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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for a group with a foreign subsidiary and inter-company transactions as at September 30, 2017.

Oyin Plc. a Nigerian company acquired 960 million equity share capital of Kemy Plc., a foreign subsidiary based in Brazil, on 1 October, 2015 for 1.08 billion Brazilian real (BRL). The functional and presentation currency of Kemy Plc. is the BRL. Since acquisition, Kemy Plc., has operated autonomously of Oyin group.

The statements of financial position of Oyin Plc. and Kemy Plc. as at 30 September, 2017 are as follows:

Additional Information:

  1. It is the policy of Oyin Plc. group to recognize non-controlling interest at acquisition at the proportionate share of the net assets. The retained earnings of Kemy Plc., at the date of acquisition were 390 million BRL.
  2. Kemy Plc. sells goods to Oyin Plc. at cost plus a mark-up of 33 1/3%. At 30 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. held N15 million of the goods. The goods were purchased at an exchange rate of N1 to 5 BRL. On 28 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. sent Kemy Plc., a payment for N15 million to clear the intra-group payables. Kemy received and recorded the cash on 2 October, 2017.
  3. On 1 October, 2016, Kemy Plc. purchased a leasehold building for 375 million BRL, taking out a loan note payable after five years to finance the purchase. The estimated useful life of the building on 1 October, 2016 was 25 years with no estimated residual value. The building is to be depreciated on a straight-line basis. The building was professionally revalued at 450 million BRL on 30 September, 2017 and the directors have included the revalued amount in the statement of financial position.Both companies adopt a policy of revaluation for their properties. There was no difference between the carrying amount and fair value of the property of Oyin Plc. at 30 September, 2017.
  4. Exchange Rates:
Date BRL to N1
1 October, 2015 6.0
30 September, 2015 5.5
30 September, 2017 5.0
Average for the year to 30 September, 2016 5.2

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Oyin group at 30 September, 2017.

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FR – April 2022 – L2 – Q1 – Group Financial Statements and Consolidation

Prepare consolidated statement of financial position for Stalky Ltd and its subsidiary Fanny Ltd as of 31 December 2020, including necessary adjustments.

The following financial statements relate to Stalky Ltd and Fanny Ltd:

Additional information:
1. Stalky Ltd acquired 30 million ordinary shares of Fanny Ltd on 1 January 2019 when the book value of Fanny Ltd’s share capital (including preference share capital) plus reserves stood at GH¢58 million. The recorded investment includes GH¢1.5 million due diligence costs incurred by Stalky Ltd to facilitate its acquisition of Fanny Ltd. Stalky Ltd has no interest in Fanny Ltd’s issued preference shares.

2. Fair value exercise conducted at the time of Fanny Ltd’s acquisition revealed the following:

  • A piece of equipment with a carrying amount of GH¢10 million had an assessed fair value of GH¢16 million. Estimated remaining useful life: six years.
  • An in-process research and development project valued at GH¢5 million was identified. It started generating economic benefits a year ago and is expected to continue for four more years.
  • Deferred tax provision of GH¢1 million was required. By 31 December 2019, the provision required had reduced to GH¢0.9 million, and by 31 December 2020 had decreased further to GH¢0.7 million.

3. During the year, Stalky Ltd sold goods worth GH¢25 million to Fanny Ltd with a mark-up of one-third. At 31 December 2020, Fanny Ltd’s inventories included GH¢4.8 million of these goods. At 31 December 2019, Fanny Ltd’s inventories included GH¢3 million worth of goods purchased from Stalky Ltd at the same mark-up. Ignore deferred tax implications on these items.

4. The trade receivables of Stalky Ltd included GH¢8 million receivable from Fanny Ltd. This balance did not agree with the equivalent trade payable in Fanny Ltd’s books due to payment of GH¢2 million made on 30 December 2020 by Fanny Ltd to Stalky Ltd.

5. The group’s policy is to measure the non-controlling interests in subsidiaries at fair value. The fair value per ordinary share in Fanny Ltd at acquisition was GH¢1.50. Goodwill was impaired by 10% for the year ended 31 December 2019. A further impairment of 10% of the remaining goodwill is required in the current period. All impairment losses are charged to operating expenses.

Prepare the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2020 for Stalky Ltd Group.

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CR – May 2019 – L3 – Q1 – Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10)

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for a group with a foreign subsidiary and inter-company transactions as at September 30, 2017.

Oyin Plc. a Nigerian company acquired 960 million equity share capital of Kemy Plc., a foreign subsidiary based in Brazil, on 1 October, 2015 for 1.08 billion Brazilian real (BRL). The functional and presentation currency of Kemy Plc. is the BRL. Since acquisition, Kemy Plc., has operated autonomously of Oyin group.

The statements of financial position of Oyin Plc. and Kemy Plc. as at 30 September, 2017 are as follows:

Additional Information:

  1. It is the policy of Oyin Plc. group to recognize non-controlling interest at acquisition at the proportionate share of the net assets. The retained earnings of Kemy Plc., at the date of acquisition were 390 million BRL.
  2. Kemy Plc. sells goods to Oyin Plc. at cost plus a mark-up of 33 1/3%. At 30 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. held N15 million of the goods. The goods were purchased at an exchange rate of N1 to 5 BRL. On 28 September, 2017, Oyin Plc. sent Kemy Plc., a payment for N15 million to clear the intra-group payables. Kemy received and recorded the cash on 2 October, 2017.
  3. On 1 October, 2016, Kemy Plc. purchased a leasehold building for 375 million BRL, taking out a loan note payable after five years to finance the purchase. The estimated useful life of the building on 1 October, 2016 was 25 years with no estimated residual value. The building is to be depreciated on a straight-line basis. The building was professionally revalued at 450 million BRL on 30 September, 2017 and the directors have included the revalued amount in the statement of financial position.Both companies adopt a policy of revaluation for their properties. There was no difference between the carrying amount and fair value of the property of Oyin Plc. at 30 September, 2017.
  4. Exchange Rates:
Date BRL to N1
1 October, 2015 6.0
30 September, 2015 5.5
30 September, 2017 5.0
Average for the year to 30 September, 2016 5.2

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Oyin group at 30 September, 2017.

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FR – April 2022 – L2 – Q1 – Group Financial Statements and Consolidation

Prepare consolidated statement of financial position for Stalky Ltd and its subsidiary Fanny Ltd as of 31 December 2020, including necessary adjustments.

The following financial statements relate to Stalky Ltd and Fanny Ltd:

Additional information:
1. Stalky Ltd acquired 30 million ordinary shares of Fanny Ltd on 1 January 2019 when the book value of Fanny Ltd’s share capital (including preference share capital) plus reserves stood at GH¢58 million. The recorded investment includes GH¢1.5 million due diligence costs incurred by Stalky Ltd to facilitate its acquisition of Fanny Ltd. Stalky Ltd has no interest in Fanny Ltd’s issued preference shares.

2. Fair value exercise conducted at the time of Fanny Ltd’s acquisition revealed the following:

  • A piece of equipment with a carrying amount of GH¢10 million had an assessed fair value of GH¢16 million. Estimated remaining useful life: six years.
  • An in-process research and development project valued at GH¢5 million was identified. It started generating economic benefits a year ago and is expected to continue for four more years.
  • Deferred tax provision of GH¢1 million was required. By 31 December 2019, the provision required had reduced to GH¢0.9 million, and by 31 December 2020 had decreased further to GH¢0.7 million.

3. During the year, Stalky Ltd sold goods worth GH¢25 million to Fanny Ltd with a mark-up of one-third. At 31 December 2020, Fanny Ltd’s inventories included GH¢4.8 million of these goods. At 31 December 2019, Fanny Ltd’s inventories included GH¢3 million worth of goods purchased from Stalky Ltd at the same mark-up. Ignore deferred tax implications on these items.

4. The trade receivables of Stalky Ltd included GH¢8 million receivable from Fanny Ltd. This balance did not agree with the equivalent trade payable in Fanny Ltd’s books due to payment of GH¢2 million made on 30 December 2020 by Fanny Ltd to Stalky Ltd.

5. The group’s policy is to measure the non-controlling interests in subsidiaries at fair value. The fair value per ordinary share in Fanny Ltd at acquisition was GH¢1.50. Goodwill was impaired by 10% for the year ended 31 December 2019. A further impairment of 10% of the remaining goodwill is required in the current period. All impairment losses are charged to operating expenses.

Prepare the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2020 for Stalky Ltd Group.

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