- 15 Marks
BL – May 2014 – L1 – SB – Q6 – Negotiable Instruments
Discussing characteristics of negotiable instruments and banker duties.
a. “A Negotiable Instrument must express clarity in the instruction on the instrument without any ambiguity”. Explain TWO characteristics of a Negotiable Instrument. (4 Marks)
b. The relationship between the banker and his customer is said to be the relationship between a debtor and a creditor. You are required to state FIVE duties of a banker to its customer. (5 Marks)
c. A testator that has made a Will can only revoke it under certain circumstances. Explain THREE ways by which a Will may be revoked. (6 Marks)
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- Tags: Banking Law, Negotiable Instruments
- Level: Level 1
- Topic: Negotiable Instruments
- Series: MAY 2014
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