3 – Q3 – Impairment of Assets (IAS 36)

Discuss the accounting treatment of Tupe Print's investment in Adowa plc, advise on deferred tax assets, and determine the recoverable amount of equipment.

Tupe Print plc has just recently acquired 18% of the shareholding in Adowa plc, making it the second largest single shareholder. The majority shareholder has 58% voting shares, while the remainder of the shares are held by ten other shareholders, with none holding more than 5% voting shares. The board of directors of Adowa is made up of 12 members, with Tupe Print having 3 members and the majority shareholder having 7 members. Tupe Print was able to negotiate its representation on the board due to its strategic importance in Adowa‘s operations and expansion plans. The directors of Tupe Print have accounted for its investment in Adowa as an equity instrument investment. The directors feel Adowa should not be accounted for as an associate because Tupe Print does not have 20% of the voting interest and thus does not exercise significant influence over Adowa.

Adowa has been making losses for the past three years and has only returned a taxable profit once in the last five years. The projection is that Adowa will return to making taxable profits in another five years. As part of the acquisition of shares in Adowa, deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences arose. The directors of Tupe Print are unsure of how to account for this deferred tax asset.

Tupe Print has an item of equipment which costs N56 million. This item of plant and equipment currently has a carrying value in the financial statements of N39.2 million. Tupe Print expects the operation of the equipment to generate undiscounted cash flows of N7 million per year for the next five years. Tupe Print could generate immediate cash flow of N40 million if the equipment is disposed of today. However, if the disposal is carried out, it will have to pay a sales commission of 8.5%. The directors of Tupe Print are performing an annual impairment review and understand that determining the recoverable amount is an important part of this exercise.


a. Discuss how the investment in Adowa plc should be accounted for in the financial statements of Tupe Print plc. (7 Marks)

b. Advise the directors of Tupe Print on how the deferred tax asset that has arisen should be accounted for. (7 Marks)

c. Assist the directors of Tupe Print in determining the recoverable amount of the equipment. You may assume a discount rate of 10% or a five-year annuity rate of 3.791 (if relevant). (6 Marks)

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