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ATAX – May 2017 – L3 – Q4b – International Taxation

Explain the term “Tax Havens”, factors for considering them, and list five countries that are tax havens.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “the only things that are certain are death and taxes”. However, in some countries, taxes are not necessarily certain.

i. Explain briefly the term “Tax Havens”. (4 Marks)
ii. State THREE factors in considering whether a jurisdiction is a Tax Haven. (3 Marks)
iii. State FIVE countries that are Tax Havens. (5 Marks)

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ATAX – May 2021 – L3 – Q4 – Taxation of Non-Resident Companies and Individuals

Circumstances under which non-resident companies are taxed in Nigeria and computation of Gen Power Incorporated's tax liabilities.

“The concept of residence determines the extent to which the income of a taxpayer is liable to tax under a tax jurisdiction.”

Gen Power Incorporated, an international power plant company based in New York, USA, has subsidiary outlets in many parts of the world, including Kem Limited in Lagos, Nigeria. In 2018, Gen Power Incorporated was awarded a contract for US $3 million by the Nigerian government to construct a power plant. The project was executed by Kem Limited, and the following expenses were incurred:

Expense Description Amount (₦’000)
Materials and other direct inputs 320,800
Hire of special equipment 31,500
Foreign experts cost and emoluments 65,300
Personnel costs 110,400
Administrative expenses 52,000
Depreciation of assets 60,700
Repairs and maintenance 7,200
Fuel and oil 8,200
Miscellaneous expenses 27,100

Other Relevant Information:

  1. The exchange rate is ₦362 to US $1.
  2. A similar special equipment could be hired for ₦25 million.
  3. Administrative expenses include ₦12 million transferred to revenue reserve.
  4. Breakdown of repairs and maintenance:
Repairs and Maintenance Breakdown Amount (₦’000)
Maintenance of vehicles 2,000
Improvement to the office building 1,700
Repairs of equipment 2,100
Renewals of tools and implements 1,400
Total 7,200
  1. Miscellaneous expenses include ₦4 million as loss on exchange for imported materials.
  2. Capital allowances agreed with the tax authorities: ₦57 million.


a. Describe FIVE circumstances under which a non-resident company will be assessable to tax in Nigeria. (5 Marks)

b. Compute the tax liabilities of Gen Power Incorporated for the relevant year of assessment. (15 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q7 – Tax Planning and Management

Summarizes key points on tax planning, tax evasion, double taxation agreements, and non-tax factors for investment.

As the Chairman of a Tax Summit in Ikeja, Lagos State, the discussion topics were:

  1. Tax Planning, an Effective Method of Tax Avoidance
  2. Tax Evasion in a Growing Economy
  3. Double Taxation – The Provisions and the Impact
  4. Jurisdiction for Investment – Non-Tax Factors

You are required to:

a) Explain briefly Tax Planning and Anti-Avoidance Legislations put in place by the Government. (3 Marks)
b) Summarize situations that may involve Tax Evasion. (4 Marks)
c) Explain Double Taxation Agreement – Provisions and the Main Objectives. (4 Marks)
d) Summarize Non-tax factors that attract investors in choosing a business jurisdiction. (4 Marks)

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TAX – May 2022 – L2 – SA – Q3 – Tax Administration and Enforcement

Identify the taxes and levies collectible by the Federal, State, and Local Governments in Nigeria, in light of a recent court ruling.

The Federal Government of Nigeria expanded the taxes and levies which the tiers of government can impose through the Schedule to the Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act (Amendment) Order, 2015. In this Order made by the Minister of Finance, several new tax/levy heads, such as infrastructure maintenance/development levy, wharf landing charge/fee, consumption tax, the National Information Technology Development levy, etc., were introduced.

However, on May 8, 2020, the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos, delivered judgment in suit number FHC/L/CS/1082/2019, between The Registered Trustees of Hotel Owners and Managers Association of Lagos (suing for itself and on behalf of all its members) vs The Attorney-General of the Federation and others. The court held that the Ministerial Order of 2015 is unconstitutional, null, and void.

The court submitted that the Constitution vests the legislature with the power to make laws. The court further stated that schedules to a law are part and parcel of the law and, as such, only the legislature can amend schedules to a law. The implication of this ruling is that all the taxes and levies that were added to those in the Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act Cap. T2 LFN 2004, via the Ministerial Order 2015, are illegal and cannot be enforced.

Since the judgment, your firm has been faced with a series of inquiries from taxpayers on the taxes/levies they are now expected to pay.

a. State five (5) taxes collectible by the Federal Government.
b. State five (5) taxes/levies collectible by the State Governments.
c. State ten (10) taxes/levies collectible by the Local Governments.

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ATAX – May 2017 – L3 – Q4b – International Taxation

Explain the term “Tax Havens”, factors for considering them, and list five countries that are tax havens.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “the only things that are certain are death and taxes”. However, in some countries, taxes are not necessarily certain.

i. Explain briefly the term “Tax Havens”. (4 Marks)
ii. State THREE factors in considering whether a jurisdiction is a Tax Haven. (3 Marks)
iii. State FIVE countries that are Tax Havens. (5 Marks)

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ATAX – May 2021 – L3 – Q4 – Taxation of Non-Resident Companies and Individuals

Circumstances under which non-resident companies are taxed in Nigeria and computation of Gen Power Incorporated's tax liabilities.

“The concept of residence determines the extent to which the income of a taxpayer is liable to tax under a tax jurisdiction.”

Gen Power Incorporated, an international power plant company based in New York, USA, has subsidiary outlets in many parts of the world, including Kem Limited in Lagos, Nigeria. In 2018, Gen Power Incorporated was awarded a contract for US $3 million by the Nigerian government to construct a power plant. The project was executed by Kem Limited, and the following expenses were incurred:

Expense Description Amount (₦’000)
Materials and other direct inputs 320,800
Hire of special equipment 31,500
Foreign experts cost and emoluments 65,300
Personnel costs 110,400
Administrative expenses 52,000
Depreciation of assets 60,700
Repairs and maintenance 7,200
Fuel and oil 8,200
Miscellaneous expenses 27,100

Other Relevant Information:

  1. The exchange rate is ₦362 to US $1.
  2. A similar special equipment could be hired for ₦25 million.
  3. Administrative expenses include ₦12 million transferred to revenue reserve.
  4. Breakdown of repairs and maintenance:
Repairs and Maintenance Breakdown Amount (₦’000)
Maintenance of vehicles 2,000
Improvement to the office building 1,700
Repairs of equipment 2,100
Renewals of tools and implements 1,400
Total 7,200
  1. Miscellaneous expenses include ₦4 million as loss on exchange for imported materials.
  2. Capital allowances agreed with the tax authorities: ₦57 million.


a. Describe FIVE circumstances under which a non-resident company will be assessable to tax in Nigeria. (5 Marks)

b. Compute the tax liabilities of Gen Power Incorporated for the relevant year of assessment. (15 Marks)

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ATAX – Nov 2016 – L3 – Q7 – Tax Planning and Management

Summarizes key points on tax planning, tax evasion, double taxation agreements, and non-tax factors for investment.

As the Chairman of a Tax Summit in Ikeja, Lagos State, the discussion topics were:

  1. Tax Planning, an Effective Method of Tax Avoidance
  2. Tax Evasion in a Growing Economy
  3. Double Taxation – The Provisions and the Impact
  4. Jurisdiction for Investment – Non-Tax Factors

You are required to:

a) Explain briefly Tax Planning and Anti-Avoidance Legislations put in place by the Government. (3 Marks)
b) Summarize situations that may involve Tax Evasion. (4 Marks)
c) Explain Double Taxation Agreement – Provisions and the Main Objectives. (4 Marks)
d) Summarize Non-tax factors that attract investors in choosing a business jurisdiction. (4 Marks)

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TAX – May 2022 – L2 – SA – Q3 – Tax Administration and Enforcement

Identify the taxes and levies collectible by the Federal, State, and Local Governments in Nigeria, in light of a recent court ruling.

The Federal Government of Nigeria expanded the taxes and levies which the tiers of government can impose through the Schedule to the Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act (Amendment) Order, 2015. In this Order made by the Minister of Finance, several new tax/levy heads, such as infrastructure maintenance/development levy, wharf landing charge/fee, consumption tax, the National Information Technology Development levy, etc., were introduced.

However, on May 8, 2020, the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos, delivered judgment in suit number FHC/L/CS/1082/2019, between The Registered Trustees of Hotel Owners and Managers Association of Lagos (suing for itself and on behalf of all its members) vs The Attorney-General of the Federation and others. The court held that the Ministerial Order of 2015 is unconstitutional, null, and void.

The court submitted that the Constitution vests the legislature with the power to make laws. The court further stated that schedules to a law are part and parcel of the law and, as such, only the legislature can amend schedules to a law. The implication of this ruling is that all the taxes and levies that were added to those in the Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act Cap. T2 LFN 2004, via the Ministerial Order 2015, are illegal and cannot be enforced.

Since the judgment, your firm has been faced with a series of inquiries from taxpayers on the taxes/levies they are now expected to pay.

a. State five (5) taxes collectible by the Federal Government.
b. State five (5) taxes/levies collectible by the State Governments.
c. State ten (10) taxes/levies collectible by the Local Governments.

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