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FM – Nov 2016 – L3 -SB – Q3 – Capital Gains Tax

Calculate EVA for Jack Limited and determine its market value added (MVA) based on provided assumptions.

Jack Limited is a family-owned business that has grown strongly in the last 50 years. The key objective of the company is to maximise the family’s wealth through their shareholdings. Recently, the directors introduced value-based management, using Economic Value Added (EVA) as the index for measuring performance.

You are provided with the following financial information:

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended December 31, 2015:

₦’million 2015
Operating profit 340.0
Finance charges (115.0)
Profit before tax 225.0
Tax at 25% (56.3)
Profit after tax 168.7


Notes 2015 (₦’m) 2014 (₦’m)
(i) Capital employed – from the Statement of Financial Position 6,285 6,185
(ii) Operating costs:
Depreciation 295 285
Provision for doubtful debts 10 2.5
Research and development 60
Other non-cash expenses 35 30
Marketing expenses 50 45
(iii) Economic depreciation is assessed to be ₦415 in 2015. Economic depreciation includes any appropriate amortisation adjustments. In previous years, it can be assumed that economic and accounting depreciation were the same.
(iv) Tax is the cash paid in the current year (₦45million) and an adjustment of ₦2.5million for deferred tax provisions. There was no deferred tax balance prior to 2015.
(v) The provision for doubtful debts was ₦22.5million on the 2015 Statement of Financial Position.
(vi) Research and development cost is not capitalised in the accounts. It relates to a new project that will be developed over five years and is expected to be of long-term benefit to the company. The first year of this project is 2015.
(vii) The company has been spending heavily on marketing each year to build its brand long term.
(viii) Estimated cost of capital of the company:
Equity 16%
Debt (pre-tax) 5%
(ix) Gearing (Debt/Equity) Ratio 1.5: 1

a. Calculate, showing all relevant workings, the Economic Value Added (EVA) for the year ended December 31, 2015. Make use of the adjusted opening capital employed. Comment on your result and make appropriate recommendations. (15 Marks)

b. Irrespective of your answer in (a) above, assume the company’s current EVA is ₦120million and that this will decline annually by 2% for the next ten years and then increase by 4% per annum in perpetuity. Assume the following for this part only:

  • Cost of equity 14%
  • WACC 10%

Calculate the market value added (MVA) by the company. Show all workings. (5 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q3 – Strategic Performance Measurement

Calculation of EVA for Jack Limited using adjusted financial data and WACC to assess value creation.

Jack Limited is a family-owned business which has grown strongly in the last 50 years. The key objective of the company is to maximize the family’s wealth through their shareholdings. Recently, the directors introduced value-based management, using Economic Value Added (EVA) as the index for measuring performance.

You are provided with the following financial information:

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the Year Ended December 31, 2015

Item Amount (₦’million)
Operating profit 340.0
Finance charges (115.0)
Profit before tax 225.0
Tax at 25% (56.3)
Profit after tax 168.7


Description 2015 (₦’m) 2014 (₦’m)
(i) Capital employed – from the Statement of Financial Position 6,285 6,185
(ii) Operating costs: Depreciation 295 285
Provision for doubtful debts 10 2.5
Research and development 60
Other non-cash expenses 35 30
Marketing expenses 50 45
  1. Economic depreciation is assessed to be ₦415 in 2015. Economic depreciation includes any appropriate amortization adjustments. In previous years, it can be assumed that economic and accounting depreciation were the same.
  2. Tax: The cash paid in the current year is ₦45 million, with an adjustment of ₦2.5 million for deferred tax provisions. There was no deferred tax balance prior to 2015.
  3. The provision for doubtful debts was ₦22.5 million on the 2015 Statement of Financial Position.
  4. Research and development cost is not capitalized in the accounts. It relates to a new project that will be developed over five years and is expected to be of long-term benefit to the company. The first year of this project is 2015.
  5. The company has been spending heavily on marketing each year to build its brand long-term.
  6. Estimated cost of capital for the company:
    • Equity: 16%
    • Debt (pre-tax): 5%
  7. Gearing (Debt/Equity) Ratio: 1.5:1

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FM – Nov 2016 – L3 -SB – Q3 – Capital Gains Tax

Calculate EVA for Jack Limited and determine its market value added (MVA) based on provided assumptions.

Jack Limited is a family-owned business that has grown strongly in the last 50 years. The key objective of the company is to maximise the family’s wealth through their shareholdings. Recently, the directors introduced value-based management, using Economic Value Added (EVA) as the index for measuring performance.

You are provided with the following financial information:

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended December 31, 2015:

₦’million 2015
Operating profit 340.0
Finance charges (115.0)
Profit before tax 225.0
Tax at 25% (56.3)
Profit after tax 168.7


Notes 2015 (₦’m) 2014 (₦’m)
(i) Capital employed – from the Statement of Financial Position 6,285 6,185
(ii) Operating costs:
Depreciation 295 285
Provision for doubtful debts 10 2.5
Research and development 60
Other non-cash expenses 35 30
Marketing expenses 50 45
(iii) Economic depreciation is assessed to be ₦415 in 2015. Economic depreciation includes any appropriate amortisation adjustments. In previous years, it can be assumed that economic and accounting depreciation were the same.
(iv) Tax is the cash paid in the current year (₦45million) and an adjustment of ₦2.5million for deferred tax provisions. There was no deferred tax balance prior to 2015.
(v) The provision for doubtful debts was ₦22.5million on the 2015 Statement of Financial Position.
(vi) Research and development cost is not capitalised in the accounts. It relates to a new project that will be developed over five years and is expected to be of long-term benefit to the company. The first year of this project is 2015.
(vii) The company has been spending heavily on marketing each year to build its brand long term.
(viii) Estimated cost of capital of the company:
Equity 16%
Debt (pre-tax) 5%
(ix) Gearing (Debt/Equity) Ratio 1.5: 1

a. Calculate, showing all relevant workings, the Economic Value Added (EVA) for the year ended December 31, 2015. Make use of the adjusted opening capital employed. Comment on your result and make appropriate recommendations. (15 Marks)

b. Irrespective of your answer in (a) above, assume the company’s current EVA is ₦120million and that this will decline annually by 2% for the next ten years and then increase by 4% per annum in perpetuity. Assume the following for this part only:

  • Cost of equity 14%
  • WACC 10%

Calculate the market value added (MVA) by the company. Show all workings. (5 Marks)

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FM – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q3 – Strategic Performance Measurement

Calculation of EVA for Jack Limited using adjusted financial data and WACC to assess value creation.

Jack Limited is a family-owned business which has grown strongly in the last 50 years. The key objective of the company is to maximize the family’s wealth through their shareholdings. Recently, the directors introduced value-based management, using Economic Value Added (EVA) as the index for measuring performance.

You are provided with the following financial information:

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the Year Ended December 31, 2015

Item Amount (₦’million)
Operating profit 340.0
Finance charges (115.0)
Profit before tax 225.0
Tax at 25% (56.3)
Profit after tax 168.7


Description 2015 (₦’m) 2014 (₦’m)
(i) Capital employed – from the Statement of Financial Position 6,285 6,185
(ii) Operating costs: Depreciation 295 285
Provision for doubtful debts 10 2.5
Research and development 60
Other non-cash expenses 35 30
Marketing expenses 50 45
  1. Economic depreciation is assessed to be ₦415 in 2015. Economic depreciation includes any appropriate amortization adjustments. In previous years, it can be assumed that economic and accounting depreciation were the same.
  2. Tax: The cash paid in the current year is ₦45 million, with an adjustment of ₦2.5 million for deferred tax provisions. There was no deferred tax balance prior to 2015.
  3. The provision for doubtful debts was ₦22.5 million on the 2015 Statement of Financial Position.
  4. Research and development cost is not capitalized in the accounts. It relates to a new project that will be developed over five years and is expected to be of long-term benefit to the company. The first year of this project is 2015.
  5. The company has been spending heavily on marketing each year to build its brand long-term.
  6. Estimated cost of capital for the company:
    • Equity: 16%
    • Debt (pre-tax): 5%
  7. Gearing (Debt/Equity) Ratio: 1.5:1

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