Series: MAY 2023

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SC – Q7 – Tax Incentives and Reliefs

Explain tax incentives and penalties for enterprises in export processing zones.

The Federal Government in a bid to further boost the growth in foreign exchange earnings, create new jobs, facilitate economic diversification, industrialization, and provide access to foreign technology, came up with its export processing zones (EPZs) policy.

EPZ is regarded as a customs area where an enterprise is allowed to import plant, machinery, equipment, and raw materials, process them, and then export them to the world market, under security and without paying duty.

To facilitate a better understanding of the above assertions, the Managing Director of a would-be client approached you for explanations of the relevant provisions of the Nigerian Export Processing Zones Act Cap. N107 LFN 2004 (as amended) and Companies Income Tax Act Cap. C21 LFN 2004 (as amended).


a. Discuss SIX special tax incentives for enterprises operating in an export processing zone. (12 Marks)

b. Explain the penalties for non-compliance with section 55(1) of CITA (as amended). (3 Marks)

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SC – Q6 – Value-Added Tax (VAT)

Compute VAT remittance for Fountain Hotels' July 2022 transactions and explain VAT concepts.

Fountain Hotels Limited is a group of hotels located in many parts of North Central Nigeria, providing accommodation and other hospitality services. It renders its returns at the end of each month in accordance with the Value Added Tax Act 2004 (as amended).

The following are the details of the transactions for the month of July 2022:

  • VAT on outdoor catering services: N600,000
  • VAT on food: N360,000
  • VAT on drinks: N240,000
  • VAT on other vatable hotel services: N270,000
  • VAT on drinks purchased: N150,000
  • VAT on foodstuff purchased: N210,000
  • VAT on kitchen equipment: N480,000
  • VAT on professional services: N240,000

Additional Information:

  1. 30% of outdoor catering services were on credit.
  2. 20% of food and drinks were on credit.
  3. Other vatable hotel services were paid in full.
  4. 25% of VAT on drinks and foodstuff purchased were on credit.
  5. VAT on kitchen equipment and professional services were paid in full.


a. Compute the VAT remittable to the Federal Inland Revenue Service in respect of July 2022 transactions. (9 Marks)

b. Write short notes on the following:
i. Revenue VAT (2 Marks)
ii. Zero-rated supplies and services (2 Marks)
iii. VAT on exports (2 Marks)

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SC – Q5 – Taxation of Specialized Businesses

Explain solutions to multiple taxation and list causes.

Multiple taxation is a tax regime under which various and similar taxes are imposed on taxpayers by different tiers of government. This has become a national problem discouraging taxpayers from performing their civic responsibilities. The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria seeks to eliminate multiple taxation at all levels of government as provided for in Part II, Paragraphs 7 to 10.


a. Explain FOUR Constitutional and other possible solutions provided on how to eliminate multiple taxes. (10 Marks)

b. State FIVE possible causes of multiple taxation. (5 Marks)

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q4 – Companies Income Tax

Calculate assessable profit basis periods and capital allowances for Wizzy-Baddo Ltd.

As part of the induction program for the newly recruited staff of your firm of tax consultants, you have been tasked with a presentation on companies’ income tax computation for beginners during the firm’s training session.

You are provided with the following information relating to Wizzy-Baddo Limited, which commenced business on September 1, 2020:

  • Adjusted Profit:
    • Period to December 31, 2020: N6,937,500
    • Year ended December 31, 2021: N9,300,500

The following assets were acquired as follows:

Date Asset Cost (N)
June 5, 2020 Land and building 5,467,500
July 1, 2020 Motor vehicle 10,000,000
October 15, 2020 Machinery 4,375,000
February 28, 2021 Furniture 3,458,000
May 1, 2021 Delivery van 4,750,000


a. State the basis periods for assessable profits and qualifying capital expenditure. (5 Marks)

b. Compute the capital allowances.

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q3 – Tax Dispute Resolution

Explain conditions for final assessment and discuss objection and appeal procedures for tax assessments.

Taxation has been defined as the imposition of compulsory levies on individuals and entities by governments in most countries in the world. The primary objective of taxation is essentially to generate revenue or raise money for government expenditure on social welfare.

You were appointed as the accountant of Specks Nigeria Limited on August 31, 2022. Based on self-assessment, the company filed the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021, together with its tax computations on June 7, 2022, and the relevant tax liabilities were fully paid on the same date.

On August 31, 2022, the Federal Inland Revenue Service raised an assessment that was not in line with the tax returns. At the meeting of the directors held in September 2022, this issue was discussed, and you were mandated to quickly address it so that the assessment would not become final and conclusive.

a. When will an assessment become final and conclusive? (5 Marks)
b. Discuss the following in relation to objection and appeal procedures:
(i) Time limit for objection and appeal (4 Marks)
(ii) Contents of a notice of objection (4 Marks)
(iii) Amendment of assessment and notice of refusal to amend (NORA) (7 Marks)

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q2 – Personal Income Tax (PIT)

Differentiate employment contract types and explain tax residency rules for individuals.

The Personal Income Tax Act Cap.P8 LFN, 2004 (as amended) defines “employment,” whilst the Labour Act Cap.L1 LFN, 2004 (as amended), defines “contract of employment.”

An individual’s liability to income tax is often determined by their residence status within a state during a particular assessment year. A taxpayer is liable to the tax authority in the territory where they are deemed resident for that assessment year.

a. Differentiate between “contract of employment” and “contract for employment.” (8 Marks)
b. Explain the rules guiding the determination of residence for SIX categories of individuals for tax purposes. (12 Marks)

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TAX – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q1 – Personal Income Tax (PIT)

Compute partnership income and individual partner tax liabilities.

Fadeke, Femi, Kola, and Gbenga have been in partnership as medical practitioners for eight years. The statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2021, is as follows:

  1. Capital allowances agreed with the revenue: N980,000
  2. Profits are to be shared equally among the partners.
  3. Fadeke and Femi are married with three and two children, respectively.
  4. Fadeke has a life assurance policy of N960,000 on which she pays N96,000 annually as a premium.
  5. Fadeke maintains her aged father who is over 68 years.


a. Compute the income of the partnership. (5 Marks)
b. Compute the income tax liability of each of the partners. (25 Marks)
(Total: 30 Marks)

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CSME – May 2023 – L1 – SB – Q7 – Risk Management and Corporate Strategy

Analysis of enterprise and operational risks for Gbam Telecoms in launching 5G services.

Gbam Telecoms Plc, a leading mobile phone and internet communications company, is planning to roll out its 5th Generation (5G) spectrum. As a new product, the 5G spectrum promises customers high-speed internet with immense possibilities in computing, big data management, robotics, and other numerous benefits. While a section of the populace believes that the roll-out is a welcome development, others express reservations about the 5G technology. Within Gbam Telecoms Plc, some employees believe that the erratic nature of the country’s power supply could damage the 5G transponders. Also, the high cost of diesel would increase the company’s operating costs, thus making the product largely unaffordable to prospective consumers. There are also security threats to the company’s facilities due to heightened insecurity in the country. The umbrella trade union for the company’s employees is also agitating for a pay rise and hazard allowance should the company go ahead with the 5G roll-out. Some experts believe that the market for 5G spectrum in the country today is negligible because most telecommunication and internet devices used by consumers in the market are not 5G-compliant. There are also reports that the competitors of Gbam Telecoms Plc are studying how the market will respond to Gbam Telecoms’ 5G spectrum before deciding to enter the market. In addition, a study carried out in Europe concluded that 5G spectrum may be hazardous to the health of people living close to 5G transponders. There is also news about the development of new and better technologies called 6G and 7G, which may make 5G obsolete within a short period of time.


  1. (a) Advise the management of Gbam Telecoms Plc on the enterprise and operational risks that could be associated with the roll-out of 5G spectrum using information contained in the given scenario. (11 Marks)
  2. (b) Suggest to Gbam Telecoms Plc the key elements that should be contained in the company’s Risk Management System. (4 Marks)

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CSME – May 2023 – L1 – SB – Q6 – Ethics in Business

Application of Kohlberg's moral development stages in ethical decisions and critiques of the theory.

Using Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, identify and explain the reasons why individuals make their decisions when faced with moral dilemmas.

(a) Identify and explain the reasons why individuals make their decisions when faced with a moral dilemma using Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. (12 Marks)

(b) Explain the criticisms of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. (3 Marks)

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CSME – May 2023 – L1 – SB – Q5 – Ethics in Business

Differences between creative and critical thinking and their impact on employer benefits.

Creative and critical thinking are essential skills that chartered accountants should possess for optimal performance.

(a) Differentiate between creative and critical thinking. (4 Marks)

(b) Explain the modes through which creative thinking is expressed. (8 Marks)

(c) Explain how the creative thinking of employees benefits their employers. (3 Marks)

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PSAF – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q1 – Public Sector Financial Statements

Prepare statements for government performance and financial position, including adjustments and depreciation calculations.

a. The following information relates to the accounts of Dovet State Government for the year ended December 31, 2022:

Description DR (N’M) CR (N’M)
Land and buildings (cost) 387,500
Long-term investments 187,500
Equipment and furniture 67,500
Accumulated depreciation:
– Land and building 40,000
– Motor vehicles 30,000
– Equipment and furniture 21,250
Motor vehicles (cost) 145,000
Federation account allocation 287,500
VAT allocation 87,500
Grants from Federal Government 33,750
Internally generated fund 97,500
Grant from donor agency 25,000
Personnel emolument 125,000
Maintenance of premises 5,000
Consolidated Revenue Fund charges 32,500
Overhead expenses 25,000
Miscellaneous expenditure/income 37,500 61,250
Loan notes 250,000
Current assets/liabilities 38,750 36,250
Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) 81,250
Total 1,051,250 1,051,250

Additional Information:

  1. Loan interest outstanding at the end of the year was N12.5 billion.
  2. Depreciation on tangible assets is charged at the following rates on cost:
    • Building is 5% (cost of land is N250 billion)
    • Motor vehicles is 20%
    • Equipment and furniture is 15%
  3. A building costing N12.5 billion with accumulated depreciation of N5 billion was sold for N11.25 billion. This transaction has not been adjusted in the accounts.
  4. Interest on receivable amounted to N10 billion.


  1. Prepare the Statement of Financial Performance for the year ended December 31, 2022.
  2. Prepare the Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2022.

b. Financial statements provide information that meets a number of qualitative characteristics in financial reporting.

Discuss FOUR characteristics of financial reporting.

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May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q7 – Pricing Decisions

Calculation of minimum price Kola Plc should quote for 400 units of special security padlock keys using learning curve principles.

Kola Plc produces and sells a brand of security padlock keys. Its budget for next year is as follows:

Further research showed that the time taken for the first 50 units was 1,800 hours and the first 100 units took 3,000 hours. The customer is insistent that Kola Plc at least quotes a price for his requirement of 400 units.

Kola Plc is reluctant because the order would divert labour away from the regular padlock keys, and they cannot recruit more staff. If the contract is taken on, the same material would be used, with fixed production overheads of N150,000 and N30,000 administration costs.


Calculate the minimum price Kola Plc should quote for the 400 units of the special padlock keys.
(Total 15 Marks)

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PM – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q6 – Cost Management Strategies

Evaluate the financial impact of hiring equipment and assess sensitivity to changing demand.

TK is a theme park. The following information is available for the forthcoming month:

Forecast daily ticket sales and prices:

Ticket Price per ticket Forecast Sales
Pre-booked discounted ticket N580 1,500
Standard ticket N780 8,000
Premium family ticket (admits 4) N3,700 675

The theme park will be open for 30 days in the month.


  • Variable costs per person per day are forecast to be N2050.
  • Fixed costs for the month are forecast to be N130,000,000.

Pricing Information:

  • The sales of pre-booked discounted tickets and standard tickets will be restricted to 1,500 and 8,000 per day respectively for the forthcoming month. It is forecast that all of these tickets will be sold.
  • A premium family ticket admits four people to the theme park and allows them to go to the front of the queues in the theme park. The price of a premium family ticket has been set at N3,700 to maximize profit.

Market information shows that for every N100 increase in the selling price of a premium family ticket, the demand would reduce by 25 tickets. For every N100 decrease in the selling price, the demand would increase by 25 tickets.

The theme park has adequate capacity to accommodate any level of demand for premium family tickets. It is assumed that four people would always be admitted on every premium family ticket sold. Sales of the different ticket types are independent of each other.

Equipment Hire:

TK is considering hiring some automated ticket reading equipment for the forthcoming month. The hire of this equipment would increase fixed costs by N5,000,000 for the month. However, variable costs per person would be reduced by 8% during the period of the hire.


a) Calculate the financial benefit of hiring the equipment for the forthcoming month given its impact on variable cost and the price charged for premium family tickets. (11 Marks)

b) It has now been realized that a competing theme park is planning to offer discounted ticket prices during the forthcoming months. It is thought that this will reduce the demand for TK’s standard tickets. TK will not be able to reduce the price of the standard tickets for the forthcoming month.

Discuss the sensitivity of the decision to hire the equipment to a change in the number of standard tickets sold per day. (Note: Your answer should include the calculation of the sensitivity.) (4 Marks)

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PM – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q5 – Risk Assessment and Internal Control

Evaluate which project (A or B) the company should invest in, based on projected cash flows and cost of capital.

A company is considering whether or not to invest in any of the two projects where the initial cash investment would be ₦13,000,000 for Project A and ₦14,000,000 for Project B. The project would have a five-year life, and the estimated annual cash flows are as follows:

Project A

Year Cash inflows (₦) Cash outflows (₦)
1 6,000,000 3,000,000
2 8,000,000 4,000,000
3 10,000,000 4,000,000
4 9,000,000 3,000,000
5 6,000,000 3,000,000
Total 39,000,000 17,000,000

Project B

Year Cash inflows (₦) Cash outflows (₦)
1 10,000,000 5,000,000
2 9,000,000 4,000,000
3 8,000,000 3,000,000
4 8,000,000 3,000,000
5 4,000,000 2,000,000
Total 39,000,000 17,000,000

The company cost of capital is 10%.

The estimates of cash outflows are considered fairly reliable. However, the estimates of cash inflows are much more uncertain. Several factors could make the annual cash flows higher or lower than expected.

  • Factor 1: There is a 20% probability that government measures to control the industry will reduce annual cash inflows by 25%.
  • Factor 2: There is a 30% probability that another competitor will also enter the market; this would reduce the estimated cash inflows by 10%.
  • Factor 3: There is a 40% probability that demand will be stronger than expected. The company would not be able to supply more products to the market, but it would be able to sell at higher prices and cash inflows would be 5% higher than estimated.


a. Calculate the expected net present value of the two projects. (10 Marks)
b. Which of the projects will be more profitable? (5 Marks)

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PM – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q4 – Decision-Making Techniques

Evaluate the costs and desirability of mutually exclusive contracts for Tayo Limited, considering penalties and other relevant factors.

Tayo Limited is a civil engineering company based in Benin. Contracts are carried out under the supervision of project managers who are sent out from Head Office and remain on-site for the duration of the contract. The project manager recruits local labour and arranges for plant and materials to be provided by Head Office.

Some time ago, the company successfully tendered for two contracts that have now become mutually exclusive. It is currently considering which of these to accept. Both jobs would last for 12 months.

The following information about each contract is available:


(i) The materials which would be used on the Abuja job have increased in money value by 60% over their purchase cost. Tayo Limited has no other use for these materials on any other contract apart from the Abuja one, but they could be re-sold to other companies in the industry at 90% of their value. Transportation and other selling costs would further decrease the cash inflow from the sale by 16.67% of the sales price.

(ii) The materials for the Lagos job have no other obvious use, but could be sold for scrap if the contract were cancelled. The scrap value would be 10% of cost, and costs of transport, etc., would be paid by the scrap merchant. It is likely, however, that the materials could be used next year on another contract in substitution for a different material normally costing 20% less than the cost of the materials to be used on the Lagos contract.

(iii) Local labour can be hired as and when required.

(iv) Plant is depreciated on a straight-line basis, and the interest on plant charge is a nominal cost added for accounting purposes.

(v) The two contracts would require similar plant, although more plant would be required for the Lagos than for the Abuja job. The plant not required on the Abuja job would be sub-contracted out by Head Office for ₦200,000 per annum.

(vi) Head Office administration costs are fixed at ₦2,500,000 for the coming year. This excludes project managers’ salaries.


a. Present the data to management in a form which will assist in making the decision as to which job to undertake. Provide notes to explain the principles which have been used in selecting the data and to support any calculations made. (12 Marks)

b. Comment on the appropriateness of the approach used in your analysis. (4 Marks)

c. List briefly any other factors which ought to be considered before finally making the decision in this case. (4 Marks)

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PM – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q3 – Decision Making Techniques

Evaluate the desirability of a contract for Product X by analyzing the labour, material, and overhead costs involved.

Kenny Limited (KL) has been offered a contract that, if accepted, would significantly increase next year’s activity levels. The contract requires the production of 20,000 kg of product X and specifies a contract price of N10,000 per kg. The resources used in the production of each kg of X include the following:

Resources per kg of X:


  • Grade 1: 2 hours
  • Grade 2: 6 hours


  • Material A: 2 units
  • Material B: 1 litre


  • Grade 1 Labour: N400 per hour
  • Grade 2 Labour: N200 per hour
  • Material A: Replacement cost N1,000 per unit, Net Realisable Value N900
  • Material B: Replacement cost N3,200 per litre, Net Realisable Value N2,500
  • Fixed production overheads: N60,000,000 based on 300,000 productive labour hours
  • Incremental overheads for the contract: N22,800,000
  • Variable production overheads: N300 per productive labour hour

The contract could also result in a 5,000-unit decrease in sales of another product, Y, which contributes N7,000 per unit in revenue and incurs variable costs of N1,200 and 4 hours of Grade 2 labour per unit. However, avoiding the production of Y will save attributable fixed overheads of N5,800,000.


a. Advise KL on the desirability of the contract. (8 Marks)
b. Show how the contract, if accepted, will be reported on the routine job costing system used by KL. (6 Marks)
c. Briefly explain the reasons for any differences between the figures used in (a) and (b) above. (6 Marks)

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PM – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q2 – Decision-Making Techniques

Construct payoff tables, determine profitable print numbers, and discuss decision rules for football program sales.

The local football club has asked for your advice on the number of programmes that should be printed for each game. The cost of printing and production of programmes for each game, as quoted by the local printer, is ₦1,000,000 plus ₦400 per copy. Advertising revenue which has been agreed for the season represents ₦800,000 for each game.

Programmes are sold for ₦150 each. A review of sales during the previous seasons indicates that the following pattern is expected to be repeated during the coming season of 50 games:

Number of programmes sold Number of games
10,000 5
20,000 20
30,000 15
40,000 10

Programmes not sold at the game are sold as waste paper to a paper manufacturer at ₦100 per copy.

Assuming that the four quantities listed are the only possibilities, you are required to:

a. Prepare a payoff table. (6 Marks)

b. Determine the number of programmes that would provide the highest profit if a constant number of programmes were to be printed for each game. (4 Marks)

c. Explain why you should buy 30,000 or 40,000 copies, assuming one of these is the most profitable quantity, despite the fact that the most probable sales are 20,000 copies per game. (2 Marks)

d. Calculate the profit which would arise from a perfect forecast of the numbers of programmes which would be sold at each game. (4 Marks)

e. Discuss the major limitations of the expected value criterion in decision making. (4 Marks)

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PM – May 2023 – L2 – SA – Q1 – Working Capital Management

Calculate Vestapricy Ltd's cost of goods sold, analyze the working capital cycle, and apply decision rules for inventory management in Owerri.

Vestapricy and Company Limited is a manufacturing outfit located in Port Harcourt. It produces a tracking device that is attached to motor vehicles. The device is designed to help locate the whereabouts of stolen motor vehicles within the country. The company’s capital (or cash operating cycle) is the length of time between the payment for purchased materials and the receipt of payment from selling the goods made with the materials.

The table below gives information extracted from the annual accounts of Vestapricy and Company Limited for the past three years.

Extracts from Vestapricy and Company Limited annual accounts for 31st December 2020 to December 2022:

2020 2021 2022
Raw materials 108,000 145,800 180,000
Work in progress 75,600 97,200 93,360
Finished goods 86,400 129,600 142,875
Purchases 518,400 702,000 720,000
Sales 864,000 1,080,000 1,188,000
Trade receivables 172,800 259,200 297,000
Trade payables 86,400 105,300 126,000

Other information is as follows:

  1. All purchases and sales are on credit.
  2. Direct wages:
    • 2021: ₦300,000
    • 2022: ₦250,000
  3. Production expenses:
    • 2021: ₦72,600
    • 2022: ₦171,995
  4. The company’s policy is that any data that will be used from the statement of financial position in determining the working capital cycle period will be average based.


i. Compute the cost of goods sold for 2021 and 2022. (3 Marks)
ii. Calculate the length of the working capital cycle (assuming 365 days in the year) for 2021 and 2022. (7 Marks)
iii. List the actions that the management of the company might take to reduce the length of the working capital cycle. (5 Marks)

b. In 2023, the company (Vestapricy) decided to open a new small apple shop in Owerri to be managed by a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper is deciding on the number of boxes of special apples it hopes to buy each day. A box of apples earns a contribution of ₦400 and costs ₦250.

Demand for apples is uncertain and could vary from 30 boxes to 10 boxes. Any apple that is purchased but not sold will be thrown away at the end of the day.

The shopkeeper has decided that he will buy 10 boxes, 20 boxes or 30 boxes each day, and these are the only three options he wants to consider.


i. Construct the Pay-off table for this business in Owerri. (7 Marks)
ii. How many boxes should the storekeeper purchase if the decision is based on:

  • The Maximax decision rule.
  • The Maximum decision rule.
  • The Minimax regret decision rule.
    Give reasons for your decisions. (8 Marks)

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AA – May 2023 – L2 – SC – Q7 – Risk Assessment and Internal Control

Addressing the impact of record loss on business continuity and methods to manage data recovery.

Indorise Limited has been in business for about 20 years. The company has divisional offices in three locations. The accounting records are kept mainly at the head office, with backup in an adjacent building to the office. The office is located close to a petrol station.

An unfortunate incident occurred in a certain year when the petrol station caught fire, engulfing most offices in the area. The company lost most of the properties in the building, including important accounting records. Consequently, the company relocated its office to another street. However, many of the accounting records were not backed up, leading to disputes from the tax office, customers, and suppliers over balances, with some parties even initiating litigation claims.


a. Explain the importance of maintaining adequate backup for accounting records. (5 Marks)

b. Identify measures that Indorise Limited could implement to prevent future data loss. (5 Marks)

c. Discuss the role of internal controls in ensuring business continuity in cases of disaster. (5 Marks)

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AA – May 2023 – L2 – SC – Q6 – Audit Documentation

Types, importance, and determining conditions for audit working paper files.

At one of the seminars you attended on legal and regulatory frameworks of financial reporting, it was stated that one of the duties of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRC) is to provide legal and regulatory frameworks for minimum practice guidelines for auditors in Nigeria. To do this, the FRC ensures that all activities of Registered Auditors, other Assurance Providers, and Audit Committee members are regulated to sustain best ethical practices and promote quality audit services.

It is part of the obligations of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria to conduct practice reviews of registered professionals. You learned that, for effective monitoring, the Audit Regulation mandates external auditors to create an audit file for each statutory audit carried out and to retain the working papers and other materials supporting the audit report conclusions for a minimum of seven years.

A classmate from university, now a banker, attended the seminar with you and has asked for further clarification on what is meant by “working paper” and why regulators are concerned with audit file reviews.


a. Identify the different types of audit working paper files. (5 Marks)

b. Outline the importance of audit working paper files. (5 Marks)

c. Explain briefly the conditions that determine the size of audit working papers. (5 Marks)

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